Capricorn Horoscope for February 2024

Capricorn Horoscope for February 2024

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month, Capricorn, of exploring where you are and in what you most deeply believe. As the month begins you are on a high from the recent mid-January New Moon in your sign, with the possibility that your very sense of your identity could be up for renewed understanding. There is a spiritual evolution taking place; the creative impulse that is leading you onward cannot be denied. The February 9th Aquarius New Moon, at the end of the month’s first full week, signals further changes. New endeavors summon you, although what you have to work with could be altering. It might be a case of managing to make everything happen with less to sustain you, remembering that your greatest resource is faith in your process and in the universe to see you through. If you are dismayed by the prospect of difficulty and suffering, your own and that of the world around you, the time might have come for concerted action. While many choices beckon, you cannot be completely free in pursuing them without utilizing discernment and relying on inner guidance. As a wise man once said, be sure you are right, then go ahead.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

February meets you in the waning light of the Capricorn cycle initiated by the mid-January New Moon in your sign, thus in your sphere of identity expression and embodiment. The highlighted presence of Jupiter and Uranus in your house of self-expression energizes this lunation cycle, pointing to a creative process of renewal that is available to you. There could be fluctuations in your self-expression or your projects, or your attitude toward your these, which can be viewed creatively as harbingers of constructive change. With Pluto in the sign of your values, transformation is in the air!

As the personal planets follow Pluto into Aquarius this month, change and progress continue to be stabilized by Saturn in Pisces, your planetary ruler and the steward of the current Moon cycle, which anchors your move into the future with the wisdom gained through experience and effort.

On the 4th, Mercury enters Aquarius and conjoins Pluto, announcing your values, resources, and skills as a nexus of activity this month. This conjunction of Mercury with Pluto, active until the 6th, shifts in your financial situation or approach to material assets may come more sharply into focus, including business and salary matters or considerations around monetizing a talent or learning a new skill. You may also be thinking about the impacts of technology on your job, digital currency, or harnessing your skills to make money online.

A square from Venus in Capricorn to Chiron in Aries over the same timeframe indicates these topics may stimulate wounding around foundational safety and self-worth—including vulnerabilities related to your self-presentation, body, or attractiveness to others. A simultaneous sextile from the Sun in Aquarius points to the value of defining what you value the most, independent of those culturally prescribed or inherited, which may help you engage with these topics more consciously. Perhaps you write down these guiding principles as an evolving document that you can revisit.

Your finances and skills are the seeding point of the Aquarius New Moon taking place on the 9th. A close square to lunation ruler Uranus in Taurus offers that taking a creative risk may stimulate progress around something you are bringing into the world. A square from Mercury in Aquarius to Jupiter in Taurus indicates resource considerations likely relate to children, your creative gifts, or other pursuits of pleasure. You have access to the powers of persuasion—pitching your ideas may attract investors or allies. A supportive sextile between Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus remains in orb throughout February, suggesting emerging plans may advance an ambition you have been working towards.

Pluto intensifies the week of the 12th, which is set off by Mars entering Aquarius and conjoining Pluto. Active until the 15th, the available energy and stamina might best be diverted into absorbing independent tasks. While you have strong instincts and a competitive edge, passions may be high, so consider waiting till the following week to make big moves around work or assets. Events or interactions may provoke reactivity by activating underlying fears of scarcity or illuminating your relationship to power, privilege, and economic status.

Venus follows suit on the 16th, conjoining Pluto after entering Aquarius. The connection may bring up imbalances in business or close relationships, highlighting a lack of reciprocity or conflicting values. A concurrent square between Mercury and Uranus over the 16th to the18th may put the spotlight on compulsive spending or guilt tied to indulgent purchases. Adopting the attitude that you have everything you need to do what you need to do right now may prompt interesting questions that lead you to unexplored approaches to your skills and resources.

Pluto's emphasis in the lead-up to Chiron's conjunction with the Lunar North Node in Aries from the 12th to the 24th may amplify the systemic factors of intergenerational poverty or wealth. Strengthening foundational security may require you to befriend yourself as you walk through the complicated karmic and emotional territory of the past, including your access to love, support, and resources, where self-understanding will help you shift or integrate wounding. The Sun's ingress into Pisces the day before indicates these topics may inform efforts in your local community, studies, or ideas you communicate to others.

Over the 20th to the 24th, a conjunction between Venus and Mars in Aquarius may arrive alongside a financial resolution or opportunity that bolsters your self-belief. Harness the charisma and drive on offer for strategizing or networking. Pursuits of pleasure, comfort, and aesthetics may override budgeting considerations at this time.

The Virgo Full Moon arrives in on the 24th, located in your sphere of higher learning and foreign lands. Your philosophies and guiding principles are brought into focus. This may align with deeper contemplation about your engagement in humanitarian or ecological efforts. This lunation could signal launching a product, broadcasting your ideas to a wider audience, or budgeting for overseas travel. Mars and Venus connect to Jupiter by square as they separate from their conjunction, suggesting relationships are your resources – opening up to friends about financial challenges or offering your skills or artistic work online may be met with generosity and connect you to wider networks of support and collaboration. This phase may highlight a conflict between your material circumstances and financial pressures related to children, recreation, or your desire to pursue creative ambitions.

Your cognitive realms are the focus in the final days of February due to the cazimi of Mercury and Saturn in Pisces on the 28th. News, conversations, or intuition may inspire plans or revitalize your commitment to learning, communicative projects, or your mental wellbeing. Saturn's sextile to Jupiter now gives way to aspects from the Sun and Mercury, suggesting your perseverance may generate new possibilities for creative self-expression, friendships, or teaching roles. These aspects also point to the excitement and satisfaction of emerging proficiency, where mastery of a skill now empowers you to apply it creatively.

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