Posted on July 6, 2012 in Gemini
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
You continue evolving, Gemini, from the inside out. Your concept of your life direction might be taking a sudden left turn and is in any case a study in the potential for rapidity of twists and turns to your forward momentum. When your ruler Mercury Retrogrades mid-month you become more introspective about all these issues and more, so that it becomes an excellent opportunity for reflection, or for journaling about them. There are roles that you are leaving behind, and new ones coming into view, and certain parts to your normal waking personality that are becoming irretrievably lost. Yet, through it all, you find that in some sense you possess a magic box of changes in your closet such that the more you take away the more remains.
As the month begins, you are in what is basically a fortunate position, although it comes with some drawbacks as well. A spiritual process looms large in the cosmic factors that surround you now, in the midst of a powerful month of change. You are getting a better and better inkling – through what is likely to develop into a thoughtful and even an introspective monthly cycle – that you are face to face with fundamental change in the largest measure, representing a high water mark of your own personal evolution. The presence of Uranus in your sector of wishes, hopes and future goals has provided you with plenty of food for thought regarding who you are and where you are ultimately heading. Inspiration in this area come fitfully and then fades, or else surprises you with sudden realizations. You are blessed and cursed as well with the powerful presence of Neptune in your career sector, representing a spiritualizing influence that can also be confusing. There could be confusion or illusion to pierce through in order to fully recognize how much in your life is changing right now, but certainly there is radical change taking place within your psyche. This may tend to frighten you, or perhaps seem exhilarating also, but the fear comes from what you might lose in the working through of this enormous growth. Although seemingly scary, it need not be, for the very flow of life itself is transformation; as the poet says, something is gained, and something lost, in living every day. This is true as long as you meet your process head on, and with eyes wide open.
By the time of the Capricorn Full Moon of Tuesday, July 3rd, you are feeling the energy of all these cosmic forces at your veritable doorstep. You don't know whether to blast off, full speed ahead, or to wait it out and see whether the next wave brings you any closer to shore. You can perhaps survive best at this time by providing your own sense of security, in your own way, rather than relying on others. You are changing in how you see yourself and that has its impact on how you relate, also. The Last Quarter Moon a week later, taking place on Tuesday, July 10th, you are passing through some rather rigorous gating factors that eventually will lead you into a better self-concept and greater sense of internal wholeness. You are taking a stand for yourself now, and for a future that you can really live with. The weekend following features the retrograde of your ruler Mercury, beginning Saturday, July 14th, a time when you might feel the shift in your communicative energy, turning to the more internal side. This is a time period that is very good for mulling over your situation, and for journaling, blogging or diary writing. The Mercury Retrograde period lasts for five weeks when you take the period of the retrograde shadow into account. Mercury stations to direct motion once again on August 7th but does not escape its retrograde shadow until the 21st. With the New Moon of Wednesday, July 18th, there is fresh energy for finding a better fit for yourself, between ideal and realization of that ideal, or between your planned activities and the actual intentionality corresponding to your Higher Self. With Mercury still retrograde, it is however considered better to watch and to wait than to make any radical departure from the exiting road map. The First Quarter Moon of the final week of the month, taking place on Thursday, July 26th in your sector of health, workplace and stated intention, might throw a few additional curve balls your way, perhaps in working out what you are intending bringing up once again the conflict between ideal and actuality. You could also be engaged in shucking off the effects of old and largely dysfunctional patterns of behavior. You emerge into August and the continuation of the retrograde cycle with an intense mandate for metamorphosis that remains ongoing.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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