Aries Horoscope for August 2015

Aries Horoscope for August 2015

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The time may have come for you to stand and deliver, Aries. For many weeks and months, now, there has been a sense of transformation unfolding. With the advent of this summer's potent energies, a new and different catalyst has arrived that might enable you to make a more a definite commitment to your spiritual essence. Courage for change seems to rise up within you, and at the same time you find yourself questioning many factors within your relationship dynamic. Working through these may indeed be one key to beginning to move in a new direction, letting go once and for all of trailing through existing ruts. It is perhaps only the fear of change that holds you back; if so you might try the effect of letting go, yielding to the delicious and even delirious excitement to see what actively awaits you around the very next bend.

As the month begins, you are still reveling in the wave of energy that has been with you ever since the potent New Moon of mid-July, that stimulated you in many ways, not least of which with an urge to move in the direction that inner process demands that you should go. The Full Moon of July 31st, as the month of August began, represented in some ways a recreation of these feelings, another prompt from the depths of your unconscious process. It is up to you, of course, whether or not to act upon this feeling, although, in another way of looking at things you might say, "why not?" Instead of complaining about the relative difficulty, you could pick up on the tides of change sweeping though you and creatively attempt to surf them. You are full of the impulse to do just that.

At the timing of the recent late-Cancer New Moon, your sector of home and family was lit up by Mars, your ruling planet, conjunct Mercury, both in opposition to transformational Pluto. This suggests a tremendous mental drive to find a balance point in the tension between fiercely pursuing and fulfilling your sense of purpose in this world, and the foundation for that to be found in your home or family life, including your private sense of self beneath the public image. This also signals a period when it may be beneficial to allocate a good amount of time and attention to tending to your emotional orientation, creating and reforming beliefs that foster greater alignment of your internal heart-space. This will prove to be helpful in better understanding the ongoing transformation unfolding in your external path of worldly affairs.

There is also a tension mounting this month between that which you are discovering which makes you uniquely YOU, and what has been handed to you from your family of origin, or beliefs from your lineage or cultural roots. It's a good time to identify those beliefs you have adopted from your formative experiences as a child, and where, as you grow and evolve, they require adjustment, or need to be let go of entirely and replaced with a stance that is in better alignment with your profound soul center. You might feel an extra robustness now in standing up for what you believe, as indicated by the activated Uranus- Eris conjunction in your first solar sector of identity, and could be pleasantly surprised at how effective your words become when they are spoken from the deepest root of your personal power.

You may also find yourself feeling extra passionate as well about speaking out and making a stand for a cause greater than yourself this month. Anywhere there is a burning desire within you to leave a legacy for your children or for future generations, you may also find a tremendous drive to pour that passion into and through your creative expressions. You have incredible energy at your disposal now to make a positive contribution to wherever it is that you choose to channel your creative spirit.

Relationships are also a prominent theme for you this month, because Venus is retrograde, and makes a square to Saturn during the first week of August. Venus governs relationship in general, and is the ruler of your partnership sector as well. You are slowing down in this area in order to learn what is going on beneath the hood, as it were, of your relating engine. It might also be that your creative endeavors are linked to questioning that arises from issues surrounding significant partners in your life. You could be more sensitive than usual to feeling reflections of where there is ease and flow in relating to others, and where there is a sense of blockage or dis-ease. It is a good time to be in observation of yourself and your social dynamics, and to really ask yourself and your heart what you value in connections of all kinds: intimate, romantic, family, friends, or business. It might take a while for your new understandings to manifest, but simply trust that your willingness and openness to new possibilities for yourself will have a ripple-out effect, so that the long-term outcome will be profound.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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