As far as Chiron goes, in McCain's chart, we find Chiron in the Fourth House, in square to Saturn, Venus and Neptune, and opposed to Jupiter. This strong placement suggests one who has come through a considerable degree of suffering in his life, as is indeed the case, and has largely risen above it. The Saturn square suggests an authority wound, someone who does not take orders very well, a "maverick" in other words, and who still exhibits issues there, as is also evident at times in his public pronouncements.
Chart Patterns
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Chart Patterns
Seesaw You have the planetary pattern called the 'seesaw' type. With your planets divided into two distinct groups, you are very balanced in your outlook, always being aware of both sides of an issue, always able to compromise between opposing points of view. In this way you are quite similar to a Libra personality.
T-Square, focal planet Uranus You have a T-Square in your chart. With a this planetary aspect pattern, in which three planets or conjunctions are in square with one another, you have a high degree of motivation and drive. Your energies are most easily and habitually expressed by the energy of the focal point, the middle of the T-Square. You may also compensate for overdoing in the area of life represented by the focal point, by leaning toward the empty pattern element opposite the focal point, seeking to balance your activity. The lesson of this planetary aspect pattern is in learning to use your considerable energy wisely in the pursuit of your true goals. There is great tension represented by the focal planet or planets in your chart, where conflicting parts of your personality attain their focus and peak of energy, and you may observe compulsive behavior in the area of life represented here. The following paragraph emphasized: Uranus in Taurus (or the second house) gives an individual who is likely to be concerned with changing his or her physical environment. You have a unique value system, and you may "march to the tune of a different drummer" or choose to experiment with different lifestyles. You have a tremendous drive for independence, and you don't like to work for other people, so that you may be motivated to start your own business. You also may be involved with New Age business ventures, or those involving modern communications, such as Internet resources. You have a unique way of looking at the world, and of finding your own way to its abundance. You may have possessions that you value at one point in your life, but this can change rather suddenly, and you may have to start over. Your income can also fluctuate. You can appear selfish at times to other people, or you may be something of a crusader. You benefit from getting in touch with what you truly value, as opposed to what conventionality dictates. Then your efforts will allow new resources to evolve in your life and your consciousness, and lead to the greater good of society.
T-Square, focal planet Chiron You have a T-Square in your chart. With a this planetary aspect pattern, in which three planets or conjunctions are in square with one another, you have a high degree of motivation and drive. Your energies are most easily and habitually expressed by the energy of the focal point, the middle of the T-Square. You may also compensate for overdoing in the area of life represented by the focal point, by leaning toward the empty pattern element opposite the focal point, seeking to balance your activity. The lesson of this planetary aspect pattern is in learning to use your considerable energy wisely in the pursuit of your true goals. There is great tension represented by the focal planet or planets in your chart, where conflicting parts of your personality attain their focus and peak of energy, and you may observe compulsive behavior in the area of life represented here. Chiron in the Fourth House (or sign) represents issues with the vital force of self-nurturing and taking care of those closest to yourself. With this placement you have a strong drive, even a compulsion, to be centered in home and family, but this desire does not easily find its fulfillment. There may have been painful episodes in connection with early family life; perhaps you had trouble getting settled down to enjoy the comfort that a safe and secure home brings to a child. As a result, you may be even more motivated to having this firm base of security in your adult life than others to whom it is second nature. You may alternate between over-identifying with your family or underidentifying with them, or you may find yourself constantly thwarted in finding this important level of security as you go through life. On a more symbolic level, you are also painfully challenged in finding your own center in a psychological sense. Because of the inherent insecurity of your inner world you may struggle to find yourself, and become easily influenced by others due to lacking your own clear sense of self. Without this base you are more easily unbalanced, and you may find that you move in many different directions emotionally, as the wind blows. You may long for a more secure and comfortable sense of who you are, independent from others' opinions, a place where you can truly be yourself. Part of the problem with connecting to your inner self and externally with home and family, is that the conflict you feel may be largely unconscious in nature, running on autonomously as a result of long-buried experiences too painful to recollect and consciously examine. You may have difficult times with issues regarding home and family as you go through life, until you can become more conscious of these influences, and less easily overtaken by them. There may be conflicts with your mother, or other primary parental figure, that need to be worked through, as you really begin to get in touch with your blocks and difficulties in these areas. Once you begin to nourish yourself and to provide your own parenting, rather than depending on the external world to provide comfort and security, you can come around to being a source of inspiration for others as well as yourself. The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally: Chiron in the Gemini (or the Third House) represents issues regarding developing one's intellect and communicating one's ideas with others. With this placement you may feel an almost compulsive curiosity regarding other people. Your desire is strong to communicate and to explore your world intellectually, but you may feel some kind of barrier that separates you from others at the same time. These feelings of being blocked in your ability to communicate and to get your point across can even manifest physically as a form of stuttering, or another ailment that prevents clear communication. These may seem physical, but the physical and the mental are so intimately related it really is hard to say. If there is a psychological reason behind difficulties in communicating with others, it is likely to be found in early youth, when it was quite important to communicate with your peers. Perhaps there was some group that you felt cut off from in the casual cruelty of that era, or perhaps you felt that you were not fully accepted by important siblings. In your efforts to be accepted and to get through to others you may overcompensate by seeming very competitive or desiring to be recognized for the extent of your knowledge. Whatever the childhood trauma that continues to give you difficulties in adult life, it is important to try to understand and relate well to your earlier self. If you can learn to love and accept who you were then, as well as who you are today, you will come a long way toward full participation in your communication with others. In your quest for wholeness it is quite possible that you will be drawn to helping others to communicate, perhaps taking on the role of a speech therapist or other helping person in other people's lives. As you begin to fully accept yourself you will be even more able to help others in their particular road to fulfillment also.
