Posted on May 13, 2022 in Configurations
By Leslie Benson for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Full Moon will occur on May 15th at 9:14 PM Pacific Time. Taking place at 25º of the sign, it brings along with it powerful forces for lasting change. This Eclipse follows the recent Taurus Solar Eclipse of April 30th, and will further illuminate the themes and events of that important timing. Lunar Eclipses in general bring intensely potent energies of change, release, and culmination. These kinds of themes are amplified by the Moon in Scorpio, the sign associated with transformation, depth of experiencing and knowing, therefore revealing to us what lies far beneath the surface of our normal awareness. Mercury is also retrograde, which weaves in motifs of slow pacing, inner reflection, as well as the famous symptoms of mechanical breakdown or potential communication mishaps. Let’s take a closer look at the details of this potent Scorpio eclipse.
In this case we have the Sun and North Node in Taurus, bringing forth the themes of embodiment, comfort, and relationship to the material realm, in opposition to the Moon and South Node in transformational, inquisitive Scorpio. This opposition also makes a powerful T-square to Saturn in Aquarius – a very potent configuration for any Full Moon, and more so for an eclipse. T-squares create an incredibly dynamic and challenging energy that can ultimately foster profound growth and evolution. With Saturn at the focal point of the T-Square in Aquarius we may find ourselves undergoing a trying process that ultimately points us, in a world filled with uncertainty, towards innovating new structures that ultimately will provide more security and support. The road leading to this renewed understanding will likely be filled with hard lessons, reality checks, and clarifying commitments. As with any Saturnian process, we are stepping into greater responsibility; dedication and devotion can become their own rich rewards.
While this T-square described above will likely be the “loudest” aspect in this eclipse, there’s a less in-your-face but equally important aspect as well from Neptune and Mars conjunct in Pisces, which make a flowing trine to the eclipse Moon and are sextile the eclipse Sun. Neptune and Mars together can feel angsty, anxious, or confused, but in its more helpful expression this combination could represent finding the drive to take compassionate action from a place of trust in the Universe. Mars is the traditional ruling planet of Scorpio, so the emphasis on getting in touch with primal inner drives is also underscored. Pluto, the modern ruler of Scorpio, is also trine to the Sun and sextile the Moon. Though the aspect is wider, it still counts, leaving the markings of a powerful metamorphosis at play.
We also see in this eclipse chart Venus in nearly exact conjunction with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Aries. The fiery directness of Aries is an abrasive environment for tender Venus, and being with Chiron activates our individual and collective wounding – and our healing processes – around relationships, self-worth, and finances. Jupiter also just recently entered this fiery sign, and all this Aries energy has an impulsive flavor to it, yet the strong Saturn and Mercury Retrograde energies are simultaneously signaling us to slow down and act with mindfulness and intention.
This is a good time to allow space and time to get present and inquisitive with our impulses and urges that feel “automatic” and to get curious about from whence these seemingly knee-jerk reactions stem. Does that place within you feel like an aligned place of intuition and knowing? Does it come from your Higher Self? Or does it perhaps feel shaped by outdated conditioning and in need of an update… The invitation is simple: to slow down and get present with looking into why we do what we do. (Bonus points for talking it out with a trusted ally, practitioner, or therapist!)
While this spring 2022 Eclipse Season is bringing some sizable bumps in the road, in these very difficulties also reside plentiful opportunities for allowing the unfolding to shape us in our healing journey. During these trying times may we embrace a sense of trust that allows us to grow, and to surrender into the intelligence of life itself. May we experience support in all natural forms that allow us to blossom and evolve, and to remember the essence of who we truly are.
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