Aries Horoscope for November 2023

Aries Horoscope for November 2023

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a difficult month for you in many ways, Aries. As world events additionally indicate, you are subject to emotional and moral astrological currents that go to depth within you. The recent New Moon eclipse in your opposite sign of Libra brought up several potent factors for you and for your close relationships, involving Mars, your ruler, with the outer planet archetypes of limiting Saturn, transformative Pluto, and Haumea, the new KBO planet referencing profound connection to Source, which can be seen as Nature, and as a principled moral commitment for doing the right thing to whatever extent you can. You are pulled in many different directions so that discernment is required, and this translates to recognizing the foundational nature of your own unique perspective, even while also engaging in meaningful dialog with partners. You are especially attuned to emotional pain, yours, and also of others around you, and must accept and work within that constraint. The mid-month Scorpio New Moon opposed to Trickster Uranus, brings more surprises, and more of the same angst, operating at deep levels within you.. Through it all you can fall back on what you alone bring to the table; your own set of values and moral compass.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

November meets you mid-way through the lunation cycle initiated at the October 14th Libra New Moon in your one-on-one relationship sphere, off the back of a Full Moon in Taurus that illuminated the significance of your finances, skills, and self-esteem within this story. As both lunations last month were also eclipses, the evolution of these topics relates to longer cycles of growth and change that will continue to resonate over the next six months until the next eclipse cycle in Libra and Aries.

Pressure across your Scorpio-Taurus axis continues this month, which begins under the influence of an opposition from the Sun in Scorpio to Jupiter in Taurus lasting until November 3rd. This may expand issues related to personal and shared resources, money, and intimacy that were raised around the Full Moon at the end of last month.

From the 3rd to the 4th, Mercury's opposition to Uranus in Taurus adds to the focus, which could stimulate radical honesty around these more complicated topics or innovative investment or money-making ideas. With your ruling planet, Mars, sandwiched between the Sun and Mercury in your sphere of personal transformation, these transits may offer an emerging sense of self-belief, prosperity, or freedom arising from ongoing changes within your psychology, relational dynamics, and the ways you are energetically and materially bound to others or the past.

The importance of your inner work in this metamorphosis process is indicated by a concurrent trine from Venus in Virgo to a highlighted Uranus in Taurus, while opposing Neptune in Pisces, at the beginning of the month, lasting through November 4th. This stimulates your relationships in many directions and with new ideas that also might feel out of this world, and may bring up subconscious patterns and habituated behaviors that affect your mental and physical wellbeing.

Also on the 4th, Saturn stationing direct in Pisces offers a more mature or pragmatic approach to less known parts of yourself or forces you have less control over within your life. While Saturn in your subconscious sphere can align with periods of melancholia or isolation, the planet offers gifts of self-understanding and spiritual wisdom should you commit to your inner process.

On the 8th, Venus blesses your sphere of partnerships when she moves into her home sign of Libra. This may align with reconciliation or renewed feelings of love following a rocky period or a new romance or collaboration connected to the Libra Moon cycle. A trine from Venus to Pluto in Capricorn in the days surrounding her departure from Virgo points to that catharsis offered in confronting a truth you have been avoiding, including the values informing your public image or career.

With Mars and Venus both in their home signs in your sectors of relationships (Libra) along with intimacy, and shared resources (Scorpio) there is a lot of collaborative potential in the air right now. A sextile from Mercury to Pluto from the 8th to the 9th, which gives way to Mars' conjunction with the Sun and opposition to Uranus in Taurus on the 11th, suggests consequential moves related to your career, skills, contracts, and finances. Perhaps a difficult ending associated with a professional role, ambition, or relationship has released energy you can now divert into your passions, giving rise to exciting new prospects or a sense of personal power.

A more expansive frame of mind is on offer when Mercury enters Sagittarius on the 9th, announcing an emerging focus on your sector of life philosophies, foreign lands, and education. This is offset by a square from Mercury to Saturn in Pisces as this ingress begins, most intense from the 9th to the10th. This contrary factor aligns with a serious and studious frame of mind, so that you have both of these factors going simultaneously. Once past the initial few days, Mercury's stay in Sagittarius will likely convey a sense of optimism, which may be the perfect antidote for the Saturnian blues.

The Scorpio New Moon lands on November 13th, and initiates a new cycle related to personal metamorphosis and how you are merged with others. This powerful lunation is intensified by Mars, your ruler, in conjunction with the luminaries. The fact that these also oppose Uranus in Taurus brings unexpected events and surprise illumination very much into the picture. Be it activating or empowering, these transits may point to instability in your material circumstances as well as compelling new collaborative opportunities related to your skill set and your assets. While enthusiasm or urgency may be high, you might want to consider waiting a few days before making big financial or contractual moves or diving head-first into conflict.

With the Sun's entrance into Sagittarius on the 22nd, new horizons of understanding and experience may beckon. This is followed by Mars entering Sagittarius on the 24th, further activating topics related to your worldview, higher education, foreign lands, broadcasting, and the law. Both Sun and Mars pass through a square to Saturn in Pisces as they cross the Sagittarian threshold, suggesting you have the will, stamina, and wisdom to make important moves in these areas of your life, which may relate to your spiritual and intellectual evolution or insight about changing less conscious beliefs and recognizing how these may frame your experience of the world. The Mars-Saturn square of the 24th and 25th has alchemizing potential related to shadows around ego, anger, or fear, that may be an integral aspect toward healing your relationship with yourself. This was also suggested by Venus' opposition to Chiron in your sign from the 21st to the 22nd. This transit period returns focus to your axis of self and other, where you might engage courage and self-compassion to look at your inner shadow work and how you project that outward.

On the 27th, the Gemini Full Moon takes place in your sphere of the mind, learning, and local environment, indicating your inner monologue and communication patterns may well influence this next phase of what was seeded at previous timing of the Scorpio New Moon. Squares in this Full Moon configuration from Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius to Neptune and Saturn in Pisces, respectively, support an ongoing process of exploring existential frameworks and your belief systems as your self-knowledge and spiritual understanding mature. Taking time out around this date for inner inquiry, conversations with close connections, and rest may be productive, yielding intuitive downloads of insight regarding your mental and spiritual wellbeing.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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