Aries Horoscope for October 2021

Aries Horoscope for October 2021

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another powerful month of new ideas and of new relationship initiatives, Aries, as you somewhat struggle to keep it all together in the face of transformational alterations that continue coming down. There are also nudges for you toward deep inner purpose. The potent placement of outer planet energies let you know that you must simplify your approach to many things in order to make way for the foundation stones of your next major phase. You just cannot build the new building on top of the old, but rather must somehow get yourself out of the way of necessary change. There is also quite a planetary line-up in your opposite sign of Libra, including retrograde Mercury, indicating that you are likely to be questioning at least certain aspects of existing partnerships – either business or personal – and seeking procedures that are different than the ones that you have been flying by for so very long. The best approach is to witness, watch, and wait, and to look for a better fit between circumstances and your deeper goals by month’s end.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of October begins with the Sun transiting in Libra along with Mars and Mercury which may emphasize your partnerships and close collaborations. Mercury Retrograde in Libra is of course an issue and may coincide with a period of negotiation or the revision of an existing arrangement or engagement. The square between Mercury and Pluto on the 1st could be related to a complicated situation at work or a difficult dynamic with someone close to you. Shared resources could also come up in some ways and you may be more aware than usual of your bonds and the limitations within a committed partnership of either the business or the personal variety. This may leave you feeling somewhat vulnerable or on the other hand, it may bring a sense of connection as you review and revise your association to establish the contours of an important relationship.

The New Moon in Libra on the 6th conjuncts your ruler, Mars, and opposes Chiron which is currently transiting in Aries, and also makes a precise inconjunct (quincunx) aspect to Uranus. Chiron tends to highlight where we feel wounded or insecure but also where healing is available, while Trickster Uranus brings deep intuition into play and also the unexpected, including surprising revelations. You may be struggling between your sense of independence versus your need for others at this time. You may also be able to reconcile your desires within a partnership by communicating your needs and your apprehension honestly. This timing signals the beginning of a new cycle when you can rewire some assumptions about what relationship versus independence means to you. Things will not get totally clarified immediately, but the intentions that follow this New Moon could develop down the road into more mature forms of relating.

Venus enters Sagittarius on the 7th, which should help broaden your perspective and open your mind to new possibilities over the course of the following weeks. During the second weekend of the month, the Sun, Mercury, and Mars are all conjoined in the sign of Libra which could bring a lot of proactive energy to deal with anything that was left in limbo. Conversations with others may be passionate but could yield solutions and ideas you hadn’t thought about. You should feel a renewed sense of direction especially if you make the effort of communicating your needs. Saturn stations direct in Aquarius on the 10th where it was moving retrograde since the end of May. A situation or a project that was left behind in the last few months may start to regain momentum. You could regain interest in a community project or a learning opportunity that you had put out of your mind earlier this Summer. Venus sextile Saturn on the 13th may remind you of a dream or an aspiration that had started to emerge a few months ago. Your desire to get involved in collective projects could be awakened again by mid-October.

The Sun square Pluto in Capricorn from the 15th to the 17th may bring an ultimatum or a difficult power dynamic to the surface, especially if emotions have been bottled up more recently. This aspect could act as a catharsis for a situation to change. Jupiter is aspected also in this time frame and stations direct in Aquarius on the 18th, while Mercury stations direct in Libra, and this could bring a lot of momentum for situations that have been stalled some way. The Full Moon takes place in Aries on the 20th, illuminating your personal needs and desires within your partnerships. You may once more recognize the necessity of balancing your needs with the ones of people close to you, and the Full Moon in Aries also brings attention to you and your personal direction. Mars in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn at the time of the Full Moon could have something to do with difficult compromises you might have to make between a career path and a relationship.

The Sun enters Scorpio on the 22nd where it may continue to highlight contracts and more extensively intimate partnerships in the next month. Your desire for close proximity and
collaboration may play an important role and you may be more aware of the support and the benefits of teaming up with others at this time.

The last week of October may bring hopefully developments especially for things pertaining to education and travel. You may be romanticizing a certain trajectory while Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on the 26th. However, there is much progress that can be made at this time especially if you are willing to put in the hard work required to get you where you want. The Sun in Scorpio squaring Saturn in Aquarius at the very end of the month calls for discipline and pragmatism in all your dealings and you should by then have a good handle on your collaborations and the various compromises required.

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