Posted on January 31, 2024 in Aries
By Henry Seltzer and Alea Balzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
The year is getting underway, Aries, and you find yourself concerned with many different factors of your vocational circumstance, not least of these how well what you do out in the world matches up with your most profound inner principles and values. You are likely involved with your depths in other ways, deep diving to come to a better understanding of yourself at every level. Partnership come into this, along with intimacy concerns and rewards. With Venus significantly catching up to Mars, your ruler, and closely parallel, you are focused on relationship. And with Pluto having just entered Aquarius, which for you represents friendships, groups that you favor, and additionally community responsibility or societal contribution, all these life factors are in the spotlight for you now. You could begin to deal with transformation in these areas as you sort out how you are called to your mission of service to the world around you. There are loads of interconnections between who you are in the very depths of your being and how you regard what is the right thing for you to do both professionally and personally in the brief moment of this crucial decade.
The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at
You enter the February month under the waning light of the Capricorn lunar cycle from last mid-month that was initiated in your sphere of vocation and reputation. Your ruling planet, Mars, remains in Capricorn as the cycle evolves – continuing to energize this stabilizing and progressive cycle throughout the month’s first eight days. While it may take some time to comprehend the impact for you of the recent ingress of Pluto into Aquarius, perhaps, in one way, you will notice the pressure easing in your professional life since it left Capricorn. Fluctuations continue in your resources, including your financial ones, so that you might have a better understanding of their purpose as the month unfolds.
On the 4th, Mercury's entrance into Aquarius and conjunction with Pluto through the following day amplifies this significant Pluto shift. The tone of conversations and rumination related to friendships and collaborations may intensify in the days surrounding this connection. With a mind for your own motivations and defense mechanisms, you may feel called to share your perspective. A concurrent square between Venus in Capricorn and Chiron in your sign indicates this kind of self-advocacy may feel threatening to your reputation or career – bringing up wounds around agency and self-esteem. A simultaneous sextile from the Sun in Aquarius indicates further self-reflection that could be related to your social habits. The upside is that you recognize that you have allies, and how important that is.
The Aquarius New Moon on the 9th initiates a cycle emphasizing your friendships, your community participation, and your higher aspirations for yourself. Occurring in a tight square to Uranus in Taurus, the lunation ruler, the influence of abrupt developments within your sector of finances, values, and skills may energize collective projects or social connections at this time. While economic anxieties could arise, the square in this New Moon from Mercury to Jupiter in Taurus suggests this is a dynamic seeding moment, where you might employ your skills of persuasion to attract supporters. A separating trine from Venus in Capricorn indicates that taking a risk or unconventional approach to your resources and creative talents could be professionally viable.
Pluto intensifies the week of the 12th, ignited by the ingress of Mars into Aquarius and conjunction with Pluto – the planet of non-negotiable transformations – at 0° there. Their conjunction lasts to the 14th. As your ruling planet begins a new cycle with Pluto, reinvigoration may arrive via encounters with your deep drives and urges – eruptions of anger, power struggles, or desire may force you out of stagnant situations and put you in touch with your own potency.
By the end of the week, Venus follows suit, conjoining Pluto by entering Aquarius the morning of the 16th. This connection may align with relational reorientation, possibly linked to shifts in your social conscience or self-presentation, including your online expression and persona. If passions or ideological tension have been brewing, an activating square from the 16th to the 18th between Mercury and Uranus indicates situations may come to a head around this time.
On the 18th, The Sun moving into Pisces calls for rest and solitude. The illumination of your sector of the subconscious, combined with the activation of Pluto and Chiron this month, implies that events within your social and financial sectors may trigger shadow mechanisms and vulnerabilities around physical and mental health. While you could feel undermined or isolated, the ongoing sextile between Saturn and Jupiter in Taurus offers that your inner developmental process supports your self-belief, including the value of your gifts, time, and enthusiasm. Chiron's conjunction with the Lunar North Node began on the 12th and lasts for twelve days, indicating that emerging self-understanding or purpose may occur in tandem with release or change in your one-on-one relationships.
Over the 20th to the 24th, a conjunction between Venus and Mars in Aquarius suggests events earlier in the month offer catharsis that paves the way for more authentic understanding with others. This is a positive time for relationships of all kinds and may align with exciting social events or romantic connections. Both planets form applying squares to Jupiter as they separate, pointing to generative financial, creative, or collaborative opportunities.
Mercury enters Pisces on the 22nd, implying that ideas you have might be more inclined to partake of subtle and imaginative realms beyond the physical, or in retreat from the everyday world.
The Virgo Full Moon lands on February 24th in your sphere of daily routines, work, and service. This lunation comes with a humble reminder that growth and healing are forged in the small decisions and devotions of your daily life. While the emphasis on the fixed signs of Aquarius and Taurus may bring out more inflexible sides of your nature this month, the Full Moon lights up the mutable Pisces-Virgo axis – indicating that your ability to adapt, empathize, and see things from different perspectives are your secret powers. While your daily schedule may be full to the brim, taking regular time to recharge and be with your spiritual, reflective, or dreamy process nourishes your activities in the wider world.
Your subconscious realm is additionally emphasized in the final days of February due to the triple conjunction of Mercury, Saturn, and the Sun in Pisces on the 28th. This might symbolize a union of purpose, mindset, and commitment, perhaps your dedication to a path of self-understanding that now sees inner obstacles shift or arrives with a sense of spiritual, energetic, and mental well-being. Dreams, meditation, and journaling may be indicated today and impart wisdom. You leave the month under applying sextiles from Mercury and the Sun to Jupiter, suggesting intuitive and creative inspiration or hard work behind the scenes may now bring tangible material gains as you head on into March.
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