This essential compassion in Obama's makeup is also reflected by the placement of Chiron in the First House of his chart. This indicates an identity wound which, it seems, he has largely dealt with while growing up. He has alluded to how his skin color was a trial for him in the educational circles that he has obviously traveled in, as well as his African heritage. This placement suggests a healer, someone perhaps to "bind up the nation's wounds" in the sense of Lincoln. Lincoln too had this placement, as did Martin Luther King Jr. – a person who obviously took the national divide between the races head on.
Natal Report for Barack Obama
Aug 4, 1961, 19:24 AHST
Honolulu, HI (21N18, 157W52)
Chart Patterns
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Chart Patterns
Seesaw You have the planetary pattern called the 'seesaw' type. With your planets divided into two distinct groups, you are very balanced in your outlook, always being aware of both sides of an issue, always able to compromise between opposing points of view. In this way you are quite similar to a Libra personality.
T-Square, focal planet Moon You have a T-Square in your chart. With a this planetary aspect pattern, in which three planets or conjunctions are in square with one another, you have a high degree of motivation and drive. Your energies are most easily and habitually expressed by the energy of the focal point, the middle of the T-Square. You may also compensate for overdoing in the area of life represented by the focal point, by leaning toward the empty pattern element opposite the focal point, seeking to balance your activity. The lesson of this planetary aspect pattern is in learning to use your considerable energy wisely in the pursuit of your true goals. There is great tension represented by the focal planet or planets in your chart, where conflicting parts of your personality attain their focus and peak of energy, and you may observe compulsive behavior in the area of life represented here. The Moon in Gemini gives an active mentality, with perhaps a tendency to be nervous and highstrung. There is likely to be a glibness of tongue and a love of chatter with this position. You must beware of superficiality. Since the Moon represents childhood experiences, possibly there were two sides to your early life. You are shrewd and versatile, but you can be overly critical at times. You can also be hard on yourself. You like to express your opinion, and tend to react to situations with thinking, rather than with direct action. The Moon in the Fourth House represents an emotional sensitivity with issues of home life and the way you care for those close to you in your environment. You are naturally domestic. You are very connected with the need to feel that you are in an environment which feels like home. You tend to be sentimental toward your family and close friends. You tend to select people around you who feel like family in some way or another. You may be possessive of your emotional attachments and can seem self-centered at times. You may sometimes withdraw into your own self as a way to create a more secure home base within yourself when you are not emotionally satisfied. You feel the need deep inside for a permanent home base. You are attached to possessions and hold onto what you have. Though you feel a need for a stable home, you may have changes of residences in your search for a secure and comfortable habitat. You also tend to hold onto your feelings. You need a creative outlet in which you can talk, write, or artistically express in order to release your deep emotions. Important Features
Uranus in Leo (25° Leo 16') Uranus in the Seventh House Uranus in the Seventh House (or sign) gives an individual who is independent and original in the expression of artistic impulses and relationships. You are a lover of harmony and beauty, and you express this love in your own unique manner. You do not subscribe to a conventional sense of the aesthetic, but are always breaking new ground. You are idealistic and philosophical, and you have a restless interest in new forms of stimulation. There can be problems with marriage in that partners may find you alternately affectionate and uninterested. You are likely to seek a rather unconventional relationship, which allows room for growth on both sides. You need more space in relationship than most, and search for a partner who understands that, and has his or her own unique life perspective. You may also bring new concepts to the area of partnership. Part of your purpose in this life may be the transformation of the partnership energy into a new mode of being that can serve your own interest as well as enliven and invigorate your partner. The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally: Uranus in Leo (or the fifth house) gives a rebellious individual with a strong will. With this placement you tend to be determined to get your own way. You are reckless, original, and independent, and like to assert yourself. You can be very creative, especially in the arts. Whatever form your self-expression takes, it is likely to evoke you and no one else. Your unique viewpoint contributes to the potential for new genres and methods of accomplishment to come into being. Your approach to romance may also be different from the run of the mill. You may find yourself in unconventional in love affairs, perhaps with sudden beginnings or endings. Children are a source of great interest but you may have difficulties in giving them warmth and affection. You benefit from learning the joy that comes from a more heartcentered approach. You also benefit from more follow-through, focus and self-discipline, in order to successfully complete what is started.
