Posted on January 31, 2023 in Capricorn
By Henry Seltzer and Elodie St-Onge Aubut for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is another potent month for you Capricorn, a wind-up of a kind to the years-long transformational period of Pluto in your sign. Pluto enters Aquarius next month, breaking the spell. Mercury is also finishing up with its introspective retrograde shadow period in your sign, by February 7th. This month also sees you confronting your values and your resources, including your finances, and coming into a more thoughtful place involving your deepest inner principles and the extent that these affect career and other choices. The Leo Full Moon of February 5th is dynamic, bringing up issues of self and other, and as well your creative self-expression, which might take a few unexpected left turns. You do well to remain, first and foremost, within the arc of your own evolutionary development. The Moon’s Last Quarter on the 13th is another interesting juncture that produces a few more twists as you regard your creativity, and judge how far from the beaten track you can go. The Pisces New Moon a week later gives a boost to your communicative outreach for the remainder of the month, and the continuation of a thoughtful approach to future plans that takes your own intuitionally derived principles very much into account.
The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
Keywords: Health, Resources, Routine, Logistics
As the month begins, you are still under the spell astrologically of the interesting Aquarius New Moon from the last ten days of the previous month, still coloring the first three weeks of February. This featured, for you, a fresh start on your values and resources, including your financial ones, and a better understanding of where you are heading, perhaps taking your inner life more firmly into account. Because your ruler, Saturn, was closely conjunct relationship-oriented Venus in this same sign, intensifying the message regarding finances in a positive way and also indication that partners and your career are favored as ongoing themes as well.
February also brings an emphasis on the logistical aspects of your life and you could be busy tying up the loose ends of various projects at home and work. Mercury in Capricorn does not escape its retrograde shadow until the 7th so that there is an introspective component for you at the beginning of the month, although its position in your sign could help you to get your points across more clearly after that. Things are moving forward nicely this month and you should feel relatively clear about what you would like to accomplish in the weeks and months ahead. There may be a lot of tedious details that need your attention but dealing with these and crossing them off of your to-do list can also feel quite satisfying.
From the 3rd through the 5th, Venus in Pisces squaring Mars in Gemini could bring some tension between what you want and what needs to be done. Collaborations could feel strained if you have to wait for others to catch up to speed. You might be able to see exactly what needs to be done but others could be moving way slower than you.
The Full Moon in Leo takes place on Sunday, February 5th, in the sector of your chart that relates to your intimate or business partnership agreements and could bring an important dynamic to light. An arrangement you have with someone may come up for review but with the Full Moon squaring Uranus in Taurus you could have to contend with an unpredictable element. Intimate and romantic connections feel exciting at this time but it may be hard to know exactly where things are heading. This Full Moon highlights the necessity for letting go of the need to control someone or the outcome of anything, and if you can manage that, this timing could be quite pleasurable.
The second week of February emphasizes personal projects, innovative ideas, and the means needed to realize them. Brainstorming sessions could yield excellent results and it should be easier to focus on what needs to be done. On the 9th through the 11th, Mercury conjoins Pluto in Capricorn and could find you obsessing about your goals but your single-minded focus could be the secret to your success at this time. Power dynamics might be highlighted and if you need to negotiate with others, the odds of you getting your way may be much higher as you are less likely to back down at this time.
On the 11th, Mercury enters into Aquarius carrying some of your focus to your resources in the weeks ahead. Your finances and your material security have been taking center stage and this new mental thrust implies that it might be a good time to take stock of what you have to work with there.
On the 15th and 16th, Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces may bring up wishful thinking and a lack of clarity, especially in your communication with others. It could be wise to wait a few days if you feel unclear about someone’s intention or confused about a message you receive. The Sun simultaneously conjoining Saturn in Aquarius for these few days could help to illuminate the situation; be patient and your answers will come.
The New Moon arrives in Pisces on the late evening of the 19th, early morning of the 20th, which brings new energy to your communications and your desire for information. This lunation might also provide a period of transition if things are in a state of flux. The New Moon could signal a busier period for you. You might have to attend to domestic and family matters in the weeks ahead, and with Venus entering Aries on the 20th or you may feel like spending more time by yourself, surrounded by familiar things. Doing things that help you root down amidst the busyness of your everyday life could be a good way to unwind at the end of the day.
The last days of February may bring new developments in relation to your resources or your communications, or perhaps a longstanding issue that could help you decide on the next leg of a project. Mercury conjuncts Pluto in your sign on the 21st and the 22nd, which brings a concentration or even a compulsion to see how things could continue to change for you, while the First Quarter Moon of the 27th is dynamic and emphasizes both the joy of inner meditative peace and the need for coming to the closest approximation of what you completely stand for deep inside in alignment with your work in the world. Overall this could be a progressive period for you when your sense of faith in things working out is quite high. Spending more time with your friends or with your family could be just what the doctor ordered amidst your busy schedule.
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