Posted on January 2, 2025 in Aquarius
By Henry Seltzer and Kimberly Peta Dewhirst for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is another rather potent month for you, Aquarius, with Pluto newly in your sign and aspected – in the New Moon that begins the month astrologically – by retrograde Mars in your opposite sign of Leo. The current month therefore speaks to relationship issues and personal identity involving transformation in both of these areas. They say with Pluto, when he comes around in highlighted fashion in your transits, that you will either go willingly or go slowly and fighting, but in any case you will go. Your actions are of course your own, always, just it might be wise to know as you make your choice which way the wind is blowing. With the Capricorn New Moon to work with, all month long you have the additional mandate to get to know yourself in the dark and hidden spaces deep within you, the vast interior reaches of your unconscious psyche. This can be the way to better integrate all your parts, something that noted 20th-century psychologist Carl Jung frequently recommended. This cycle is dramatic, with the Cancer Full Moon of Monday the 13th quite powerfully featuring Mars, now having backed into Cancer, conjunct the Moon, in close aspect with Uranus in your sector of home and family, as well as Neptune in Pisces and with the new KBO planet Eris in Aries. This represents a shake-up and an opportunity to more fully inhabit your most authentic self as you evolve and grow.
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
As the month and year begins we’re in the ongoing lunation cycle began by the Capricorn New Moon from the last days of the prior month of December. This thirty-day cycle lasts for almost the entire month of January, calling attention to your solitary twelfth sector of dream imagination, unconscious process, inner work, and catharsis. A letting go process could be in motion for you, inwardly, so that you may be taking time out in some ways, focused on recovery and life’s mysteries. Because transformational Pluto is featured greatly enhanced by his close opposition from Mars in Leo, you will want to consider the themes of transformation and internal work taking place behind the scenes, plus as these affect important partners in your life or your relationship dynamic in general. Your deep unconscious process may be brought closer to the light of your more logical awareness, especially since Mercury in your social sector – and ruling your sector of creative self-expression – is trine to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, which references inner wounding, long isolated and hidden away in the depths of your psyche.
Venus moves into Pisces and your money zone on the 2nd, giving you the potential to tend to your own security, personal stability and what you have – taking stock in your most prized assets. Your belongings, cash in the bank, or your winning attributes that serve as resources for you may be increasingly important throughout the month.
On the 4th, the Sun aligns with Saturn in this sector, perhaps allowing you to see financial responsibilities or your valuable contribution with realism. There could be emphasis on sacrifices made, healing modalities and ways you’ve come to terms with life that are ultimately rewarding. It’s possible you’ve given something up in order to invest in yourself and earn, which may now be apparent.
On the 6th, the First Quarter Moon lands in the middle of the Aries sign, or your sector of communications and learning. Your communication ruling planet Mars (retrograde until February 23rd) also moves backward into Cancer this same day. You might find yourself busy, reactivating a fitness plan, addressing employment matters or admin that serves to sustain you. Revisit habits that make sense, motivated in your role, organizing possessions, taking inventory of your needs. Consider necessary upkeep and maintenance (including the costs associated with daily life, health and wellbeing), managing what’s yours to take care of. People in your environment, communications, language or local ties may feature as you go about your business.
The 13th sees a Full Moon in this habit-oriented sector, closely aligned with Mars, suggesting these themes are again strongly illuminated. Acknowledge what comes up for examination and those involved, be they close relations, neighborhood ties or those around you every day. As the Sun finds harmony with changemaker Uranus in your fourth house, pick up on subtle cues related to your private life, and any disruption or marked differences at home. It may be a key time to move beyond unsettling circumstances concerning a parent, your property, family or the past. Neptune is also aspected during this Full Moon, circling back to your values, self-worth and what’s tangible. Venus squares Jupiter in Gemini in your house of creativity, inspiration, and joy, which could result in celebration or perhaps in some degree of tension regarding what’s earned, spent or saved. Developments around what you want, along with solo pleasures, and what you find fun may be challenging, requiring a practical component.
From the 17th to the 18th, Venus goes on to meet up with Saturn in Pisces, emphasizing this theme of income, and even the importance of your own inner sanctity and self-assurance. You may want to reflect on how far you’ve come, taking the issue of finances and your sense of place into serious account.
The Last Quarter Moon occurs on the 21st, in Scorpio, providing a catalyst for breakthroughs around personal goals, ambitions and aspirations, then, on the 23rd, the Scorpio Moon closely aligns with both Mars in Cancer and Mercury in Capricorn, in opposition. These planets find harmony with Uranus, which promises surprises, and unexpected revelations. Life could pull you in different directions, domestic and public, social and dutiful; be mindful as to what must be tackled and what can wait.
A few days back, on Sunday the 19th, the Sun entered your sign, suggesting a focus on you, ready or not, as the transformational developmental arc continues, an attitude that is further enhanced when mental Mercury follows, moving into your sign on January 27th, and conjuncting Pluto, bringing a more conscious awareness of the metamorphosis that you are currently engaged in.
The New Moon of the 29th in your sign sets the stage for the February month, and might see you through to a very personal new beginning. The influence of this Aquarius cycle lasts through the thirty days that follow. Mercury still conjuncts the Pluto position at the beginning of your fist solar sector, and as the Sun finds itself in a harmonious trine to Jupiter during this New Moon, you could be deeply and profoundly inspired. You might be able to harness this energy by recognizing future plans and tuning in to what’s interesting to you. It’s a good time to pay attention to what’s spotlighted for you, emphasizing your own way forward into better integration and joy.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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