Sun in Leo (12° Leo 32' 52") Sun in the Sixth House The Sun represents your will and purpose, your sense of vitality, and your evolving higher Self. In Leo it is Fixed-Fire, and rules the heart and spine. Your ruling planet is the Sun itself, and you are likely to express yourself in dramatic, creative and assertive ways. You are also likely to enjoy the warmth of the physical Sun. You have great energy, courage and honesty. You are likely to be self-confident and maybe even a bit self-indulgent. You expect to be the center of attention, and often are. You can be quite determined and usually get your way when you really want to. You also possess great integrity, and are a natural leader. Leo people are very proud. Your challenge is to temper any tendency for arrogant or egotistical behavior and to instead develop humility and compassion; to learn detachment in the gift of your affections, so that you radiate your abundant energy freely and enhance the life experience of others around you. The Sun in the Sixth House represents a concentration of one's vital force of improving and organizing more holistic ways to serve self and others. You are drawn to serve others. You consider your work as an important connection with maintaining a relationship with the non-organic realities of this world. You have a finely articulated sense of detail, and you also tend to be quite aware of your own natural boundaries and personal limitations, your flaws and imperfections. You constantly assess your priorities and capabilities and you use discretion in your process of decision-making. You strive for perfection in your health, body and mind. You understand that you must clarify your relationship to that which connects you to reality in a way that corresponds to your highest purpose for yourself, because you intuit that the parts work together to make a whole: the more you perfect the parts, the more harmonious the whole operates both within and without. You can alternate between overachieving due to stressing yourself with too much self-reflected criticism and, on the other hand, giving up altogether when you feel the pressure of limitation holding you back. You benefit when you tune in to your true intentions for yourself at the highest level, and give yourself the freedom to move between the extremes of your inner process in order to be flexible with yourself and with others around you.
Saturn in Capricorn (25° Cap 20' R) Saturn in the Twelfth House Saturn in the Twelfth House (or sign) gives a deepening and concentration, or blockage, with regard to your connection to spiritual unity with All That Is. You have a serious and self-conscious personality. You can be moody and introspective, and are likely to be compassionate and sympathetic to the problems of others. You may at times feel that life is too hard, or that it is beyond your conscious control. You may experience a sense of imprisonment, either real or imagined, or perhaps a strong sense of guilt, which may be generalized rather than specific. You tend to withdraw from the world, or in some way give up control. Or you may overcompensate by trying too hard to achieve control. Your true path lies in soul-level self-sacrifice rather than in the more mundane life of worldly events. You possess, in a very concentrated form, the urge for spiritual evolution that is present in all of us, and which actualizes when you can detach from the personal self and surrender to a mystical union with all of life. The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally: Saturn in Capricorn (or the tenth house) gives an ambitious and clear-minded individual, with a strong sense of responsibility. You are persistent, careful and calculating, and have a deep urge for mastery and achievement. You are likely to place extreme importance on traditional values in reaching for the prize you seek, accomplishment in the eyes of the world. Like the mountain goat ascending you are cautious and rarely take chances, and may appear dutifully grim in your outlook. You may experience difficulties, limitations or delays in the achievement of your goals, but you usually achieve success in the end. You may have encountered problems in your early life with finding your own identity independent of parental figures, and you may now operate out of a subconscious fear that if you don't conquer the world first, then it will conquer you instead. When you are at your best, you can transform your struggle from a personal drive for power in the world into a model for others wherein the social matrix surrounding you is enlightened by your actions.