T-Square, focal planet Jupiter You have a T-Square in your chart. With a this planetary aspect pattern, in which three planets or conjunctions are in square with one another, you have a high degree of motivation and drive. Your energies are most easily and habitually expressed by the energy of the focal point, the middle of the T-Square. You may also compensate for overdoing in the area of life represented by the focal point, by leaning toward the empty pattern element opposite the focal point, seeking to balance your activity. The lesson of this planetary aspect pattern is in learning to use your considerable energy wisely in the pursuit of your true goals. There is great tension represented by the focal planet or planets in your chart, where conflicting parts of your personality attain their focus and peak of energy, and you may observe compulsive behavior in the area of life represented here. Jupiter in the Tenth House (or sign) gives you a serious and conscientious personality. You are also very practical and have a talent for working with the public. You tend to be extremely careful with money, making a good manager, and have a strong drive to achieve success. You may be perhaps somewhat miserly with the gift of your affection. You can also be fearful of risking the fruits of your achievement, definitely not a risk-taker. You may refrain from taking chances that would in fact succeed. Although you have good prospects in life, your opportunities usually come from hard work and dedication. Tradition plays a large part in molding your ideals. You are noble and honorable in your connection with society around you, and enjoy being known as a good role model for others to follow. Jupiter in Sagittarius (or the ninth house) gives you an out-going and optimistic nature, very idealistic and high-minded. You are freedom loving, and enjoy travel and adventure. You possess an innate sense of spiritual possibility in ordinary life, and are especially fond of being in natural surroundings. You tend to seek opportunity through education and exploring new horizons, and are constantly expanding your repertoire of skills and knowledge. You are generally quite successful at what you do. You like to take chances, and do not care much about security or material rewards. Any work that motivates your ideals will capture your undivided attention, for as long as those ideals are motivated, and not longer. You are truly devoted to the principles of higher education, metaphysics and philosophy. Being so aware of the big picture may allow you to miss out on the details, and you benefit from grounding yourself from time to time in the practical considerations of your situation.
T-Square, focal planet Saturn You have a T-Square in your chart. With a this planetary aspect pattern, in which three planets or conjunctions are in square with one another, you have a high degree of motivation and drive. Your energies are most easily and habitually expressed by the energy of the focal point, the middle of the T-Square. You may also compensate for overdoing in the area of life represented by the focal point, by leaning toward the empty pattern element opposite the focal point, seeking to balance your activity. The lesson of this planetary aspect pattern is in learning to use your considerable energy wisely in the pursuit of your true goals. There is great tension represented by the focal planet or planets in your chart, where conflicting parts of your personality attain their focus and peak of energy, and you may observe compulsive behavior in the area of life represented here. Saturn in the First House (or sign) gives a deepening and concentration, or a blockage, in the area of self-confidence and self-expression. With this placement you are likely to be reserved. You also have good reasoning power. You desire to better yourself, and are eager for success in the world of tangible results. The purposeful expression of your will may however be inhibited by subconscious fears, preventing action. This is a cross to bear, but you can definitely overcome this tendency with persistent effort over time. You may appear shy and stiff, or self-effacing, or you may overcompensate through defensive or argumentative behavior. You may at times strongly assert yourself, seizing control of situations. You may also suffer from headaches. You possess a powerful desire for freedom of expression that does not easily find its realization. Your lesson is striving to overcome any fears you may have in expressing yourself, and thus come to a better understanding of who you are and what you can achieve. The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally: Saturn in Pisces (or the twelfth house) gives a deepening and concentration, or blockage, with regard to your connection to spiritual unity with All That Is. You have a serious and self-conscious personality. You can be moody and introspective, and are likely to be compassionate and sympathetic to the problems of others. You may at times feel that life is too hard, or that it is beyond your conscious control. You may experience a sense of imprisonment, either real or imagined, or perhaps a strong sense of guilt, which may be generalized rather than specific. You tend to withdraw from the world, or in some way give up control. Or you may overcompensate by trying too hard to achieve control. Your true path lies in soul-level self-sacrifice rather than in the more mundane life of worldly events. You possess, in a very concentrated form, the urge for spiritual evolution that is present in all of us, and which actualizes when you can detach from the personal self and surrender to a mystical union with all of life. Important Features
