Capricorn Horoscope for January 2025

Capricorn Horoscope for January 2025

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another consequential month for you, Capricorn, with transformation of your values and prospective changes in your friendships, social setting, and committed partnerships. In its early days, following the recent New Moon in your sign, you are focused on yourself and your developmental arc, although from a new angle. This from a strong presence of retrograde Mars in your intimacy sector, tightly opposed to Pluto located in your sector of resources and values, plus a highlighted presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, which implies that inner wounding could come up for you in your root sector of home and family concerns. This is therefore a somewhat dicey time, when rumblings from beneath the surface layers of your psyche could inform your experience. The upside is that there is a lot to learn in focusing inward during this rather intense monthly cycle. What might result is greater psychological integration, freeing you from false conceptions and allowing you to inhabit more of your true self. The lunation of the 6th and the Full Moon of the13th are powerful, with mid-month representing a fresh start in partnership as well as on the home front, either for your physical dwelling or else in terms of familial issues that might include your family of origin. The Last Quarter Moon of the 21st relates to a summing up of all of the above, and signals a shift in consciousness provided you have the courage to act on it.

The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at

The year begins with a New Moon in your sign, from just two days before it began, which could feel like the ultimate fresh start for you and which colors the first four weeks of the January month. This brings focus to your authenticity, identity and persona, involving others also amongst your personal reflections. The configuration of this New Moon is rather dramatic, in that retrograde Mars opposes transformational Pluto in Aquarius, or your sector of values and resources, indicating an evolution there which could involve financial fluctuations and renewed enthusiasm for some aspect of the way that your finances get handled, or the possibility of a fundamental revision of your attitude to them and to the material world in general. In this New Moon configuration, Mercury also trines Chiron, the Wounded Healer, so that the topic of inner wounding could arise for better acceptance, understanding, and eventual healing.

On the 2nd, Venus enters Pisces, and the corner of your chart guiding you to communicate, teach and engage. Career choices could gain from your increased communication and outreach. Venus, planet of pleasure, fertility and enjoyment, joins with Neptune and Saturn, already in Pisces, and on the 3rd and 4th the Moon will gather there as well. Therefore, there’s great emphasis on interpersonal skills, writing projects or social commentary. This could be ideal for expressing ideas and sharing concepts that have taken hold, affecting your creativity and work-related ideas.

On the 4th, the Sun finds harmony with Saturn, your planetary ruler, potentially spotlighting your own special qualities that are part of this month’s focus. Located in Pisces and your relational third house, Saturn could encourage your involvement with close friends, and lead you to personally connected to your surroundings. This is a long-term influence lasting until February 2026, yet these themes could stand out on this day.

On Monday the 6th, we have the First Quarter Aries Moon, highlighting your home, family, and domestic sector while the ruling planet of this sector, Mars, in retrograde, dips back into Cancer on this same day. Significant individuals could be prominent around your property, with a nudge to revisit intimate dealings one-on-one. Household settings, how you nurture of feel safe could also be relevant. It might be important to find a balance between private spaces and ways that you welcome others to cross your threshold, particularly if you’re questioning a particular union or key persons. With Chiron as a background theme, it is possible that you will make progress with bringing internal dark spaces into the light of greater conscious awareness. As Mercury in Sagittarius – your twelfth house of unconscious process, inner work, and fantasy – is square Neptune in this lunation, your dreams, a longing for quiet retreat or an engaging process of inner discovery may seem overwhelming. There could be confusion as to how far to engage – and when rest is warranted. This might therefore be a really good time to check in with yourself, acknowledging inner concerns and realizations.

On Monday, January 13th, the Cancer Full Moon peaks arm-in-arm with Mars in your relationship sector, and harmonizes with both numinous Neptune and unruly Uranus in your fifth house of games, children, fun and creative inspiration! This is an exciting juncture for you and brings up issues of self and other for thoughtful reflection or gaining progress. Mars is closely trine Neptune, bringing up feelings of compassionate idealism and connections to your root psychological issues and attitudes. You might meet with key figures that are significant or find it easy to connect to your personal passions, expressing your heart’s desire. In this Full Moon as well, Venus is square Jupiter in your sector of health, work, organization and routines. It might be wise to avoiding overbooking your schedule, although there is enthusiasm for career, friendships, and collaborations.

From the 17th to the 19th, Venus meets Saturn, in a potentially positive timing for you to navigate local circles and have fun.

Sunday the 19th sees the Sun enter Aquarius and your zone of money, values and self-worth. With an immediate conjunction made to Pluto, it’s possible to focus deeply on earned income, investments, your personal contribution and assets. Here, you might sense the part you play, and where others depend or look to your input.

The 21st is the Last Quarter Scorpio Moon, which touches wider community networks, with potential for breakthroughs in groups or social settings.

Venus is aligned with both Mars and Uranus on the weekend of the 25th, suggesting a good time to celebrate or show affection to those as close to you as siblings, those pleasant to be around or with whom you find common ground.

Yet as Mercury opposes Mars on the 23rd, not everything that’s spoken about one-to-one is guaranteed to land well, or without a reaction. It’s possible there’s a surprise element or even jarring dynamics between you and others, which could benefit from a considered approach. You might like to tackle sensitive issues with extra care.

Mercury follows this trajectory on the 27th, tied to Pluto during the Aquarius New Moon on the 30th, a lunation featuring harmonious ties to Jupiter. It might be worth laying fresh eyes on what you have and what you might build – be it wealth or a more powerful sense of purpose, with learnings about your management style, health journey and multitasking abilities. Perhaps you’ll find yourself bolstered in confidence thanks to developments in your role, and can continue to prove yourself a useful asset, inspired in the weeks that follow.

The Aquarius New Moon of the 29th starts us off on a new and different cycle that features your sector of resources and values, wherein also the intense transformational energies of Pluto remain strongly configured, conjunct Mercury there as well, indicating further evolutionary changes ahead for you in this area and with regard to your beliefs and worldview during February.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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