Jupiter in Aquarius (0° Aqu 52' R) Jupiter in the Twelfth House Jupiter in the Twelfth House (or sign) gives you a quiet and unassuming personality. You are good and kind, very considerate of others, and are friendly and easy-going. You need to feel an emotional resonance in order for your work to be satisfying to you. You have your own personal code of conduct to which you are true, no matter what public opinion may be, or convention may dictate. You are likely to be fond of cinema, or other imaginative flights of fancy. You may suffer in your life from being overly sensitive to the needs of others, or seek to retire from the casual cruelties of the world at large, so that there is some danger of escapism. You tend to work behind the scenes, and do not seek personal glorification from your actions, but are content to do what you do because it is helpful to other people. You often appear more at home in an imaginary universe of your own design than in concrete reality, and benefit when you pay some modicum of attention to the nitty-gritty details of life that surrounds you as well as to the secret world of your dreams. Jupiter in Aquarius (or the eleventh house) gives you a socially conscious and scientifically-minded personality. You are an individual who works well with groups, very high-minded with strong humanitarian ideals. You are inventive and original, and are able to motivate others by your example. You make a good diplomat or politician. You don't value security on a personal level, but focus your ideals on the betterment of society, with a value-system that is uniquely yours. You have firmly in mind your concept of the finest possibilities for the social matrix that surrounds you. You may be seen as a bit eccentric as you are someone who marches to the beat of your own drum. You are humane and just, and have very high principles, but you may envision possibilities too vast to be achieved, and benefit from cultivating a more practical approach in some circumstances. Sun, Moon, Rising Sign Features
Aquarius Rising The Rising Sign is the mask shown to others, also the physical appearance. Aquarius Rising people have a unique approach to life. You have a rebellious nature, and appear eccentric, spontaneous and original. Your ruling planet is Uranus, also Saturn. Aquarius is forward thinking and detached, and you are likely to be ahead of your time. Thinking is your preferred mode of activity. You are scientifically minded and logical, and confident in manner. You truly value society. You can also appear to be more involved with your work than with other people. You are intuitive, imaginative and inventive, perhaps inclined to take chances, especially in the service of your goals. You can be quite noble in your deepest nature, but you also may come across as critical and demanding. Your highest purpose is found in the advancement of social and humanitarian ideals.
Sun in opposition (within 5.5 degrees) with Ascendant The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This aspect between the Sun and Ascendant gives a strong-willed and generous personality. You are dramatic and assertive, also creative, self-confident and more than a bit self-indulgent. Like Leo rising people you expect to be the center of attention, and often are. You also have great energy, courage and honesty and are very proud. Your challenge is to become more aware of yourself; to refrain from arrogance and egotism, and rather to develop humility and compassion, and to learn detachment in the gift of your affections.
Uranus in weak opposition (within 7.2 degrees) with Ascendant The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This aspect gives an eccentric and strong-willed individual. You are an original and independent thinker with an active, scientific mind, futuristic in outlook, and you are capable of bringing new ideas into being. You are inclined to be reckless, and periodically start over in your life, completely eliminating previous foundations. Because you are unpredictable at times, it can be hard for others to be comfortable with you. You are inclined to be nervous and impatient, or to shy away from commitment and responsibility. You can be determined to get your own way, and love freedom from conventionality. You are likely to rebel against the norm, or conflict with others in this area. You can benefit from trying to control your energetic and visionary impulses in order to make these more concretely available in your own life, and in the life of society around you.
Sun in quintile (within 2.8 degrees) with Moon The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension. This aspect gives a well-adjusted and stable personality. You proceed with confidence and a sense of well-being to accomplish what you set out to do. You are likely to be healthy, optimistic and popular, and look upon life's problems as challenges to be overcome, rather than as obstacles. You have experienced your parents as harmoniously related, and in your own relationships you expect sound communication and mutual understanding. Your family is important to you. You are poised and cheerful, and your creativity flows freely. It benefits you to overcome complacent or lazy thinking and to rise to the challenge of tackling any problem areas in your life.