Neptune in Virgo (16° Vir 08') Neptune in the Seventh House Neptune in the Seventh House (or sign) gives a charming, generous and idealistic personality. You are apt to have an intense love of beauty and the arts, especially music and painting. You are imaginative and visionary. You may feel a sense of obligation to other people and can give a great deal without expecting anything in return. You dream of finding the perfect partner, but you may encounter difficulties in making that dream a reality. There can be emotional confusion, leading you to depend too much on the strength of another person. You may unconsciously seek a partner with dependency issues, like drug or alcohol or fantasy addiction, as a mirror for your own inner lack of clarity. You also may seek in your partner a sense of rising above the merely mundane, which can be very appealing to you. There are likely to be karmic lessons for you in regard to partnership and marriage. Making an effort to pull back from too much self-sacrifice can bring greater clarity to relationships, which can be of benefit to all concerned. The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally: Neptune in Virgo (or the sixth house) gives a mentally creative personality with a tendency to be critical at times. With this placement you can become confused over details. You may have problems with responsibility or feeling that you must be of assistance to others, no matter how you are feeling about it, or you could experience your work as frustrating and ultimately dissatisfying. Or there may be an unconscious tension between your rational mind and your innermost feelings, such as a psychosomatic illness not properly diagnosed. On the other hand, the ideal of service you aspire to, both to other people and to your own highest purpose for yourself, may lead you to a significant mission in your life. You could achieve greatly in the helping professions, possibly with a specialization in alternative medicine, and especially if Neptune is well aspected by other planets in your chart. You benefit by getting away from too great an involvement in the limited and personal, moving toward the broader ideals of service to humanity and personal transformation.
Sun in Virgo (6° Vir 24' 19") Sun in the Seventh House The Sun represents your will and purpose, your sense of vitality, and your evolving higher Self. In Virgo it is Mutable-Earth, and rules the digestive system. Your ruling planet is Mercury and also the asteroids. Virgo people tend to be very conscious of details. You may also appear nervous or obsess over health issues. You are likely to be neat and orderly, at least in some area of your life, although you may exhibit the opposite tendency in cases where you have not yet found your guiding principle of organization. You love work, service to others and the gathering of the fruits of the material world, as symbolized by the harvest. You are also likely to be an good conversationalist, with wide-ranging knowledge and interesting ideas. You can be analytical and perhaps overly fond of detail, with perfectionist tendencies, and you may miss out on the big picture by concentrating on the micro. It also benefits you to learn the find line between discrimination and criticism. Your mission in life is the purification your activity in pursuit of your goals, manifesting your inherent love of excellence in all strivings The Sun in the Seventh House represents a concentration of the vital force to relate with others in partnership. You gravitate towards others, who serve to reflect your deeper self back to you. You prefer working together with another person, rather than strictly on your own. You enjoy developing the exchange of interpersonal expression and joint efforts. You have an intuitive sense of what partnership requires, and strive to become more aware of the inner needs of two people relating with one another on a committed basis. You are very aware of the other as a mirror for your own selfhood. You sense yourself as part of a unit rather than merely an isolated ego. You may keenly feel the need for an intimate partner to flesh out your unconscious areas of self, and you may alternate between losing your sense of self from within relationship to finding your sense of identity and power in that way. You benefit from recognizing that everything you seek in another is really an important part of yourself, and that being involved with others on an interpersonal level is a means of exploring your own basic nature.
Moon in Aquarius (2° Aqu 24' 34") Moon in the Eleventh House The Moon in Aquarius gives a socially minded and progressive personality. You are charming and gracious. You can also be somewhat unstable or erratic in your behavior. You are consistently kind to other people, but you may come across as somewhat cold and distant, because you have a mental rather than an emotional nature. You desire to be an active force for good in the world, and are likely to achieve that lofty aim. You have great originality in your thoughts. You could benefit from spending more time with your emotions. The Moon in Eleventh House represents emotional sensitivity in social arenas. You seek comfort and security in friends and group associations. You are dynamic in group settings although you do not need to feel like the center of attention. You may be detached and objective in social circumstances because you do not want to commit your allegiance to one group or another. You prefer to have several types of acquaintances in various group settings. You do well as an organizer of group events whether it be a party for friends, group meeting or social event. You have a tendency to overextend yourself and can become divided by being involved in too many group projects at once. You may need to guard against being too naive, friendly and taking too much responsibility for groups. You may do well to focus on reliable friendships and learn discrimination when opening to new activities and associations so that you can manage and coordinate your various interests and activities.
