Aries Horoscope for November 2014

Aries Horoscope for November 2014

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is the start of an exciting climax to an intense year, Aries, as you enter into yet another new and dramatic phase. You have been very busy these past few months creating a better alignment between your vision, your actions, and your deeper purpose as you are coming to understand it, a work in progress that is far from complete. This month takes you into new territory. You are finding out what your dreams are really made of, more concretely than you would have formerly thought possible. These messengers from your unconscious can come to your active aid as you scale the walls of your ambition once again, this time in a more integrated fashion. You are learning to be yourself in a way that permits others in, without losing your own sense of unique destiny.

As the month begins, you can get an idea of the energies of this November cycle by considering the recent New Moon eclipse of late October, which took place about nine days ago as the Sun entered the watery depths of Scorpio. Because of the position that the New Moon occupied in your solar chart, there is for you a strong emphasis on regeneration and transformation, as well as a more profound experience of intimate connection and relating. Relationship has been coming up for you in many ways in recent weeks, and this month continues in that fashion, as symbolized by loving Venus in conjunction with the New Moon, and in the same degree.

Also the Mercury Retrograde period has invited you to look even more deeply at how you show up in relation to another. You could be dealing with aspects of shared finances or other resources. This current cycle, especially in this first week of November, could represent a potent time to discover fresh approaches with new eyes as you rethink and adjust the ways you share responsibilities and create avenues of cooperation in your intimate partnerships.

The energies of Neptune are also strong this month, since it too is prominent in the New Moon configuration, and slows down to station to direct motion around mid-month. The undercurrents of your psyche, below the level of consciousness, are in full motion, and you could feel like your emotional state and capacity to love and be loved are rippling out into larger and larger waves. During the recent Mercury Retrograde, and as well in the retrograde shadow period that begins the current month, you have been looking more deeply into the relationships in your life, and the way that you show up for them. As Mercury begins to regain the zodiacal ground it lost, you could find your mental landscape clearing, and a yearning for forward movement and further consolidation of all that has come to pass. As your mind searches to find meaning and gain control, with Neptune involved there could be a tendency for illusion or fantasy. Your heart, rather than your head, holds the answers, and you benefit from allowing the tides of your emotions to wash over you, sitting and merely being present with whatever might unfold, rather than demanding answers or certainty.

Mars, your ruler, is also quite prominent in this month's configurations, elevated in Sagittarius last month, and now in Capricorn, representing the career sector of your solar chart. You have inordinate energy for your creativity to flower and in ways that enhance your professional standing. With Jupiter also prominent you could be feeling a seismic burst of expansion and renewed excitement, while your considerable drive and passion may be aptly channeled into exploring uncharted territories and adopting new philosophies in your approach, particularly in regard to the aforementioned areas of life and love.

It is interesting also to note that the configurations this month come aloft with distinctly spiritual overtones, because at the time of the New Moon, the Sun and Moon were in quintile aspect to both transformative Pluto and expansive Jupiter. Your intuition is sizzling, perhaps at an all-time high. For you this may appear as amplified creative expression in regards to your work, or your sense of purpose. This is an area in which a transformation has been in the works for many months now, and will continue to unfold. With uplifting energies of Jupiter prominent now as well you may feel into novel visions you believe to be very possible. Jupiter is the planet of faith, and signals a sense of trust in life that is necessary as you endeavor to access your dreams, and transmute limitation into unbounded potential. Your creativity is key, as you find new ways for your unique gifts to be more fully expressed out into in the world.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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