Posted on May 1, 2014 in Aquarius
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is yet another amazing and magical month for you Aquarius, especially for your process of deep inner work that is very alive for you now. You are extremely invested this month in home and family concerns, in whatever ways these considerations might manifest. Family of origin issues could arise, or concepts involving your current dwelling, such as renovation. You could be exploring an intention for greater familial connection, in turn relating to feelings of psychological security, in the context of loving and honoring what you discover inside. Dealing with whatever comes up in this way will prove extremely fruitful for you long term, and productive of insights regarding your path ahead. You are also concentrating on outer world achievement, based on your own deep process, independent of other voices and what consensus thinking might dictate.
As the month begins, you are discovering that your way forward depends on powerfully considering, by both logical/mental and emotional means, the ways in which your inner core issues come alive for you when working with your home environment, including family. This month's symbolism could refer to your current family or your household or to issues with your own sense of psychological security, which ultimately depends on close familial connection of various kinds. This was indicated in the recent New Moon eclipse, which took place during the last days of April in your home and family sector. Because a solar eclipse represents an extra-powerful New Moon, and because it was located in a prominent position within your chart, this marks a pattern of deep intensity for you for most of the current month.
Mercury is located this area of your chart at the time of this recent New Moon eclipse, and makes a connection with your ruler, Uranus, and with transformative Pluto, thus symbolizing that you are currently well able to apply mental tools to the task of analyzing where you are headed within the field represented by deep inner concerns. Your communicative process, which is important to you these days, and how generally you connect to others, is also therefore serving as a way that you connect with yourself. As you elucidate your unconscious process, you could find this a productive time for journaling or for simply thinking about and reflecting on your inner world. Your self-expression is also vital to you as you advance into greater wholeness.
Your co-ruler, Saturn, is emphasized this month in your tenth sector of career and professional life, indicating that there is an unusually strong focus now on this area. Your outer world commitment is informed and strengthened by the depth researches in which you have recently been engaged, and the challenges that you have surmounted. It is paradoxical that you are able to inhabit at least two worlds at once; that of outer world achievement and recognition becomes a mirage when you take a purely subjective viewpoint and yet is a reality to you in another way of thinking about things. You are likewise both the creator of your life and subject to conditions supplied by circumstance.
Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is also highlighted by the New Moon configuration from the end of April that represents the beginning moment of this month's lunation cycle. Located in your second solar sector of material and financial security, Chiron symbolizes confronting and attempting to come to better terms with the potential residue of early trauma, which has perhaps remained lodged within your energetic body for many years. It is only by accepting the dark places that you find within you and forgiving yourself and others for what has once occurred that you will be able to act in a more conscious manner regarding knee-jerk reactivity or repetitiously rerunning old scripts. The creativity of the present monthly cycle provides you with an excellent opportunity to take advantage and begin to move beyond prior wounding into a more integrated and satisfying life experience.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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