Aries Horoscope for February 2016

Aries Horoscope for February 2016

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an amazing month for you, Aries, shaping up to be yet another period of profound change and reevaluation. The world is opening up to you in new ways, and relationship also. Over the past several weeks you have been reviewing your place in the world from both a professional and an active-presence standpoint. In this current month, you are making your way to new conclusions regarding your true path forward, perhaps a very different future than you have previously envisioned for yourself. You are discovering that in order to make any real progress with life goals, the only way is to take you own internal process more firmly into account. Attempt to deny this and you will languish — off course; if you can find the courage to accept these almost unfathomable layers of your being, and truly honor them, both you and your projects will thrive.

As the month begins, you are feeling the restlessness of a strong impulse to change the way that you conduct almost every area of your life, including intimate relationship, self-study, professional choices, future plans and day-to-day activities. A remarkable degree of integration is condensing within you now, in this first week of February, and this only increases in the second week of the month, following the Aquarius New Moon. With Mercury still recovering its lost Zodiacal ground after the recent nearly month-long retrograde through the career sector of your chart, you have been reviewing the choices in this area that you have previously made. You are perhaps also waffling somewhat as you attempt to look into the future. That sense of indecision is gradually easing over these first two weeks.

The most interesting thing to contemplate as you work through the period of the Mercury Retrograde Shadow, which officially ends the weekend of the 13th and 14th, is the massive series of ongoing personal changes that have accumulated over the past year or two, and that still continue. This is indicated astrologically by the highlighted presence of Pluto at the top of your chart, in mid-Capricorn, corresponding to your career sector, which has also been aspected by a stationing Mercury in recent weeks. This implies intense review and greater conscious understanding of all that you are up to. There are other cosmic factors now, such as Saturn in close parallel with Pluto, with Uranus in your sign in square, plus Jupiter in close aspect to Eris, representing an optimistic and warrior-like stand that you are willing to take for your most cherished internal goals. These astrological factors indicate that the very structure of your life is undergoing intense metamorphosis and your belief systems along with it. More of what this means for you individually will be revealed as this exciting and intensely transformational month continues to unfold.

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