Sun in square (within 3.9 degrees) with Neptune The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. This aspect gives a highly sensitive, visionary and creative individual. You are probably somewhat unworldly, possessing an ethereal quality, a marked remoteness from ordinary reality. You are likely to be artistic or musical. You are the softhearted type, and you may be too willing to sacrifice yourself for the good of others. You may also be dissatisfied with your work activities, or life in general, leading to the habit of evading decisions, or to other forms of escapism. In feeling unfree to assert yourself, you may engage in self-deceptive illusions, or even the use of drugs. You also may have issues with deceptions practiced on you by other people. In order to develop a clearer sense of self, accurate feedback from other people is crucial, so that to avoid these traps, you should strive for utmost honesty in your dealings with others. The otherworldly energy of Neptune must be used wisely. When the proper outlet is found, tremendous creativity is possible, perhaps manifested through artistic channels: music, drama, poetry. Your lesson in all this is to achieve a balance between the spiritual dimension of reality and ordinary life.
Moon in strong sextile (within 1.0 degrees) with Mercury The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections. This aspect gives a kindly, sound and logical mentality. You are a good communicator, and are able to express your emotions easily. You are an inquisitive student of life, and are also excellent at working with the public. You usually prefer plain and direct speech, and you are judicious and honest in your approach to life.
Moon in strong trine (within 2.5 degrees) with Jupiter The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect gives an idealistic and humanitarian personality, friendly and sociable, with an inherent spirituality. You are loving and caring and are also strong in character, with a keen sense of right and wrong. You are fortunate in finances, and attract material rewards without seeming to try for them. You are honorable and dependable in your dealings with your fellow man, and work well with the public. There may be an inclination toward the mystical side of life.
Moon in strong square (within 2.0 degrees) with Chiron The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. With this aspect there are difficulties indicated in relating to the feminine - either significant female presences in your life or else and including your own feminine side. This would be true, and different in its sense, in either a man's or a woman's chart. Of course the important early model for the feminine is mother, and it is likely that there were painful experiences of some kind in your early relationship with your own mother or significant female parental figure. Perhaps you had a close relationship, but yet your needs were somehow not met, resulting in unconscious resentments which only surfaced later in your adult life. You may in this case exhibit a strong feminine side through and over-attachment to your mother's feelings. It is important to note that there also may have been actual abuse, physical or otherwise. These experiences are so painful that they are often suppressed from your consciousness, and buried deep in your psyche. In your adult life, it is important to move past the resentment caused by early wounding into a more conscious and compassionate reconciliation with the walled off parts of your own nature. Therefore, deep psychological work of some variety is strongly indicated. Once you have begun to make conscious the pain and alienation surrounding events from the long-buried past, you can begin to truly help others as well as yourself. A creative side of your nature may emerge for the first time. The integration of the feminine side of your nature is a tremendous challenge for you, but the gold at the end of the process is well worth digging for.
Moon in semi-sextile (within 1.6 degrees) with Venus The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow entry of new information. This aspect gives you a somewhat difficult personality. You are kind and artistically gifted, but you may be hard to live with. You dislike having to act charming in social situations when you may not really feel it, and you have a reluctance to come forward into relationship with others, although you have a good deal of charm when you allow yourself to express it, and can be very popular socially. You may encounter sadness in your life as a result of close personal relationships that go astray. You also may spend your money unwisely, and may need to cultivate more respect for its value.
Moon in inconjunct (within 5.3 degrees) with Neptune The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed. This aspect gives an emotionally sensitive, idealistic and loving personality. You possess an ethereal quality, and you may have powerful psychic abilities. You are the softhearted type, and you may be too willing to sacrifice yourself for the good of others. You could have issues with self-deception, or experience discontent with the practical realities of life. Your home is important to you, and you may change residences frequently in search of your ideal environment, or fantasize about finding the perfect mate. You benefit from striving for greater clarity in applying your high ideals to the real world.
