A Full Moon Eclipse of Impulsive Dedication to Inner Purpose

A Full Moon Eclipse of Impulsive Dedication to Inner Purpose

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Friday’s Full Moon eclipse in Leo makes for another dynamic lunation, with Uranus, Eris and Saturn emphasized. The eclipse degree is 22 Leo, the same degree that Eris occupies in Aries, so that this distant but powerful planetary archetype for finding inner intention is once again emphasized. So too, once again, is trickster Uranus. The planet of unexpected events and surprising enlightenment is drawing ever closer to Eris, perfecting next month, so that little more than a degree separates them. Therefore Uranus is getting a tremendous boost over this next six weeks or more; unexpected events continue to be the norm. This was very evident recently in the local political scene in this country, when an executive order from the White House banning strictly legal immigration from seven predominately Muslim countries faced opposition from business leaders and states’ Attorneys General, as difficult, costly, and fundamentally unconstitutional This created a dramatic situation with many ups and downs that continues to have the whole world on the edge of their seats. Then, too, for even more evidence of strange and unexpected occurrences, one need to look no further than the recent celebrated super bowl event in Houston, where many records were shattered in the touch-and-go ending that allowed the New England Patriots team to emerge from a 25-point deficit to win an unprecedented overtime victory.

Saturn in Sagittarius, too, is emphasized in this configuration, participating in a grand trine with Uranus/ Eris and the Leo Full Moon. This brings to great prominence the antithetical point of view to forward-looking Uranus, namely that offsetting factor of a conservative attitude, of not going too far, too fast, too soon. Ironically, in the political circumstance described above, it was the politically conservative administration which took an unprecedented step that was indeed viewed as “too fast, too far” by the country as a whole. Saturn is further emphasized in this extremely potent eclipse configuration by its close parallel with Pluto. We thus have further symbolism of the extreme polarity that we see evidenced all around us in these fractious times.

The Uranian side of the ledger is also greatly enhanced by parallel and contra-parallel aspects that Uranus makes with Neptune, and with Jupiter, remaining closely opposed to Uranus. The symbolism indicates that this is the time of brilliant and imaginary solutions to real-world seemingly intractable problems. Whatever is coming up in your own life that seems like a conundrum with no exit plan might become surprisingly simple when viewed from a different angle. Perhaps that re-fi is not as important as you once thought it was, or a living situation that seemed problematic might yield to a creative solution if approached from far outside the box. Hope is an important commodity that is always available to those who earnestly seek it, if you keep trying for miracles. Somehow it could come to pass that things work out in a way that is best for everyone involved.

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon eclipse are quite interesting. For the Moon, in the 23rd degree of Leo (which is 22 plus) we find, “A bareback rider.” This reminds us, in the Tarot, of the Sun card within the Major Arcana that represents finding that golden integrated diamond being inside of oneself, and also of a blend between the natural and the man-made civilized world, in which transportation is made freer by an unusual choice. Marc Edmund Jones remarks upon man’s ability “to capitalize on any special function of life,” thus allowing “illimitable opportunities for the human spirit to dramatize personal achievement.” He also refers to, “uncompromising courage in the everyday business of living.” For the Sun, in the same degree of Aquarius, we have: “a big bear sitting down and waving all its paws.” This is another emblem of the natural world, stirred to emotion and, potentially, to action. Coming from such a place of connection with inner uncivilized realities, we are at least totally authentic in our responses. Jones references one’s “absolute mastery of his [or her] lower nature, and [consequent] ability to bring every function to a high personal fulfillment.” Here we find “a consistent desire for genuinely significant experience.” May it be so with all of us.

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