Pluto in Cancer (28° Can 01') Pluto in the Fifth House Pluto in the Fifth House (or sign) gives you a tremendous desire to be recognized and admired. You may feel a compulsion toward self-aggrandizement, or have underlying feelings of insecurity leading to self-centered and ego-oriented behavior. You are an essentially dynamic and charismatic individual with a strong need to make an impact on the world around you. You may find much to admire in the acting and artistic professions, and find your own creative outlet there, although you are likely to go through many changes and challenges in putting yourself forward in a way that truly serves as an expression of your highest purpose for yourself. If you have children you may seek to live your life through them, and experience the twists and turns of fate as you come to recognize some of your own unconscious impulses acting themselves out in this regard. Your desire for personal reputation may also be thwarted, but this can lead to benefits for you, by forcing you to re-evaluate your need to achieve. Transformation in this area is quite possible, as you learn how to work with your personal power in more constructive ways. By embodying the more positive form of your creative energy, and thereby expressing your deepest truth, you can perform an important service for yourself and society. The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally: Pluto in Cancer (or the fourth house) gives you an intense desire for emotional security. Your security needs may manifest as a fixation for a place to reside which can be completely safe, or controlled. You have a strong survival urge, and are likely to go through many changes in your relationship to your home environment as you go through life. You may have suffered early on from an unsettled family existence. You perhaps experienced your father or the same sex parent as obsessive or controlling in some way. You may have increasingly clear insight into your own unconscious motivations, as well as into the emotional depths of others, as you mature. On the other hand, you may find that confronting issues of deep trauma that arise in the course of events is too much for you to handle, and you may attempt to repress these insights. As a defense, you may be obsessively attached to making a home environment for yourself that is exactly the way you want it. There could be a tendency for dictatorial behavior on the home front, or other compulsive behavior in search of safety and security such as seeking isolation rather than sharing. These struggles can be avoided through a deeper understanding of what is truly needed on an emotional level. Your challenge is to transform your need for security based on a better understanding of your own hidden motivations.
Mars in Leo (12° Leo 34') Mars in the Sixth House Mars in the Sixth House (or sign) gives a kind nature, and an energetic worker, with a tendency to be fussy over details. You possess a tremendous desire to be helpful to others, and have a practical and hard-working orientation that assists you in making good on your intentions. You may however need to evolve through getting into conflicts over trifles. At your best, you have a real focus on the simple issues of life, and of the health of the body temple, and just showing up for what comes, day-to-day, that is essentially good natured and constructive rather than egooriented. You tend to be somewhat narrow in the application of your effort, and may need to learn to learn to start opening up to the bigger picture. It benefits you to take a more relaxed attitude and a wider and more tolerant worldview, rather than getting hung up on the minutiae of a project. Mars in Leo (or the fifth house) gives an energetic and passionate nature. You are dramatic, enthusiastic, ambitious and proud, with tremendous vitality and courage. You usually put your best foot forward, being possessed of an innate charm and animal magnetism that other people immediately recognize. You have strong opinions and are not shy in voicing them, and may have a tendency to be extremely stubborn and convinced of your own point of view. You are likely to be physically quite active. There is a creative streak in you that must find its outlet, or you will suffer from energy sublimated into anger or unnecessary aggression, for the urge is strong to produce works of art or commerce that are uniquely yours, the fit expression of your ego. You may need to work through being selfish, or jealous of the success of those around you. You benefit from initiating a spirit of greater concern for others. Sun, Moon, Rising Sign Features
Pisces Rising The Rising Sign is the mask shown to others, also the physical appearance. People with Pisces rising are idealistic and sensitive. Your ruling planet is Neptune, also Jupiter. With this ascendant you are friendly and likable, yet also can be very moody and introspective, and not entirely at home in the world. Your appearance is delicate, with an ethereal quality suggesting contact with other dimensions of reality. Pisces is a watery sign, concerned with subtle emotions and secret mystical depths. You are dreamy and full of imagination, and are easily influenced by everything around you. You also have an artistic temperament with which to express these feelings. You can be strong when necessary, but you may have a hard time making a decision. At your best you are truly compassionate, and operate at the level of service, love and understanding of mankind.
Sun in strong opposition (within 0.4 degrees) with Ascendant The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This aspect between the Sun and Ascendant gives a strong-willed and generous personality. You are dramatic and assertive, also creative, self-confident and more than a bit self-indulgent. Like Leo rising people you expect to be the center of attention, and often are. You also have great energy, courage and honesty and are very proud. Your challenge is to become more aware of yourself; to refrain from arrogance and egotism, and rather to develop humility and compassion, and to learn detachment in the gift of your affections.
Mercury in inconjunct (within 3.3 degrees) with Ascendant The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed. This conjunction gives a personality who values mental pursuits and communication highly. You have a need to connect with other people. Your attention is so much on communicating with others you may constantly worry about how you are coming across, and this may interfere with good communication with other people. You are quick-witted and glib, and may also be nervous and high-strung. You should beware of a tendency to dominate any conversation you enter into. Your pride in your mental abilities and education may overshadow your ability to hear other people. You may turn to writing or public speaking as a way to share your enthusiasm for your own ideas. You are in essence an independent thinker with your own way of looking at things, and you may be inspired and even visionary in your outlook.
Uranus in sextile (within 3.5 degrees) with Ascendant The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections. This aspect gives an independent and strong-willed individual. You can be determined to get your own way, and love freedom from conventionality. You like to start new projects, or make major changes in your life, but without completely eliminating previous foundations. You may feel conflicts with the norm, or with others regarding conventional attitudes. You are unpredictable at times, and it can be hard for others to keep up with you. You may have issues with commitment and responsibility. You are an original and independent thinker with an active, scientific mind, futuristic in outlook, and you are capable of bringing new ideas into being. A task that you are ably suited for is to more fully express your visionary impulses to others in order to make these more concretely available in your own life, and in the life of society around you.
