A Late Capricorn Moon of Severe Transformational Impact

A Late Capricorn Moon of Severe Transformational Impact

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Sunday morning’s Full Moon in the final degree of Capricorn comes along at nearly 4 am PT, later morning for points east. This will of course, as many astrologers are saying, be the second Capricorn Full Moon in this same sign, similar to what is officially called a “blue” Moon when it happens within the same calendar month. The really amazing thing about this Full Moon though has to do with the transformational effects of Pluto, KBO planet and Lord of Death and Rebirth. Being at 0° of Aquarius in this summer timing, Pluto is closely conjuncted by this Full Moon, greatly increasing his potency and the evolutionary pressure for significant change. In this regard, it is interesting to note that the position of Pluto in the U.S. national chart, for July 4th, 1776, is at 27° Capricorn, so that we are still in the Pluto return period of the United States in terms of the tropical zodiac. This Full Moon serves as well as a trigger of that transformational viewpoint for the country as a whole. Additionally, and significantly, the Sun in this Full Moon at 29° of Cancer exactly trines the position of Neptune, at 29° of Pisces, with the Uranus/Mars midpoint of 28° Taurus right in the middle, sextile to both ends. Mars is currently four degrees past the position in Taurus of Uranus. Interestingly, one week ago, in the First Quarter Moon of the 13th, Mars was conjunct Uranus within one degree and forming – and they say to beware of accidents or of sudden surprising events of violence. The same would be true in this Full Moon with the highlighted midpoint, although with Neptune involved there is also a more mystical symbolism for new spiritual revelations or initiatives.

Another thing that makes this upcoming Full Moon really special is that there is a huge T-square to the new Nature KBO planet Haumea, which seems to have a lot to do with telling the truth. I have been researching the newly declared 21st century KBO planets, which includes, now, Pluto, and as well Eris, which many astrologers are beginning to work with. Haumea and Makemake complete this list and are only now coming into greater usage, and, indeed, my research has shown them to be quite important in chart work. Haumea is currently located at 0° Scorpio with Pluto at 0° of Aquarius, in square, and with the Full Moon conjunct this point. The Sun in the Full Moon configuration is opposed to Pluto and square to Haumea, so that the Pluto- Haumea square is greatly emphasized. What might be of consequence here is thinking twice before making false statements, understanding the risks involved to your integrity and to the eventual result that you seek, with the same concept applying to our institutions.

Mercury is also in partile or same-degree square with Uranus in this Full Moon, just as Mercury is preparing to retrograde next month – right on the August 4th New Moon. This gives a kind of “anything goes” mentality a far as new ideas and revelations, and can also imply sudden swerves in the curve of especially our mental or our informational pursuits.

Eris, too, is in aspect to Mercury in this Full Moon configuration, a trine, lending far greater emphasis to the above idea and suggesting that as we pursue our mental twists and turns, we might remember that we could be innovating in a way that is part of our eventual soul path.

Speaking of new KBO planets, the other Nature planet in this mix, Makemake, represent similar concerns about the issues with the environment and with being true to an internal moral code that we all have within us at one level of awareness or another. Jupiter is exactly parallel to Makemake in this Full Moon configuration, so that there is even greater pressure upon individuals – and upon the collective – to pay attention to climate and social issues, and to do the right thing.

All in all, this is an extremely powerful Full Moon, so that the next two weeks, leading up to the Leo New Moon of August 4th, might well be an extremely important period of time. As we go through the further transformational changes that this Full Moon may symbolize, it is important that we remember to keep our heads on straight, and, no matter what, not to fall into despair. The universe has your back, and you must however make your own contribution to that by having faith in your process and striving, as best you can, to do what you can honestly feel, within your heart, is right. Then, at least you will know that you have done your best, and this can be enough.

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