Virgo Horoscope for February 2023

Virgo Horoscope for February 2023

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a time of shaping things up, Virgo. Coming out of the recent thoughtful weeks of the retrograde of Mercury, your ruler, you are seeing things differently, and so it is upon you, rather than lingering in the past, to catch yourself up to where you currently are. Mercury finally escapes its retrograde shadow a day or two after the February 5th Full Moon, making of that Sunday a watershed event. Inspiration springs from your own deep intuition, and it becomes a question of honoring seemingly strange ideas as ones to be embraced, rather than to shun. Along with your stance on things in general, including your very identity and your career or profession, you have been rethinking the direction that your creative self-expression has been taking. Your alignment with your deepest values is an important part of what you are currently up to. There is perhaps an almost electrical current that lights your mind up from within. With the New Moon in your opposite sign late on the 19th or early on the 20th, you are ready to take concerted action, and furthermore, to bring partners more fully into your decision process.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Keywords: Habits, Vocation, Pleasure, Relationships

The recent Aquarius New Moon, still active in the current month, has you thinking about a fresh start in the area of your health habits and day-to-day environment, or your fundamental mission of service to partners or to the collective. You could be communicating to others around you concerning deep-seated principles and values, something of a theme for you, for February. You might find that career moves are influenced by your assessment of your own inner guidelines concerning right action. Mercury is still pulling out of its retrograde shadow, in the area of your creativity, so that questions that you have been engaged with there are coming to a logical conclusion and the month unfolds.

February may bring some closure and some openings depending on how committed you are to your current situation. This is a preparatory month to a certain extent in anticipation of the major planetary ingresses that will occur in March. Lessons learned might start to yield their wisdom and you may feel like certain things are in transition at this time. What felt on hold could gain traction this month and you may have to deal with various logistics and habits to streamline your processes. You could have to adjust your routine and factor in new elements that need to be integrated but you should have the energy to meet the challenges. Partnerships and agreements with others might be a big theme also but with Venus transiting in Pisces for most of the month, good relations should prevail.

From the 3rd through the 5th, Venus in Pisces is forming a square with Mars in Gemini. This may bring up the need to balance work and pleasure more diligently. You could feel ambitious and drawn towards career advancement but you may also have to make some compromises or rely on your collaborators to make something work.

The Full Moon in Leo culminates on Sunday, February 5th and shines her light on both the more independent aspects of your nature and also you own unconscious depths that also take a certain amount of control. A square from the Sun and Moon to Uranus in Taurus could make for a somewhat unpredictable time or you may come to sudden exciting intuitional conclusions. You might have a harder time being told what to do around this time. When you give yourself plenty of space to do what you want this could be a great opportunity to forge ahead and take stock of your relationship to success.

The second week of February contains a host of supportive aspects that could help organize things more efficiently and your projects could be coming together nicely with a little bit of intentional effort. Important conversation and perspectives could be coming through after a period of reflection.

From the 9th through 11th, Mercury, your ruler, conjuncts Pluto and you may feel a renewed sense of purpose and also of transforming yourself in certain factors in the area of your creative self-expression. On the 11th, Mercury enters Aquarius which changes the energy and could bring the challenge of putting your ideas to the test. Work that requires attention to details could benefit.

On the 15th and 16th, Venus, the planet of love, joins Neptune the planet of fantasy, in Pisces, for indications of a romantic rendezvous. Inspiration should be high and so is the tendency to see life through rose-colored glasses. This is not a bad aspect in itself; and this is especially so if you are a creative person. However, it may be easier to project what you want to see on your feeling of reality in your relationships. The Sun in Aquarius conjunct with Saturn – during this time as well – may help in staying grounded and committing to what is most realistic at this time.

On the 18th, your partnerships become an area of focus for the remainder of the month as the Sun enters your opposite sign of Pisces and the New Moon dawns there the next day.

The New Moon in Pisces arrives late evening of the 19th, early morning of the 20th, and signals the beginning of a fresh cycle in the part of your chart that relates to others. You may be more inclined to compromise in order to make a relationship work in the following weeks especially if you are benefiting from the support of someone. There may be resources available through partnerships that could help you get ahead but you may also need to compromise on your personal sense of autonomy to keep this support available. Your agreements with others whether intimate or business in nature may require careful negotiations in the following weeks to ensure that both parties are getting what they want. Venus enters Aries later on the 20th and this could prompt you to assess the benefits of your relationships and what it is that you truly want to share with others. Opportunities for expansion might be coming through your close associations but you may also have to assess the cost of these trade-offs before committing more deeply to make something work.

The end of February may continue to emphasize themes related to your partnerships and resources. On the 21st and the 22nd, Mercury in Aquarius squaring Uranus can bring new unforeseen factors to contend with but staying flexible should also bring innovative solutions, especially for work-related matters, because Mercury simultaneously forms a trine with Mars in Gemini. Then, on the 27th, the First Quarter Moon in Gemini, again corresponding to your career sector, brings an ethereal glow to the proceedings with highlighted presence of Neptune in your opposite sign. Things may feel in a state of flux as February comes to a close and these changes could be opening the way for more opportunities to come through as you sail into March.

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