Posted on December 31, 2013 in Capricorn
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
You are delving more deeply into yourself, Capricorn, as another amazingly transformative month and year begins. In the midst of a darkly gleaming and yet nevertheless promising time, the energy is mightily available for proving out your outer world intention with deeds, as well as in the form of thoughtful realignments at the deepest levels of your being. Your future plans remain your focus, together with the efforts that you still make to align these goals with your own soul-purpose as you are coming to understand it. Partners continue to provide beneficial perspectives. Your career and your self-expression are the subject of extended interior meditation. It is exciting what you bring to the table: new vision that can move mountains, along with a renewed determination to be of true service to the world around you.
As an overview of the entire month it is important to analyze the chart for the powerful New Moon in your sign, taking place right on January 1st. This chart is therefore also an indicator for the entire year of 2014. It features a close conjunction between the early morning New Moon and transformational Pluto, with Mercury, two degrees away from the Capricorn New Moon, implying greater conscious choice around the personal spiritual evolution thus represented and with also Mars, Uranus and Jupiter forming with this New Moon stellium of planets a grand cross. Though every Capricorn is affected, those of your Sun Sign born around this New Moon date, within a few days of the end of the year, in either direction, will be feeling the strongest push. In any case, the stars definitely incline toward making radical change a reality in your life, in the direction of soul intention.
You are being symbolically stretched in many different ways. The ancient mystery of the four directions, epitomized by seminal 20th century psychologist C. G. Jung as the four functions of sensation, intuition, thinking and feeling, are all activated by this grand cross in cardinal signs on the angular sectors of your solar chart. Your deep intuition in particular is very alive for you right now, symbolized by Uranus in Aries, in your sector of home and family. There could be a degree of instability that you feel at the very core of your being, a sense of restlessness, with the possibility of rapid change and fluctuation within family structure or perhaps with regard to your physical home base. This contrasts with your more conservative tendency to hold back from change. This sensation of inner movement has been noticeable for many months and even years, and could be more and more disturbing with an associated feeling of volatility or insecurity. The up side is that within this basic instability lies the seed of greater conscious understanding of who and what you really are, independent of the mental filters of consensus opinion and early conditioning.
Your past is rapidly being left behind, it seems, and your next steps are largely up to you. This is an idea that, once you get past the queasiness of the roller coaster ride that has gotten you this far, might yet prove exhilarating. Your resolve is getting stronger over the course of this potent monthly cycle, to carve out for yourself exactly what you need for your own soul growth from the vast array of potential choices; this is especially so since Saturn, your ruler, is highlighted in your sector of societal connection and future plans. The friendships you have and the social groups that you favor are all part of this newfound determination to make your future something that works for you at all the levels of your being.
All this quantity of radical change throughout this present month is taking place in the context of the retrograde of Venus through your sign, coming closer toward the Sun and Mercury, as the first week of the year unfolds. This symbolizes a thoughtful and almost meditative stance regarding what you do in the external world, which you understand more and more completely to be a product of your own interior meditation. We are conditioned to see the world as made up of hard objects which the soft fuzziness of our ideas flow through, but it is actually the other way around. Your ideas are the hard objects that push through the soft fuzziness of the world around you and give shape to it.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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