Aquarius Horoscope for May 2012

Aquarius Horoscope for May 2012

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a pivotal month for you, Aquarius, in a pivotal year. You have been experimental all your life and it has prepared you for this moment when the universe is asking from you even more. Your values are on shaky ground, morphing in a direction that is compatible with spiritual rather than mundane standards, which can be a strain unless you are fully committed to the paradox of living in at least two worlds simultaneously. Also, you are bringing yourself more fully to the table of family and of partnership, showing up with a whole heart as you face potential challenges that grow you. There are places within this arc of development that yield to the fuzzy logic of emotion more readily than to the purely mental variety mistakenly called common sense.

As the month begins, you are celebrating home, family and tribe. You might find that you are especially drawn this month toward establishing a home environment that is safe and secure in a psychological as well as in a purely physical sense, a refuge as it were from the storm of circumstance that characterizes this pivotal year and decade. It might actually be a win for you if in the process you discover that you have within you some uneasy feelings of discontent as well as positive ones. You are likely to be more aware of grace coming into your life in a big way lately, and encouraging you toward needed personal growth. You are happily optimistic to the extent that you can let go and absorb this experience without worrying too much about where it comes from or wither it is heading, and less so when you seek to examine the gift and to analyze its contents. In a similar vein, it is helpful if you can take the tentative nature of these times and their uncertain financial implications as not only a difficulty that you have to deal with but also as a message from the universe. As you go through the ups and downs of this important month your basic drive toward meaningful change overflows into compassionate communicative outreach to others around you. A spiritual place at the core of your being is becoming more available to you and this is a fundamental part of the transformation that you seek. With the Full Moon of Saturday, May 5th, you reach for a plateau of deep-seated understanding and the balance point of internal exploration and outer world responsibility. You are more energized than ever for your process of personal evolution but you are also getting used to this vibration so that it doesn?t seem so foreign to your normal mode of operation. You see the value in making necessary adjustments to the deeper energy flow of your life and are perhaps more content to let go of expectations and just let the process play itself out while you look on. Your process evolves still further by the time of the Last Quarter Moon on Saturday, May 12th that takes place in your sign. This is traditionally a time of questions and of reevaluation, what astrologer Dane Rudhyar referred to as a ?crisis of consciousness.? In this case you are seeing more clearly the limitations of what you are attempting, but not as simple nay-saying, since you are also preparing to take advantage of grounding your wilder flights of fancy into more workable solutions. This also implies getting more clear regarding the philosophical underpinnings for what you are trying to achieve in the way of significant life changes. The pace quickens with the extremely powerful Solar Eclipse and New Moon of Sunday, May 20th. This enormous energy for yet another fresh start takes place in your creativity sector and symbolizes the summation of basic shifts in identity that have been underway all year and that are still in process as your point of view continues to evolve.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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