Aquarius Horoscope for December 2014

Aquarius Horoscope for December 2014

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are in the midst of a fortunate monthly cycle, Aquarius, made more so when you make the choices that are in complete alignment with both your logical and your emotional self. This is a profound time of greater conscious concern for where your life is taking you, fueled by an overwhelming power to get things done along the lines of your soul's true agenda. You are feeling your way toward a new mandate for change that includes helpful partners, both as useful adjuncts to your process of evolutionary growth and as the source of new perspectives that blend and merge with your own. In a timing that includes the potential to visualize a new future self into being, novel information comes your way all of a sudden that might serve to make your choices more obvious.

As the month begins, you are feeling inspired, and called to a new mandate for expanding your societal role. You have been getting yourself out in the world in a more focused way, and this push for concrete results regarding your contribution is taking on a new and optimistically oriented charge. This latest burst of energy for being up and doing corresponds to the timing of the Sagittarius New Moon from about ten days before the very beginning of December. Because this potent lunation took place in your sector of friendship, group association, and future plans, with a prominent Jupiter, you have a strong desire to expand your reach in this area, and to begin involving deep process into the equation. Whatever you sincerely desire and are able to articulate in the early part of the month has an excellent chance of coming to pass, so choose wisely.

You are also feeling unusually inspired in an instinctual sense. You are filled unexpectedly with surprising insight into systems and situations and it all seems to come from deep down inside you, beyond logic. This has been increasingly the case lately, even more so, perhaps, since the recent New Moon. This powerful lunation triggered both trickster Uranus in your sector of communications and learning, and also Pluto in square, residing in your sector of dream imagination and inner work. The result is that you are more attuned than ever before to your interior realms, referring to that portion of yourself below and beyond the surface layers of conscious awareness. Like the iceberg, which shows only a small part of its enormous mass above the surface level of the sea, the reaches of your psyche are vaster in scope — and more influential on your behavior — than ever you would have imagined without psychological investigation or the power of intuition to guide you.

Because Jupiter is so prominent in this monthly cycle, and strongly connected as well to the unusual power of manifestation symbolized by the new planet, Eris, representing soul intention, you have a great deal of determination now to make something happen in your life in a way that surpasses anything that you have ever before tried for. Jupiter is located in Leo, your opposite sign, symbolizing relationship, so that partnership with others is definitely involved in this. You might be able to profit from recognizing that it is not the time for you to be going it entirely alone. It is also not the time to figure out your next steps and what you need to make them happen by means of your simplistic egoic personality all on its own, because you lose half your strength unless and until you can more fully take your own deep process into account, as a silent partner to your more conscious adventuring.

Neptune is another powerful factor in this month's configurations, symbolizing that there is an amorphous type of fuzzy logic implicit in your deliberations now, mysteriously underlying everything that you say and do. At the same time that your mind is functioning unusually well, firing on all cylinders, you must allow for some of its work to be superceded by your best hunch, independent of strictly rational ideas and especially of the false demands of consensus thought, or the residue of early conditioning. These must not be allowed to straightjacket your approach. You win when you embrace the paradox, and allow whatever comes through you to have its place in your process.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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