Aries Horoscope for April 2022

Aries Horoscope for April 2022

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another huge month of metamorphoses, Aries, especially for you; it is also true for nearly everyone that the dire situations in one’s family or worldly community does change us. We can take these darkly unfolding times as a lesson of how to be brave in the midst of troubling circumstances, and also how to make our earnest contribution to creative right-action as we go through our own daily lives, and the decisions that we make along that way. The transformation of your outer world statement continues, also to include dramatic enhancements in the persona that you present to others. These must increasingly be the closest possible reflection of what you internally believe. This all comes to something of a head in the Full Moon of April 16th taking place in your opposite sign, and thus bringing up in renewed emphasis on those issues of self and other by means of which you navigate your own emerging self-concept. You are human, but you are not only human; you are an instance of the universe seeking its growth and its evolution through you, its microcosm.

The following was written by Leslie Benson and Henry Seltzer. The usual column by Elodie St-Onge Abut will return.

The month begins with a New Moon in Aries, just as it is getting started, in the beginning hours of April 1st. This New Moon in your sign is largely a grand time of self-assurance, and of claiming new facets of your self-concept. With the Sun and Moon also conjunct Chiron, and semi-sextile to Uranus in Taurus, an April Fools’ surprise is somewhat in the works for everybody depending on where Taurus lands in your solar chart. For members of the Aries tribe, by Sun sign or Rising Sign, this corresponds to the natural second house of resources, implying fluctuations in finances are more than possible. This is of course nothing new since Uranus in Taurus has been featured in many of the lunations all this year, but it is still a healthy dose of a Uranus impact for this entire month. One of the implications might be that you find a more innovative way to invest or to plan out your spending, while another might be an unexpected loss or gain of income. Either way, one lesson of these past few months would seem to be that less attention is to be paid to the ups and downs of the bank balance since it is all something of a mirage.

With Chiron equally emphasized for you, there is also the possibility of painful places deep inside you coming to the surface, the residue of unresolved early childhood trauma. The secret to dealing with these issues is, rather than avoiding them as shameful, bad, or wrong, to merely accept them as part of being human. Attention on the hurt places inside you is well repaid in terms of greater ease and comfort when some untoward event takes place that happens to trigger you. You can respond more gently when you recognize that any antagonism that emerges in such situations is more than likely stemming from your own untapped anger than from another person.

In this New Moon, the Sun, Moon, and Chiron also make aspects to Pluto in Capricorn, corresponding to your sector of career and profession. The transformational drumbeat that has been active for many months in this area will therefore likely continue into the current monthly cycle.

From April 7th to the 16th, while Jupiter is in close conjunction with Neptune in Pisces, there is an increasing sense of needing to find a quiet place within you to partially inhabit. Because Pisces corresponds to your sector of unconscious process, you are being invited by the cosmos to participate in deep inner work. Your dreams might be particularly vivid during this period and can be helpful in pointing you toward a better integration of the unconscious contents of your psyche, perhaps vital for your future growth as an individual.

On April 16th, the Full Moon in your opposite sign presages a time of greater acknowledgment of important partners, and of trying to see what they bring to the significant arena of your own developmental growth. This month continues to be a time of transformation, greatly highlighted in this Full Moon timing, of who at base you think you are, of what you do in the world, and how well this outer world persona of yours aligns with your deepest principles and values.
From the 16th also, to the 19th, a powerful Venus- Mercury-Uranus alignment also speaks to greater intuitional grasp of what you are up to at this time, including with important partners.
Then, when the Sun enters Taurus on the evening of April 19th, you might feel a shift in the energy of this potent monthly cycle. It is good to trust your intuition, that hidden source of more direct information, capable of guiding you to more profound realizations than where logic alone will lead you.

In the last few days of the month, beginning with the 27th, Venus conjuncts Neptune and then Jupiter, leading up to a Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Taurus on April 30th brings you to more practical considerations for the next thirty days to six months, while still allowing you to simultaneously dream of more visionary possibilities. You must strive to keep yourself grounded and yet stay open. There could be imaginative solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems that could spring up over this extended period if you can only manage to give them the chance.

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