Sun in strong trine (within 3.1 degrees) with Uranus The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect gives an independent and strong-willed individual. You can be determined to get your own way, and love freedom from conventionality. You like to start new projects, or make major changes in your life, but without completely eliminating previous foundations. You may feel conflicts with the norm. Because you are unpredictable at times, it can be hard for others to be comfortable with you. You are an original and independent thinker with an active, scientific mind, futuristic in outlook, and are capable of bringing new ideas into being. You may have issues with commitment and responsibility. Your task is to fully express your visionary impulses in order to make these more concretely available in your own life, and in the life of society around you.
Sun in inconjunct (within 4.0 degrees) with Moon The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed. This aspect gives a willful and strong-minded individual. There may be two sides to your approach to life, which do not always blend harmoniously: your will and your instinctual self. There is an emotional side to your nature that does not easily integrate with your sense of purpose or will power. You have a high energy level and good intelligence, and are very aware and alert, but you may feel a conflict between your public and private lives or the work you set out to accomplish versus more personal goals. You may have experienced your parents as inharmoniously related to each other and therefore may have a tendency toward argument and conflict in your own interpersonal relationships. There is a creative tension in your relationships, and also internally within your own personality, that may lead you to accomplish much in life, through the path of struggle rather than the path of ease and comfort.
Sun in quintile (within 1.7 degrees) with Chiron The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension. With this aspect between Sun and Chiron there are indications that you may experience painful realizations throughout your own life and that you also have the ability to heal others as well. Chiron is called "the wounded healer" because it represents the archetype of imperfection and loss which when integrated leads to compassion and understanding of others' suffering. The empathy and the understanding that are gained through life's trials provide the ability to serve as a helper and a healer for others. Since you have come through the fires of difficulty you are likely to be someone with career possibilities in the helping professions. It is often easier to face others' troubles than one's own, and you may even be more ready and available to help others than to help yourself. It is good to integrate your past experiences, no matter how painful they may have been, and no matter how painful these feelings continue to be for you in adult life. Then you will be in a position to truly sympathize with others' suffering and help them to work out their traumas as well.
Sun in square (within 4.5 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. This aspect gives a strong personality, very involved in work and career. You can be autocratic and may appear selfish, or bent on getting your own way. You have tremendous drive, and will likely go far, but you might need to beware of too much ego-involvement in being on top.
Moon in strong trine (within 0.3 degrees) with Mercury The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect gives a kindly, sound and logical mentality. You are a good communicator, and are able to express your emotions easily. You are an inquisitive student of life, and are also excellent at working with the public. You usually prefer plain and direct speech, and you are judicious and honest in your approach to life.
Moon in sesquiquadrate (within 1.3 degrees) with Neptune The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; control is required. This aspect gives an emotionally sensitive, idealistic and loving personality. You possess an ethereal quality, and you may have powerful psychic abilities. You are the softhearted type, and you may be too willing to sacrifice yourself for the good of others. You could have issues with self-deception, or experience discontent with the practical realities of life. Your home is important to you, and you may change residences frequently in search of your ideal environment, or fantasize about finding the perfect mate. You benefit from striving for greater clarity in applying your high ideals to the real world.
Moon in opposition (within 4.4 degrees) with Pluto The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This aspect gives a moody and introspective personality with a strong desire for emotional security. You are likely to be very sensitive and emotionally intense, with a tendency to become completely absorbed in interpersonal relationships. You are also an extremely forceful individual, with the urge to transform yourself and your surroundings. When you have a goal in mind, nothing will stand in your way. Your need for security may manifest as an almost compulsive desire for a safe and secure home life, or a home environment which can be completely controlled, possibly even through dictatorial behavior. You have an unusually clear insight into the emotional depths of other people, which may border on an actual psychic attunement with their states of being. You also have the urge to break through the limitations of the parental influence you experienced as a child. You may have experienced controlling behavior on the part of one or both parents, especially your mother, and you may find yourself still involved in the battle for your own autonomy many years later. These struggles can be worked through in your life, beginning with a deeper understanding of what it is you truly need on an emotional level. Your challenge is to transform your sense of insecurity, by coming to terms with your survival issues based on a better insight into your own hidden motivations.
The ruler of your Sun Sign is Mercury in Libra (2° Lib 44') The ruler of your Sun sign is characteristic of your personality: Mercury in Libra gives a positive mental attitude, with terrific judgment and sensitivity. You are a diplomatic speaker, and usually very aware of the effect your words have on others. You express your ideas with balance and fairness. Your capacity to see all sides of a situation can make it difficult for you to come to a decision. You have a highly developed sense of aesthetics. You can also be something of a perfectionist. You want your surroundings to be aesthetically pleasing, and therefore your living space must be neat and tidy. It benefits you to let go of being too fussy, and to stay true to yourself when you need to make decisions. Mercury in the Seventh House represents a strong mental connection to other people. You naturally collect and exchange ideas with those you find yourself in partnership with. You are very interested in what other people think about any given situation in which you find yourself. Intellectual expression is for you a very natural medium of relatedness. This awareness of other's points of view can make it difficult for you to come to a decision. When you learn to detach your own ideas from those of other people, you can begin to discover the mysterious balancing act of accepting the differences between self and other.
