Posted on February 11, 2025 in Configurations
By Leslie Benson for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
The Full Moon on February 12, 2025, at 5:53 AM Pacific Time in the sign of Leo illuminates a potent time of revelation, liberation, and unexpected events that invites us into inhabiting our most brilliant and authentic selves. Breakthrough moments could be said to be a hallmark of this remarkable Full Moon configuration, urging us to live more fully in alignment with our essential nature and vision. The Leo sign represents creativity and expressive life force, and this Full Moon calls attention to how we uniquely channel that energy into the world. And with this, we also confront our edges — our relationship with being seen, being witnessed, and whether that visibility feels exhilarating or unnerving. The polarity between the Leo Moon and the Aquarius Sun additionally brings us into contemplation of our own individuality versus the collective; the personal pursuit of joy, purpose, and livelihood as being set against the broader canvas of humanity, society, and culture. The amplification of this axis indicated in this potent lunation may prompt us to ask ourselves — how do we exist as both sovereign individuals and interwoven participants in the greater social fabric?
One of the most defining aspects of this Full Moon is its powerful T-square to Uranus. The Leo Moon opposes the Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius, are both squaring Uranus in Taurus — a configuration charged with creative tension, volatility, and the urgent need for release. Due to the nature of the Uranus archetype of freedom and unconventionality this is breakthrough energy, electric and uncontainable, like a volcano in the act of eruption. Uranus, the archetype of awakening and disruption, operates like a lightning bolt — seeking an outlet, a pathway to ground its charge. In Taurus, this expression wants embodiment, stability, form. Here, the bold creative force of Leo and the progressive humanitarian vision of Aquarius meet the grounded reality of Taurus, urging innovation that is not just theoretical but tangible, lived, and physical.
With all three signs in fixed modalities, this lunation highlights areas where we have become rigid, where old structures and perspectives have calcified. Uranus insists on movement, on dismantling what no longer serves, on breaking through self-imposed or socially conditioned limitations. Perhaps the invitation here is to be radically open-minded to our own internal re-wiring, receptive to discovering the pathways of our own unique brilliance. The process of embodying our highest creative intelligence may require unlearning, de-conditioning, and shedding inherited constraints around how we think, create, and express ourselves. As Einstein famously expressed: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Additionally to the featured archetype of Uranus, this Full Moon also closely aspects, by sextile and trine, the position of the new KBO planet, Eris, at 24° of Aries, matching the Sun and Moon at 24° of their respective signs. Eris represents a Feminine Warrior energy in support of soul intention, that is, taking a concerted stand for deep purpose. This archetypal energy is also quite potent and gives us a reflection that it may be time for us each to stand up for what we in our hearts most deeply believe, the principles and values that make up our own internal bottom line, what we profoundly feel that we cannot not do.
Another key player in this Full Moon chart is the nodal axis, which has recently shifted into Pisces (North Node) and Virgo (South Node). Right now, the North Node in Pisces is in close conjunction Neptune at the final degrees of Pisces, marking a culminating moment before Neptune transitions into Aries later this year. This is a summation of the Neptune-in-Pisces era — spiritual illumination, compassion, the dissolving of boundaries between self and universe. It is the deep yearning to feel ourselves as both a single drop AND the entire ocean. With the North Node amplifying this Piscean pull, there is an urgency to reconnect with something greater than our physical existence. This is whether through spirituality, art, imagination, or simply surrendering to the vast intelligence of the unseen. It is equally true that nodal work is never about abandoning one pole for the other. The South Node in Virgo reminds us to integrate mystical knowing into the tangible, to root our spiritual awareness in daily life. How do we make sacred practice? How do we infuse ordinary routines — brushing our teeth, making our bed — with reverence and intentionality? The invitation is to merge structure with spirit, to cultivate rituals that keep us tethered to the divine even as we may find ourselves amidst tumult.
In a world that is unpredictable and rapidly changing, we are being called to hold onto our own inner brilliance, our own connection to magic, source, and personal truth — whatever that means for each of us. This is not a time to surrender to the collective frenzy but to anchor in our own radiant knowing, and the perspective and actions we want to take from there. To resource ourselves with creativity, embodiment, and resilience. May we each stay rooted in our unshakeable Truth and inner knowing, and yet remain adaptable and open to the intelligence of how we can best evolve and change to meet these current and difficult times.
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