Posted on July 2, 2015 in Aquarius
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This month is an important one for you, Aquarius, as you continue to get a better grasp on your creative self-expression — along with its roots that lie deep within your psyche. You are focusing in particular on your professional productivity and reputation as you go even further toward understanding your deepest layers, communing with your own inner world. You are forging in this current month an outer world presence that is in better alignment with internal idealism and your truest values. Relationship is a moving target for you these days, an expanding vista that takes your core purpose and your home environment more completely into the picture. As you study with more deliberate intention the way in which you profoundly connect with significant others in your life, you are simultaneously furthering your own self-development.
As the month begins, you are still basking in the glow of the recent late-Gemini New Moon from the middle of last month that took place in your fifth solar sector of artistic creativity and self-expression. The Sun and Moon, in conjunction with energetic Mars, aspected your ruler, Uranus, in conjunction with the new planet, Eris, located in your communications sector, indicating that the exchanging of ideas is the name of your game right now. The Capricorn Full Moon from the very beginning of the current month also strongly aspects your solar chart, continuing the mad dash for self-expression and bringing partnership alliances more firmly and positively into the picture. Then, too, these past few months and even years have been all about transforming your basic understanding of what is going on beneath the surface layers of your personality, and this month you are more fully vested than ever before in this rewarding enterprise.
Your awareness at the time of this Full Moon, taking place on the evening July 1st, may be directed in how you put your intellect to use with regard to relationship. You may find yourself full of optimism about your partnership or potential partnership, as a culmination of one part of a process that began for you two weeks prior, with the New Moon. An opportunity is presenting itself to come to a more overt understanding about how your mental constructs are framing and informing your ability to relate to others, especially with regard to significant partners. All human relationships, such as your own, are by nature incredibly layered and nuanced, with much happening within, in the vast and hidden realm of your subconscious. When you get a glimpse beneath the hood of your relationship dynamic, momentarily allowing you to see beneath the surface layers and get a glimpse of how the internal machine of your mind really works, it can represent a profound experience.
The numinous astrological archetype of Neptune also comes into view this month, so that there could be a certain quality of volatility to the ways in which your intellect is operating. You experience bursts of your unique genius shining through one day, only to wake up the next to find that these brilliant epiphanies have become fuzzy or vague. It may be a good time to capture your ideas in a way that you can easily access them again in the future, either through writing, or recording your thoughts in audio or video format. You might also experience idealized values or shaky and confusing finances; in any case there is a profound learning attached to the security needs that become highlighted in this manner.
One way of looking at this is by recognizing that every thought that arises in mundane existence, or anything in the exterior world, is a reflection of the way that you perceive it, and therefore mirrors some aspect of your inner awareness. When there is an event that seems not pleasing, you might fixate on finding ways to make it better by re-arranging things that are external to yourself, and yet find yourself surprised that the problem keeps recurring in various forms. Recognizing patterns of life events in this way is a first step, and the second might be to understand that the necessary change is not with regard to anything external, but rather in your own perception and experience of life. This month thus constitutes a good time to examine what is being reflected to you by exterior circumstance, and recognizing the internal piece of you that it corresponds to. You could be surprised at how quickly you might be able to get results from taking ownership for these hidden pieces of yourself, as the action of affirming your dark and hidden places within you proceeds to have a rippling effect outward from the circumstances of your inner world into the events and responses to events that make up your outer life.
This month might also be an excellent time to approach any aspect of your health or daily existence that is in need of adjustment. You may find within you a heightened ability to join the forces of your outwardly exerted will with the subtle complexities of your inner world, building stronger bridges between them. You possess tons of energy now for aligning your authentic and unique individuality with your goals, actions, and outer orientation.
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