Jupiter in strong square (within 1.0 degrees) with Neptune The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. This aspect gives an imaginative and unassuming personality. You are good and kind, considerate of others, and are friendly and easy-going. You need to feel an emotional sympathy in order for your work to be satisfying to you. You tend to work behind the scenes, and do not seek personal glorification from your actions, but are content to do what you do because it is helpful to others. You are capable of great belief in the unknown and unproven, and are inclined to the mystical, seeing life in terms of visionary and poetic feelings, rather than in practical terms. You may be even too much inclined to trust your imagination, which can cloud your powers of judgment. You benefit from attempting a more practical and reality-based view of life.
Saturn in opposition (within 4.0 degrees) with Neptune The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This combination gives a clear thinking and discriminating personality. Saturn brings an extremely practical dimension to the visionary idealism of Neptune. You are responsible, compassionate and take social issues very seriously. You may have a musical career or achieve much in the helping professions. There may be confusion in your life regarding restrictions imposed upon you, in which you feel both attracted to the security imposed by such limits, and simultaneously repelled or stifled by these restrictions. You may suffer through many trials before learning to work with both the energies of stability and of idealism in an effort to balance between either extreme of behavior. Other Natal Planets
Venus in Virgo (23° Vir 17') Venus in the Seventh House Venus in Virgo gives a personality with careful judgment regarding relationships, and restricted in the expression of their passions. Your relationship energy toward others may be stifled in some way by mental considerations. You enjoy service to other people, and make a good friend. You are likely to be fastidious regarding what you like. You perhaps may delay marriage while searching for the perfect mate, since you have a tendency to look before you leap in matters of the heart. You can wind up looking too long and missing the boat altogether, so that you could set yourself up for being disappointed in love. You require tangible commitments from your partners, and exhibit propriety in the expression of your emotion. Your emotional responses may be conventional, rather than free and easy, so that you benefit from striving for a more open attitude. Venus in the Seventh House represents a strongly felt connection to partnerships with others. Relationships are important to you. You are also inclined to be "young at heart". You feel at your best when acting in concert with another person, especially an intimate partner. Then your natural gifts of grace, diplomacy and charm come to the fore. What is nice on your own becomes really nice with another. You have a gentle personality, very considerate and kind. You also have refined aesthetic and artistic sensibilities, and a keen sense of color. You have the potential to excel in many professions, including legal work and diplomacy. You tend to idealize your chosen love partner, and you benefit from the realization that the true source of grace and beauty in your life comes from within your own nature.
N Node in Capricorn (1° Cap 26' R) N Node in the Tenth House The following paragraph emphasized: Lunar North Node in Capricorn (or the tenth house). South Node in the fourth house or sign. This placement gives a personality with a focus on recognized achievement. Although you are comfortable in your private home life, which is what comes naturally to you, you are determined, as you mature, to move beyond the personal and secure enclosure of your home and family and out into the sphere of public achievement. Something is calling to you to come forth and shine your light so that the outer world can see it. You search for public recognition is not however a goal in and of itself, but connects you into a larger picture of social commitment and service to the collective ideal, that reinforces your sense of self as a part of the whole, an important cog in the turning wheel of world events. Thus you come full circle to a self-concept that includes its own sense of security in beneficial interaction with the social matrix that surrounds you. Other Aspects
Venus in strong square (within 0.6 degrees) with Chiron The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. This combination gives a personality that experiences difficulties with relationships. You are likely to have had painful experiences surrounding marriage and intimate partnerships, but there are also great rewards to be gained in this area. You are drawn to relationship at the same time that you fear it, so that you may also have a strong focus on forming close emotional attachments. You may have had early childhood experiences that made it hard to accept the love of others in your adult life. With these distractions, you also may strongly desire to help other people, and yet be unable to give them the full benefit of your higher self. It is good to make the effort to connect yourself consciously with any painful events that may be buried in your unconscious, so that these will no longer have so much power over you. Once you have begun to integrate these painful feelings consciously, and shed the baggage of earlier frustrations, you can be a more fully participating partner to others, and be more of help to them as well.
Mars in strong trine (within 1.6 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. You are likely to have an excellent ability to get things done, and also great drive to succeed at what you do. This aspect gives an assertive personality who desires success in public life. Career issues are very important for you, and you take pride in your many accomplishments. You are active in the pursuit of your goals with tremendous energy that needs that outlet.
Mercury in quintile (within 0.4 degrees) with Jupiter The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension. This conjunction gives a quiet and unassuming and clever personality, which is also somewhat scattered. You are good-natured, and are likely to be above average in intelligence. You make a good teacher. You may be absent-minded, also apt to be somewhat changeable in your opinion. You likely prefer a simple mode of life and possess a good balance between spiritual and physical realms.
