Posted on February 1, 2013 in Capricorn
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
These are amazing days of recognition and of acceptance, Capricorn. The time of your rebirth is upon you as it has been, at least in some sense, over these past weeks and months, and the next phase of your life is unmistakably entering in. This involves new ways of seeing and of being and while it represents a giant learning experience that is only just beginning, involves as well sense of familiarity that feels like coming home. Inner meets outer, and service shines, both in the sense of community and regarding friendships that you favor, and that represent a necessary and important key to what you are attempting. The door to your future is now open, and, no matter how hard you might try, can no longer be closed up upon itself.
As the month begins, you are likely still reeling in the aftermath of the extremely powerful Full Moon from the last weekend of the previous month, representing the stage of fruition of the impulse of the New Moon in your sign from mid-January. You are on course to continue your ongoing transmutation of values which inevitably results from the work that you are doing on yourself, as a consequence of what you have been through, and as seen with greater conscious awareness.
You are seeking your true center, and discovering the extent to which it does and does not lie within the formalities of outer world requirements and consensus thinking. A strong sense of optimism is available to you, and can be related to the presence of a highlighted Jupiter in your sector of health and everyday matters, also service to others around you and to the greater collective. This is a chime with the deeper meaning of your own sign of Capricorn, the betterment of society itself as it evolves in this new era.
There is also through this current month a strong emphasis placed on thinking, communicating and learning, although perhaps not through the traditional kind of knowledge acquisition. There is a huge line-up of planetary energies in your communications sector, and you will find that you are seeking out your peers for consultation and reflection. This might be not so much for advice, but for sounding board on your own though process. It is a non-traditional model of understanding that you are presently cultivating, one that takes you farther away from the simplistic logic of A implies B and toward a more inclusive picture that takes into closer account the unknown processes within the underworld of your deep psyche.
The vague and little-understood awareness of this shadow world of unconscious process has been of course well-referenced in the modern era, as in the early days of the 20th century with Freud and Jung, but a true understanding of your own deeper centers takes personal experience to establish. Like a plant growing in foreign soil, with a little nutrition of the right sort and loads of care it can be cultivated; for you the question then becomes in what way this information can benefit you by contributing to your understanding of the practicalities of the so-called "real" world of outer achievement.
This might be the month when you will explore these issues more deeply. Your future path could depend upon how well you absorb these strange lessons. This could be the time when deep introspection will provide at least some of the answers that you almost unconsciously seek. This inner focus could accelerate toward the end of the month, starting on the 23rd, when Mercury Retrogrades through your communications sector. The Mercury Retrograde period lasts the next five weeks or so, counting the period of Mercury's retrograde shadow for two weeks after it returns to direct motion. All bets are off, during this exciting stage of your journey, as to what you will find and how it will affect you, but there is likely to be a profound recognition that might feel like coming home to yourself, at last.
With the Last Quarter Moon of Sunday, February 3rd, you are coming to a moment re-evaluation of everything that has occurred thus far in the lunar cycle. You are reassessing in an on-going fashion both your values and your communication style, and getting more and more clear that what is happening to you on the outside, in terms of connections with your peers, while important, is not nearly as important as what is happening to you on the inside. This shapes your notion of where your life is headed.
The New Moon of late Saturday evening, February 9th, initiates a powerfully transformative time for you, and represents not only fresh energy for your purpose of moving beyond previous restrictions on future plans, but also renews your determination to delve down into the very roots of your being in search of a better balance between inner and outer. The results of this inner exploration are profound. The information might come to you in dreams or in waking fantasies, but in any case it is real and calls out for your attention.
With the First Quarter Moon of Sunday, February 17th, you come to an important juncture, when action is stymied to the detriment of forging ahead, until the obstacles to your planned advance are recognized and cleared. These might have to do with old wounding that has raised its head for greater awareness on your part. Your understanding of the habit patterns that somehow hold you back, the residue of early trauma, has been growing through these past few weeks and months. You are getting nearer to your soul's goal of make these issues more conscious.
The Full Moon of Monday, February 25th, is an important one for your process of coming into a more definitive degree of balance and integration. This configuration implies an even greater sense of changing worldview and also emphasizes Jupiter in your sector of your highest purpose for yourself, moving forward. Mercury is retrograde in your communications sector for the next few weeks, leading up to its station to direct motion on March 17th, and beyond. A basic instability in home and family life is also brought closer to the surface, and this has the unintended consequence of allowing greater fluidity and lightness of feet so that you are able to appreciate the potential for necessary changes and prepare to act on this inside information.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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