A New Moon of Depth, Revelation, and Redemption

A New Moon of Depth, Revelation, and Redemption

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The New Moon in Pisces of late Sunday evening on February 19th, for the west coast, early morning on the 20th for points east, including Europe, is a rather strong lunation, with aspectual connections to Trickster Uranus, bringing surprise events and intuitional realizations. This New Moon makes close aspects as well to Venus, Pluto, and the new ‘Nature’ planets Haumea and Makemake. These latter two astrological energies go to depth within the psyche, so that there is reason to believe that the week and indeed the thirty days that follow this event will be an opportunity to tune in far more deeply to intuitive information arising from unconscious levels that are actually more significant in steering our pathway forward than are commonly given credit for. There is also an extremely close sextile aspect between Mercury and Chiron, the Wounded Healer, reinforced by Mars in Gemini, and this indicates that greater awareness of our own inner wounding is also on the menu for these current times, and for the month-long span that follows, leading up to the Aries Solstice and subsequent Aries New Moon taking place on March 21st.

Uranus is very prominent in this New Moon configuration, being closely aspected by Mars, Venus, Neptune, and Makemake, as well as being contacted by the Sun and Moon, a 2-degree quintile aspect. His Trickster archetype speaks of surprises, and also of surprise revelations that come to us unbidden, perhaps based on something new either within or outside of our mind. Uranus has also been in the astrological headlines recently, from being triggered by the recent February 5th Full Moon, to being also right on the eclipse degree of the November 8th, 2022, lunar eclipse that accompanied the hotly contested 2022 midterm elections, when the Democrats kept the legislative power base relatively aligned with this country’s more progressive forces.

With Venus being in semi-sextile aspect to the Sun and Moon, plus on the verge of breaking away from the softer flow of the Pisces Water sign into fiery Aries, this ingress taking place less than an hour after the precise moment of the New Moon, our relationships are emphasized in this configuration, along with ideas of art, beauty, and aesthetics. There is revolution in the air for all of our partnership dynamics, because Venus is quite closely aspected by Pluto as well as Uranus. We might be able to see our way clear to changes that we have long intended to make manifest, and these forms of relationship transformation could become jump-started by new understandings of the way that we operate at deep levels within our psyche.

Because Haumea, and Makemake as well, are both extremely closely aspected in this New Moon configuration, the indications are that we can make significant progress with relationship issues now by meditating upon, and ultimately affirming, our deep connection to what we hold within ourselves. This is in terms of right action and right relationship, internal moral compass, and a species of natural law that springs from soul-level. This is a powerful time and an opportunity to get in better touch with our own greatest authenticity.

In this connection also, because of a highlighted presence of Chiron in this New Moon configuration, inner wounding might also come up, to either sidetrack you from your most sincere purpose, or alternatively to allow greater inward connection and healing that supports the more inclusive sense of your ongoing arc of development. If you do have an elevated sense of these types of upsets, likely stemming from ancient wounding that has been buried away as too painful or shameful to be processed at an early age, you can profit enormously from loving attention paid to internal hurt places deep inside. You are bringing the accumulated wisdom of your better integrated self to these buried complexes, so called, within you, and this can lead to extremely beneficial results as you accept these flaws as real and active parts of you. The famous Leonard Cohen line is applicable here, to recognize that “There is a crack, a crack, in everything/ That’s how the light gets in.”

The Sun in Watery Pisces for the next nearly thirty days, implying deep emotions coming to greater awareness, and with this potent New Moon configuration – right at the very beginning of the sign – as well as stirring us up, grants us a terrific opportunity to get to know ourselves from the inside out. When we attempt to better understand ourselves, and our partners, at foundational layers within us, we can, ultimately, become more whole.

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