Capricorn Horoscope for March 2022

Capricorn Horoscope for March 2022

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of metamorphosis for you, Capricorn, with even greater emphasis on the changing tides of self-concept and self-integration than in preceding weeks. Transformational Pluto, still located in your sign, is bolstered by intense conjunction with both Mars and Venus, presaging a monthly cycle that brings in home and family considerations – plus outer world statement and your societal contribution – as you dig down into your very depths to attempt to understand who in the world you might be. Your less obvious inner world is also active for you now, and may contain one key to what you are attempting. Another factor of great importance is communication with others and a species of self-analysis that is akin to detective work. This is a beautiful time for harmony through conflict, as you probe inwards to discover your bottom-line principles and to forge from these a determination to proceed upon those very lines, unique to yourself, and upon those lines alone. You are trying to solve the mystery of your existence, and in an excellent month for progress on both inner and outer levels, you might just succeed.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of March opens astrologically with a beautiful New Moon in Pisces on the 2nd, conjunct to optimistic planet Jupiter potentially bringing a lot of inspiring conversations to you during the weeks ahead. The world may seem filled with uncertainty but you, on the other hand, may be feeling pretty sure of what you want these days. could be the beginning of a very fertile and creative period. It may be a good time to focus on things that bring you joy. The triple conjunction of Venus, Mars, and Pluto in your sign at the beginning of March could bring a dynamic and revitalizing influence leaving you energized. However, it may be easier to work alone as you may be less willing to compromise as patience for things that stand in your way could be in short supply. You should have the endurance needed to succeed, especially when you find positive outlets for this powerful energy. Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius at the time of the New Moon could highlight resources or financial responsibilities that are weighing you down. Communications of all kinds could increase in the weeks ahead and you may need to be more discerning with your attention at the risk of spreading yourself too thin. The more selective you are about the information you read or what you focus on, the less scattered you will feel this month.

Mars and Venus are following each other very closely, entering the sign of Aquarius together late-evening of the 5th where they will continue to play tag in the weeks ahead. These two planets may highlight your desires for material comfort and emphasize your resources. You may become preoccupied with your financial situation or you may be more impulsive when it comes to getting what you want at this time. Your desire for pleasure or luxuries could increase your propensity to buy things you may not necessarily need. It may be a good idea to put a cap on your spending or invest towards your long-term goals.

Messenger planet Mercury enters the mutable waters of Pisces on the 9th where it may increase communications of all kinds until the end of the month. You may, however, tend to feel more scattered. It may be difficult to focus on work that requires concentration, especially as the Sun meets oceanic Neptune mid-month. This could be an incredibly creative period and you may be inspired by things that you are learning. You may also have to be more selective about the information that you read, otherwise, it could leave you feeling overwhelmed or helpless. During this period, you may be more willing to believe something without proof finding it harder to differentiate facts from fiction.

The Full Moon in Virgo culminates in your philosophical sector on the 18th potentially bringing some perspective on things that seem to be muddled or confused. You may be able to gain clarity in regards to your beliefs in turn helping you express your ideas more clearly. Thanks to your open mind at this time, you may come to a greater understanding of the bigger picture and your role within it. Innovation is emphasized during this period due to Mercury in Pisces forming a sextile with forward-thinking Uranus. It’s a good time to direct your inspiration towards creative projects.

The Sun enters Aries on March 20th signaling the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun in Aries may gradually bring an emphasis on your home, family, and on private matters. You may be more preoccupied with organizing the logistical elements of your everyday life to find greater efficiency. There may be an unexpected financial component that comes up around the 22nd when Mars in Aquarius comes into a square with Uranus in Taurus. You might have to weigh the pros and cons of a project. Communications with others may also be especially prominent as Mercury conjuncts Jupiter in Pisces. You may find yourself talking a lot or trying to convince others of your ideas. You could be particularly persuasive but you may need to use this energy wisely at the risk of getting lost in gossip or misinformation due to Mercury also conjunct with Neptune at this time.

The last week of March could help you find creative solutions; Mercury sextiles Pluto in Capricorn before entering Aries on the 27th and this could bring an awareness of what needs to be discarded. You may feel like lightening up your load. Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius on the 28th calls for pragmatism and strategic planning, especially when it comes to your resources. Don’t let a scarcity mindset dictate your decision but instead focus on what you truly want and be willing to cut superfluous expenses.

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