Capricorn Horoscope for November 2022

Capricorn Horoscope for November 2022

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is yet another highly transformational month for you, Capricorn, when Pluto in your sign is again highlighted. This accelerated development also stems from the solar eclipse in Scorpio from the last full week of October, when future plans and societal contributions are emphasized, and even more so with the November 8th total lunar eclipse in conjunction with trickster Uranus in Taurus corresponding to your sector of creative self-expression. This implies a potentially stressful period when you might be pulled in many different directions of both innovative problem solving and also conservative holding back. Plentiful new ideas are floating through your mind and heart relating to what you can do in the world, although not all of these will be viable. Some will survive while others will need to be tossed. Your friendships and other social associations might be similarly tested right now. You might just have to learn to just trust your gut, to articulate your deepest and most sincere values, and, acting upon these, do those things that feel entirely right for you, letting go the rest. By the final week of the month, your inner world is more greatly available to help you through this.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The recent solar eclipse in Scorpio that took place on October 25th set the stage for what unfolds in November and you may find yourself focusing on your community, your broader circle of friends, and your place within your social spheres. As your dreams or goals change, and your personal evolution continues, the people you find yourself surrounded with could also be changing and this could become more apparent. You might be coming in contact with different groups of people, and overall, the experiences can be quite stimulating. Good conversations with like-minded individuals are likely, especially in the first half of the month, so don’t shy away from networking opportunities or invitations to socialize. You are also feeling the impact this month of unexpected ideas that might seem daunting, or even a little wild, until you have the opportunity to look them over.

November is a busy month and with Mars having just turned retrograde in Gemini on October 30th, you might also be juggling more tasks and responsibilities than usual. You may be thinking about restructuring the way you do things so that you can potentially generate more income while doing less work and this could be an important thread in the next few months. The first half of November is dynamic, while the second half could find you seeking downtime to recharge and contemplate your next moves.

From the 10th through the 11th, Mercury and the Sun square Saturn, your ruler, which might stimulate you to more affirmatively recognize the ways your schemes, dreams, and plans are evolving during this climactic month. Then, from the 12th to the 14th, Mercury, Venus, and the Sun form supportive aspects with both Pluto in your sign, and Neptune in Pisces, implying greater consciousness surrounding life direction, fundamental idealism, and personal transformation.

The lunar eclipse and Full Moon in Taurus lands on the 8th, forming a tight conjunction with Uranus while also receiving a square from your ruler, Saturn, in Aquarius. New and exciting projects might be in the works or an original idea you have been thinking about could be emerging more clearly. You may have your mind on a side project that is radically different from what you have been doing so far, and this Full Moon eclipse could bring a culmination in these regards. Highlighted Saturn in Aquarius may imply assessing the cost and expenditure of your creative endeavors, or the passion and the pressure regarding projects. This is has been an ongoing theme for you since Saturn first entered Aquarius. After almost two years of re-working your priorities, you might finally start to master the art of prioritizing your resource flow or at least understand what you have to do to get where you want to be.

The second week of November comes with a host of positive aspects between planets in Scorpio and the ones in Pisces. These two Water signs relate to the ways in which you interact with your community and broadcast your skill sets. Your talent for connecting people and opportunities together can be highlighted at this time and your smooth yet convincing powers could help you get ahead. Venus and Mercury in Scorpio forming a supportive aspect with Pluto in Capricorn on the 13th and 14th respectively could give you a lot of pulling power.

Things may start to shift once Venus and Mercury enter Sagittarius on the 16th, and even more so once the Sun ingress into the sign of the Archer on the 22nd, emphasizing the soul-sector part of your chart. This might bring more introspective inclinations in the weeks to come and it's a good time to regroup before the Sun enters your sign, a month from now.

The New Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd could be your invitation to schedule some downtime to focus on your personal life if that is available to you. Jupiter stations direct in Pisces on the day of the New Moon could help sort out your goals and assess your long-term trajectory.

There is no rest for the committed as they say and the last few days of November might find you busy with logistical and organizational matters. Mars retrograde in Gemini forms a trine with Saturn in Aquarius, beginning on the 24th and running into December, highlighting the need to focus on creating more efficient ways to do things so that you can maximize your time. You might already be moving towards your next project as the month comes to a close but with Mars retrograde in Gemini opposing Mercury in Sagittarius you could need to tend to your well-being and find ways to decompress from work. Give yourself permission to unwind and take care of yourself.

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