Moon in square (within 3.6 degrees) with Pluto The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. This aspect gives a moody and introspective personality with a strong desire for emotional security. You are likely to be very sensitive and emotionally intense, with a tendency to become completely absorbed in interpersonal relationships. You are also an extremely forceful individual, with the urge to transform yourself and your surroundings. When you have a goal in mind, nothing will stand in your way. Your need for security may manifest as an almost compulsive desire for a safe and secure home life, or a home environment which can be completely controlled, possibly even through dictatorial behavior. You have an unusually clear insight into the emotional depths of other people, which may border on an actual psychic attunement with their states of being. You also have the urge to break through the limitations of the parental influence you experienced as a child. You may have experienced controlling behavior on the part of one or both parents, especially your mother, and you may find yourself still involved in the battle for your own autonomy many years later. These struggles can be worked through in your life, beginning with a deeper understanding of what it is you truly need on an emotional level. Your challenge is to transform your sense of insecurity, by coming to terms with your survival issues based on a better insight into your own hidden motivations.
Moon in opposition (within 4.5 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This aspect gives an emotionally sensitive personality who is nurturing and caring. You may be over-dependent on others for your own feelings of self-worth, so that it is important to you that others look up to you. You do well in a business setting, having a dramatic presence that gives you natural abilities to influence others, and an attitude of caring that makes you easy to get along with, but you may have difficulties due to being changeable or engaging in political game-playing. You set priorities based on people rather than strictly on profits.
Saturn in inconjunct (within 0.1 degrees) with Uranus The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed. This aspect gives a practical yet future-oriented personality. You have a strong imagination and good conceptual level. When you function at your best you have the capability to bring a concrete and real-world practicality to the intangible and visionary Uranian energy. You may alternate between too great an attachment to social approval and authority and too violent a rebellion against it. You benefit when you move from a knee-jerk reaction against established authority toward establishing your own personal authority, in your own way, and to help make your brilliant visionary impulses available to society at large.
Uranus in quintile (within 1.3 degrees) with Neptune The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension. This aspect gives a future oriented and idealistic individual, aware of collective energies. This is a generational aspect, which many of your contemporaries will share with you. You may feel a pull to the service of humanity at large. Social ideals will strongly affect the expression of your individuality.
Uranus in square (within 3.6 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. You are likely to be a non-conformist. This combination gives a brilliant and ambitious individual who is rebellious of authority and also somewhat hung up about it. You may change jobs frequently, as a result of unconventional attitudes and sudden bursts of new insights. You have a strong imagination and perhaps it is difficult to argue you out of your opinion, which can be unique at times. Your challenge is to establish your own personal authority, in your own way, and to help make that vision available to society at large. Other Natal Planets
Mercury in Leo (2° Leo 20') Mercury in the Sixth House Mercury in Leo gives a dignified and refined mentality. You are proud of your ideas, and very good at expressing them to others. You are likely to be an entertaining conversationalist, with a good sense of humor. You may also be opinionated at times. You have a tendency to want to convince others of your own point of view without taking time to see theirs. In this way you can have something of a lazy mind. You benefit from cultivating greater powers of attention and perception, and opening your consciousness to the world around you. Mercury in the Sixth House represents a strong connection between your inner awareness and the day-to-day world of health and sickness, and of service to others. You tend to be very aware of health issues that come up for you. You have a humble attitude toward life, and enjoy being of service to other people in the course of simple and everyday activity. You have an analytical and practical mentality, so that other people find you dependable and know that they can rely on your thought process. You may have a strong intuition that the root of any discomfort or disease may be traced to the power of the mind itself, that your thoughts can affect how you feel physically. You also can be something of a perfectionist. Your attention to detail may prevent you from focusing on the larger picture, or you may find yourself speaking critically about people or situations that do not measure up to your standards. You are at your best when, rather than being overly concerned about relatively minor issues, you relax into your awareness of yourself and share this awareness with others.
