Neptune Stations Direct: Integrating Dreamtime

Neptune Stations Direct: Integrating Dreamtime

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Neptune has been in retrograde motion through the waters of his own sign, Pisces, since June 9th of this year, and late today, November 15th, or early tomorrow morning further east of the PST time zone, he stations to direct motion. Even though Neptune is not aspected by other planets, this late night Neptune station, of standing dead still in the sky in his apparent motion, will be noticeable. Neptune is connected to otherworldly regions of spirituality and oneness, and thus represents numinous themes of imagination, fantasy, illusion, and deception. With his influence becoming more pronounced over these weekend days you are in for a somewhat spacey time, when your receptivity for others and your sensitivities to outer influence will be heightened, and when subtle energetic information from your environment becomes available to your nervous system.
This can be a time of great revelation, but also a time of confusion as new perspectives become available. Just as Saturn holds information about where to place boundaries, Neptune points to where protective barriers dissolve and are even washed away, fostering a greater sense of empathy and compassion for other beings. It may be that you received potent lessons in recent months about your own spirituality, perhaps how you long to be in greater connection; to love, to the unseen, to the great mystery or your own subconscious — all these facets of the ethereal and mystical realms. As Neptune stations direct, it is an opportunity to reflect and ground these new understandings and teachings you have received in magical and dream-like areas. It is important to integrate the nebulous lessons of the mystical, as you are available for that activity, and a perfect time is this weekend, when Neptune turns direct. We do well now to consider not only what is in our rational awareness, but also what is being communicated to us through dreams, synchronicity, and the unseen. As Carl Gustav Jung wrote in The Red Book: "I must learn that the dregs of my thought, my dreams, are the speech of my soul. I must carry them in my heart, and go back and forth over them in my mind, like the words of the person dearest to me. Dreams are the guiding words of the soul."

Interested to know how this Neptune transit is affecting you, personally?

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