Pisces Horoscope for October 2024

Pisces Horoscope for October 2024

Posted on in Pisces |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of intensity in the relationship department, Pisces, and yet with all that is going on in that realm, your own self-development is your true goal. The intense Libra New Moon of October 2nd, which is also a solar eclipse, speaks to your ever-changing relationship dynamic, which is also your own underwater dive into your depths, to hopefully come up with the pearl of wisdom. This is indeed a thoughtful time of learning and of getting clear on your evolving worldview, and of exploring your own most sincere principles and values as you grow. Your creativity has a great deal of charge, and yet has a slow-going determination to get it right that can feel difficult, and yet cause you to admit that patience is a virtue. Your work in the world can also feel slowed down at times, and the roses might be mixed with thorns, and yet if you persevere it will all come out pretty well in the end. The Aries Full Moon of the 17th brings all this to a head and speaks to your drive for perfection – and for fulfilling your life mission of authentic autonomy, invoking your own unique creative spark for its fuel supply.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The October month begins for you astrologically with the solar eclipse and New Moon in Libra on the 2nd, corresponding to your sector of intimate connection an personal transformation. This is already a transformative month for you with a powerful Pluto placement, so that this extra-potent New Moon makes it even more so. It may bring an emphasis on intimate and business partnerships over this thirty-day lunation cycle, lasting to the end of the month. There may be a need to assess the resources you have available to make everything happen in the right way for what you truly want for yourself. Saturn in your sign is receiving supportive aspects from Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer in this New Moon configuration, so that things are blossoming for you right now. ’Where there is a will there is a way applies, but you may have to get out of your own way in order to find it. Saturn currently transiting in Pisces means you are gradually coming to grips with the concept and advantages that come with self-discipline.

On October 9th, Jupiter in Gemini turns retrograde in trine with Mercury and in sextile with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, which could be a significant landmark for you this month. It’s possible that your values and resources, or your important relationship, could be in need of adjustment and that this review could involve aspects of inner wounding, the residue of early childhood trauma, that has arisen for the purpose of better understanding and eventual healing of these issues. A domestic situation or a real-estate scenario may need to be reassessed in the coming months and this, too, could prove to be beneficial.

The Last Quarter Moon of the 10th makes for a potent reminder that your innermost values might be the ones that are most worth fighting for, in spite of any and all odds that seem to be stacked up against you.

On the 15th and the 16th, Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune, your ruler, in your sign, so that relationship issues may again come up and take on different coloration in this mid-month timing.

The Aries Full Moon culminates on October 17th, illuminating the sector of your chart that relates to your resources and overall financial health. There are some things that cannot be ignored in this world and money may be one of those things, but there is nothing that can overcome the human spirit. This is a good moment to tune right in to what it is that truly motivates you.

The Sun enters Scorpio on October 22nd and the Last Quarter Moon in Leo on the 24th could emphasize your higher mind understanding of your beliefs and worldview. This is a powerful time of shifting values and of honoring those that are the closest to you.

From the 27th to the 29th, Mars in Cancer trines Neptune in your sign, giving a bouquet of strength to your understanding of yourself and your world, along with your resources and finances. All that glitters however, is not gold, and it is the internal gold of character that you seek, as the October cycle ends and another begins.

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