Venus in opposition (within 3.2 degrees) with Saturn The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This aspect gives a personality with a deepening and concentration, or a blockage in the area of interpersonal relationships. You are sensitive and have a strong sense of duty. You are likely to be very loyal. You may have experienced coldness from one parent, or early love experiences may have proven painful. You may seem cold or uncaring yourself at times, or express jealousy or other feelings of inferiority, which may also manifest as a nagging discontent with life in general, or sorrow and difficulty in marriage. In a woman's chart there may be feelings of unattractiveness or fears regarding your femininity. You could also feel bitterness and disillusion with romance or fears of rejection concerning romantic contacts. Yet you also have an opportunity to rise above these circumstances in concentrated effort over time toward inner integration and balance, toward relationship more fully explored and felt, based on the self-confidence born of actual experience and mutual understanding.
Mars in trine (within 2.5 degrees) with Jupiter The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect gives a personality strong in self-esteem. There is expansiveness and abundant energy, and usually there is good luck with the material side of life. You have an optimistic nature, and love freedom and independence. You are fond of sports, travel and political or religious activities. You are proud and honorable in your dealings with your fellow man, and enjoy being helpful.
Mars in square (within 3.1 degrees) with Uranus The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. This aspect gives an individual with an original and eccentric mind, whose intuition is strong. You are a strong-willed nonconformist, and totally have your own code of ethics. You are energetic and visionary in your outlook. You may be rebellious at times, or display fits of temper. You can be quite rash and impulsive. You are also restless and may lack steadiness in the pursuit of your goals. You may feel a sense of isolation, and can appear emotionally insensitive at times, seemingly more excited by ideas than by other people. Your basis for action derives from a sense of high ideals, rather than from mere egotism. You also could beware, however, of a tendency to be dogmatic, or proud and unbending. Change and variety excite you, and your mutability and urge for constant change can frustrate or confuse those around you. In essence, you are a courageous and pioneering free spirit, whose mission in life is to bring new ideas into being. You can benefit from bringing more consciousness and clarity to the expression of your goals in life.
Jupiter in conjunction (within 4.2 degrees) with Midheaven The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets. This conjunction gives a positive and optimistic personality. You are lucky and are likely to be successful at whatever you strive for. You have an expansive attitude toward new projects, so that there can be almost too much growth potential for you to handle. You have good spirits and are able to see the big picture, so that others find it an inspiration to be around you. You have possibilities for a career in travel or education, or perhaps as a spiritual leader. You may have to beware of too much self-satisfaction however, and benefit from cultivating humility in your dealings with other people.
Saturn in square (within 2.6 degrees) with Chiron The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. With this aspect, you can be rigid or stuck in situations; unbending. You have an attachment and also great difficulty with authority; for example you may endlessly achieve positions of authority and then have second thoughts about it. You likely suffered through potentially painful experiences as a child, when you were forced to submit to an arbitrary authority or limitation of some kind. Perhaps you had the experience of a bad father. The relationship with your father was damaged in some way; perhaps it was a relationship you had to get away from, either from his overbearing nature or from his neediness and lack of presence. In other words, your father figure was either too strict, or not present and therefore not strict enough. With this aspect, you need to make your own form of personal authority, independent from the parental influences or that of society. This gives you the potential for great strength and leadership, if you can integrate your powerful and perhaps repressed emotions regarding your concept of authority. In this way you can lead others into the New Age. You may be one to re-work the structure of society itself in some way, or to become an advisor or even a leader in the social sphere; perhaps in connection with organizations devoted to new age healing techniques. You may also feel the need to redeem yourself or your family; to restructure the constructs that you have internalized from your heritage, perhaps even your entire relationship with the physical realm.
Uranus in inconjunct (within 1.4 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed. You are likely to be a non-conformist. This combination gives a brilliant and ambitious individual who is rebellious of authority and also somewhat hung up about it. You may change jobs frequently, as a result of unconventional attitudes and sudden bursts of new insights. You have a strong imagination and perhaps it is difficult to argue you out of your opinion, which can be unique at times. Your challenge is to establish your own personal authority, in your own way, and to help make that vision available to society at large.
Sun in weak square (within 8.7 degrees) with Jupiter The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. This aspect gives an optimistic and high spirited individual. You are likely to be fortunate in your material surroundings. You are convivial and lively, and generous with your money and your affections. There may be a tendency to overdo things, or to expand the waistline. You are attracted to higher learning, and the fine arts, and are courageous and loyal, but you can be extravagant and suffer from errors in judgment. You should also beware of too much egotism.