Venus in Cancer (1° Can 47') Venus in the Fifth House Venus in Cancer gives a sensitive and caring nature, very devoted and loyal, with emphasis on security. Your affections operate at an unconscious and instinctual level, and apply in a general way to everyone you connect with. You are fond of children and the life of the home. You are likely to maintain close ties with your parents and other family members, and may be mothering rather than mating in the expression of your relationship energy. You are gentle, receptive and charming, and inclined to the sentimental or nostalgic. The Sound of Music may be your favorite movie. You feel best when you are involved the closeness and intimacy of a family relationship. Venus in the Fifth House represents a strong connection within you between artistic sensibility and creative self-expression. You have a great capacity for joy in your life, which expresses itself in acts of caring and giving to others. You are a proud standard bearer for what you value. You are dramatic and dignified, and also very caring and compassionate, but you may expect to get your way just a little too often for your own good, and are likely to put yourself through a reality check from time to time as a balance. You seem sure of yourself, because at base you are well grounded in appreciation of your own self-worth. You may possess the talent of a dramatic actor, which makes you an asset in social situations, and which you will no doubt use to great effect to get what you want. You have a great capacity to let the child within flow through you, as an outlet of energy that is creative in the highest sense.
Mars in Virgo (22° Vir 35') Mars in the Seventh House Mars in the Seventh House (or sign) gives a sensitive, and emotionally impressionable nature with an inclination to get very involved with other people. You are likely to have great charm and poise, and an ongoing attraction to love and romance. You can be a persuasive talker, and enjoy getting your own way, although you also are truly committed to making sure all parties in a dispute receive just and fair treatment, and will go out of your way to make sure that they get it. You are potentially a rash and ardent lover, and you may marry early. You are likely to seek an active partner, one who will match your own fiery independence that is a part of your basic nature you may not always show. You might need to work through quarreling with others as a way of standing up to being overly influenced by them, and benefit from exploring a greater degree of self-reliance. You also may be attracted to the idea of partnerships generally, as a way of life. You profit from cultivating moderation and objectivity in your dealings with others. Mars in Virgo (or the sixth house) gives a kind nature, and an energetic worker, with a tendency to be fussy over details. You possess a tremendous desire to be helpful to others, and have a practical and hard-working orientation that assists you in making good on your intentions. You may however need to evolve through getting into conflicts over trifles. At your best, you have a real focus on the simple issues of life, and of the health of the body temple, and just showing up for what comes, day-to-day, that is essentially good natured and constructive rather than egooriented. You tend to be somewhat narrow in the application of your effort, and may need to learn to learn to start opening up to the bigger picture. It benefits you to take a more relaxed attitude and a wider and more tolerant worldview, rather than getting hung up on the minutiae of a project.
Neptune in Scorpio (8° Sco 36') Neptune in the Ninth House Neptune in the Ninth House (or sign) gives an impressionable, idealistic and very intuitive personality. You are inclined to the mystical, and are high-minded, seeing life in terms of visionary and poetic feelings rather than in practical terms. You are capable of great belief in the unknown and unproven. You are inclined to scholarly pursuits, but may feel a lack of motivation or vagueness with respect to educational goals. You also have a strong desire to explore and travel, to try novel ideas and experiment with new ways of doing things. You may be attracted to spiritual studies, or psychedelics, as a way to achieve a transcendent state of mystical union with all creation. Your challenge lies in relying on your considerable inner vision to unfold your own unique pathway, to make concrete and real your flights of consciousness to other realms, and bring this vision back with you into society at large. The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally: Neptune in Scorpio (or the eighth house) gives an individual with great personal magnetism. You have a subtle intuition and an unusually clear insight into the motivations of others. You also may unconsciously try to control other people, or act in somewhat unreliable ways. You have an ideal of self-sacrifice in partnership with others, and tend to give more than you receive, which can lead in the end to resentment on your part, or just disappearing. Otherworldly affairs may interest you more than everyday ones, and you may be drawn to psychic matters or occult studies. Your dreams are very important to you, and through them you may learn significant information. You are likely to possess an enjoyment of sensual pleasures or luxuries. You may also have some confusion regarding sexuality and with what you truly desire from relationships. You benefit from bringing greater clarity to your personal values, your relation to the material world and to other people.
