Posted on October 31, 2017 in Aries
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is another interesting month for you, Aries, one with plenty of surprises still left to be discovered. You might feel as though you have something of a split personality. You alternate between throwing caution to the winds to favor action against all odds, and somehow also holding back from action. In any case you are committed to forging a pathway ahead of you that will more truly and definitely correspond to what you independently hold inside, far away from any shred of consensus thinking or from yielding to the opinions of peers or even partners. The information from deep within you is subtle and sometimes difficult to hear, but strongly felt. Meanwhile, the messages from significant others in your life, though madly fluctuating, are also powerfully enunciated and tinged with compelling insight. You will just have to depend on your powerful and finely tuned sense of intuitive understanding to be your guide.
The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Gainsburg of Soulsign Astrology . He examines each planet's Sky Factors — such as speed, Earth proximity and brightness, stemming from well before the origins of Western civilization — in addition to chart factors of sign, house, and aspects.
At the start of November, you'll be tempted into a confrontation or challenge or serious next step. Even if you know you can win, you benefit when you avoid engaging just yet. It's important to choose, or discern, your battles. On November 6, Mercury enters Sagittarius and spends much of November separating from the Sun. This will introduce or affirm a connection you've been considering making or strengthening with someone or an organization. If you're the patient kind of Aries (ha!), best to wait until the 23rd of the month to sign on the dotted line. If not, you'll have until then to back out or to really find out what you signed up for and prepare for the journey.
That old flame or fantasy person back in your imagination again? Are you wondering — why now? Through the first half of the month, Venus is distancing from the Earth as a Morning star (visible over the Eastern horizon before sunrise). In Libra, she's also opposed to your Aries Sun of action. Her traveling away from Earth as she's losing her brightness means she doesn't have much interest in what you're offering. If you're feeling increased loneliness or experiencing being misunderstood or marginalized in some way, what's really going on is that your desire for what you want out of life is being tested, in the same way as a gold miner drills a core sample from deep in the Earth and pulls it to the surface to see what's down there.
Your ruling planet, Mars, is actually complicit in this "separating to find out what's in there" this month. But Mars isn't interested in relating to what gets pulled up, just the excitement of getting there. He'll be an ally for you to help you to get there. But don't look to him for any kind of soft response or patience for the process. Use Mars this month to make sure you're thorough in what you've set your mind to. This is an excellent month for testing yourself in the gym, the pool, on the track, or along the trail. Mars is brightening each morning, and in his natural place in our skies from a visual standpoint. And when Mars is well-placed in your Sky, you can accomplish a lot, especially as an Aries!
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