Sun in weak conjunction (within 9.7 degrees) with Neptune The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets. This conjunction gives a highly sensitive, visionary and creative individual. You are likely to be somewhat unworldly, possessing an ethereal quality, a marked remoteness from ordinary reality. You are likely to be artistic or musical. You are the softhearted type, and you may be too willing to sacrifice yourself for the good of others. You may also be dissatisfied with your work activities, or life in general, leading to the habit of evading decisions, or to other forms of escapism. In feeling unfree to assert yourself, you may engage in self-deceptive illusions, or even the use of drugs. To avoid these traps, you should strive for utmost honesty in your dealings with other people. The otherworldly energy of Neptune must be used in ways consistent with its visionary possibilities, or it will turn against itself. It is necessary for you to understand the power of this mystical force in your life. When the proper outlet is found, tremendous creativity is possible, perhaps manifested through artistic channels: music, drama, or poetry. Your lesson in all this is to achieve a balance between the spiritual dimension of reality and ordinary life.
Moon in weak trine (within 9.1 degrees) with Venus The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect gives a calm and steady emotional nature, with a refined and artistic sensibility. You are habitually cheerful and are likely to be happiest in your home and family. You possess a great deal of personal charm, and also have a love for the arts, especially music and dance. You are courteous and popular, and supportive to your friends. It is important for you that your home environment be aesthetically pleasing.
Moon in weak opposition (within 10.2 degrees) with Mars The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This aspect gives an individual who is easily influenced by emotional conditions. You can be a deep thinker, but you may be intolerant of opinions other than your own. You may appear selfish and demanding at times. You may suffer from a sort of nervous tension, in that you are unsatisfied when you are not in action. You also have a rebellious streak that affects your close personal relationships. You are an analytical and independent thinker with an original, active and even brilliant mind.
Moon in weak square (within 7.1 degrees) with Uranus The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. This aspect gives eccentric personality with volatile emotions, and a strong sense of intuition. You are likely to have changeable emotions, and may appear unpredictable at times to others around you. Novelty excites you; you may change your residence frequently, or be tempted into starting a new career. You also may feel insecure at times, possibly stemming from a disrupted home life in your early years, or from parents who were quite busy with their own affairs. Your early home life may also have been very stimulating and challenging. You are likely to go through fundamental transformations of identity in your life, and you are stifled if these impulses are not allowed expression. You are so individualistic you may have difficulties in settling down with a steady partner. You can benefit from learning to balance your needs for security with your urge for freedom and experimentation.
Venus in weak conjunction (within 7.2 degrees) with Neptune The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets. This conjunction gives a charming, generous and idealistic personality. You are likely to have an intense love of beauty and the arts, especially music and painting, and an interest in spiritual matters. You are imaginative and visionary, also compassionate and kind, and are extremely sensitive to the suffering of other people. You can give a great deal without expecting anything in return; you may even feel a sense of obligation to give to other people. You dream of finding the perfect relationship partner, but you may encounter difficulties in making that dream a reality. You can also become enmeshed in emotional confusion, which may lead to your depending too much on the strength of another person. You benefit from developing a more discriminating attitude toward relationships generally and more confidence in the value of your own process.
Jupiter in weak square (within 5.0 degrees) with Saturn The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. This aspect gives a serious and conscientious personality but one that may be impractical. You are motivated to achieve success, but you are likely to run into some self-imposed barriers on the road to achieving it. There is a gap between your ambition and what you actually accomplish. You tend not to be content with the extent of your responsibilities until you have taken on too much, leading to the problem of actually fulfilling these obligations. You also may have too limited and narrow a view of your potential, so that you aim too low, and garner less than you are capable of. This could lead to problems with your material well-being, or with being too cautious and thrifty for your own good. You can benefit from cultivating a more giving and generous attitude, greater contentment with your present resources, and trying for a better balance between dreams and reality.
Jupiter in weak opposition (within 7.6 degrees) with Chiron The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. With this placement you have a strong connection with spirituality and a great tendency to go your own way rather than subserve yourself to the spiritual ideals of human consciousness. You also may have been wounded in your spirituality in some way; perhaps in your early life you were forced into relationship with some sort of spiritual community to which you did not feel a connection. These two planetary energies, Jupiter and Chiron, both have a strong spiritual component, but operate in different ways. With Jupiter's optimism in support of Chiron's tendency for pain and suffering as a way toward the light, you are always able to rise above distressing circumstances, buoyed up by a strong streak of faith in the ultimate beneficence of Spirit. In fact, positive outlooks can become something of an obsession with you, so that friends and associates get tired of your unflagging optimism even though you are such a helpful companion. You have an abiding interest in matters of the religion and philosophy, although this is likely to represent your own style of spiritual involvement rather than any standard form of spiritual institutions.
Neptune in weak square (within 5.2 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. This combination gives a charming personality with an idealistic and deceptive nature. You may have a musical career or achieve much in the helping professions, although you will have to work at it. You are susceptible to suggestion, and you tend to give more than you receive in your employment. You may have a tendency to avoid responsibility. There may have been difficulties or confusion in your early years, especially with regard to the parental care you received at the time, and this issue can spill over into your adult life, when you may confuse others around you by your own lack of clarity. In vocation, you must learn to spell out your goals. You will not be content with most ordinary jobs, until you seek out some part of it that represents a real calling for you. At your best you express the societal ideals of brother- and sisterhood and find a spiritual joy in your work. |