Pluto in Virgo (6° Vir 59') Pluto in the Seventh House Pluto in the Seventh House (or sign) gives you a focus on forming close emotional attachments. You may have difficulties in marriage and partnerships; but there are also great rewards to be gained in this area. You may feel a compulsion to be liked by others. Conversely, you can also become involved in power struggles with partners. You have a depth of passion within you that isn't obvious or recognized, and you may seek to project this power drive onto a relationship partner, rather than directly own up to it. You may therefore find yourself in relationship with dark or manipulative personality types, who may exhibit openly the tendencies you have yourself at a more hidden level. You are likely to go through many changes in your relationship dynamic, as you come to understand more fully your inner process. You may exhibit strong attractions toward close involvement with another person, and simultaneously have fears regarding such attachments. Time and moving through the fires of difficulties may lead you to a painful re-examination of your goals in these areas. Wisdom is required in the handling of close relationships in order to transform the partnership energy into a growing and conscious act of sharing, and to find your own inner strength independent of others around you. The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally: Pluto in Virgo (or the sixth house) gives you an intense desire to be of service in the world. This desire can take the form of a compulsion to help others in a way that may not truly be appreciated by the intended beneficiaries. You are slightly obsessed with finding the purity inherent in human activity, and may well be a champion of the environmental movement, or exert yourself strenuously in your job or home setting. You may also become intensely concerned and perhaps even chronically worried over health issues, or you may be apt to stress over organizational detail where the intention is to purify the function of the particular activity, but where attending to the details can become an end in itself. You may go through many profound changes of attitude in these areas, in order to learn how to be of actual service to yourself and others. Creative outlets for your passion might be found in the helping professions, or in working on your own issues in such a way as to regenerate your values and life direction. When you have transformed in these areas you can become a beacon for others to follow. By staying true to your own inner guidance system, you make it possible for others to also, and further the cause of a more self-aware and wisely functioning planetary society.
Chiron in Pisces (5° Pis 19' R) Chiron in the First House Chiron in the First House (or sign) represents issues with one's vital force to be, to act, to initiate. With this placement of Chiron, your very sense of who you are may be threatened by disturbing realizations and painful memories., You may have felt belittled and put down in your formative years, rather than encouraged, by the significant adult figures in your life. Even after reaching maturity, you may encounter obstacles that prevent you from reaching your full potential. These difficulties can set up a pattern for failure, in which you operate more from a fear of failing than the expectation of success that breeds confidence for further achievement. One way this may manifest is in terms of acting not in your own behalf, in furthering your own goals, but rather in behalf of the goals of other people, which seem somehow more important or at least get priority treatment. You may keenly feel a lack of achievement in your own life, and compensate by trying too hard to help these others, putting yourself in the background, as it were. As long as these patterns operate more or less unconsciously, they are difficult to overcome, so the first step in surmounting them is to become more conscious of your own pain; acknowledging and discovering more about what exactly went on in the past to make you feel frustrated with your own abilities. At that point you begin to come out from behind your painful experiences and really show yourself. With a more conscious understanding of your own dynamics you can also begin to truly be of help to others, in how they deal with similar issues, as you start to approach them not from a false sense of vicarious achievement, but from a place of true friendship and helpfulness. The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally: Chiron in Pisces (or the Twelfth House) represents issues with one's vital force to be at home in the world of physical manifestation. You may feel frustrated and alienated from rest of mankind, or more at home in a world of fantasy than in dealing with what is laughably called "the real world". You have a talent for that which is beyond this world, and can make your mark on it in your own particular fashion, which may perhaps be achieved in the worlds of music, or poetry, or as a seeker for higher truth. But these are ways of being in the world without actually participating in it. Possibly there were painful episodes from early childhood that drove you into a world of your own, but you have come to be quite at home in this world, and the issue for you is coming out with style and dignity, rather than by totally abandoning your inner cosmos. Again and again, you attempt to be a part of it all, just like everyone else, and again and again it just doesn't quite work. There may be many painful episodes before you realize that what is "for everyone" out there is just not for you at all. You may do work with other people, in helping them to be peaceful and comfortable in connecting their own lives to a higher truth, without ever really getting it yourself. Of course one is tempted to blame oneself for this sort of failure to connect. There are deep emotions associated with withdrawal from the world that must be examined if you are to begin to operate from a feeling of wholeness and truly make your own way. There is a part of yourself that has been carefully hidden away, defended from the pressures of consensus reality, and it may take a lot of work to get in touch with these dark places. It may be that you come to a sense of peace with your darker, more hidden self only after a long period of soul-searching. When you begin to make your way on this process of integration, then you find that there really is a way to be a part of the world at large, to participate and share in its wonders and its disasters too, without giving anything up. It is not easy to make this transformation, but it is vital to your emotional health and well-being, and makes it possible for you to reach out to others as well, who may be fumbling towards a similar apotheosis.
N Node in Leo (27° Leo 19' R) N Node in the Seventh House Lunar North Node in the Seventh House (or sign). South Node in the first house or sign. This placement gives a personality with a focus on forming close partnership attachments. You may have difficulties in marriage and partnerships; but there are also great rewards to be gained in this area. This is ultimately a spiritual placement of the North Node. In the past, or in past lives, you have been concerned with yourself alone, but now you must make the transition to being mostly concerned with others. This concern for the other person does not come naturally to you, for it is easier to rely on yourself, as you have always done. Now, in this lifetime, though, you need to focus your energies outward. The welfare of the other person, your intimate partner or your partner in other types of relationship, is a necessary key to your own spiritual evolution. By fulfilling this mission of connection with others, you enrich your own experience, so that you come back to yourself more whole, more well rounded. Your lessons in this life revolve around this ideal of true giving of yourself to another. Lunar North Node in Leo (or the fifth house). South Node in the eleventh house or sign. This placement gives a personality with a focus on being recognized and admired for the personal creativity that you manifest. You are fortunate in this lifetime, for few people have the capacity, as you do, of actually making your dreams come true. You are engaged in a life-long process of concretizing your thought images, turning the products of your extraordinarily clever intellect into actual manifestation in the world. In the past, or in past lifetimes, you specialized in ideals and imaginings, without giving much thought to working these out in the real world. But as you get on with your life's journey you find that actually manifesting these thought forms becomes more and more your focus. When you are on your true path, you find that you must act and create, for in acting you give form to the otherwise formless and ideal, and in so doing fulfill your destiny. Other Aspects
Mercury in strong opposition (within 1.5 degrees) with Jupiter The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This aspect gives a talkative and clever personality. You are also somewhat scattered. You are optimistic and may tend to exaggerate at times. You may be superficial, or changeable, or you may be too quick to judge others. Opportunities may be lost through lack of an ability to focus. You may be rash of speech. You also should beware of a tendency to be self-centered or conceited. You are fond of travel, intellectually enthusiastic and make a good teacher.
Jupiter in strong sextile (within 2.0 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections. This aspect gives a positive and optimistic personality. You are lucky and are likely to be successful at whatever you strive for. You have an expansive attitude toward new projects, so that there can be almost too much growth potential for you to handle. You have good spirits and are able to see the big picture, so that others find it an inspiration to be around you. You have possibilities for a career in travel or education, or perhaps as a spiritual leader. You may have to beware of complacency however, and benefit from cultivating humility in your dealings with other people.
Neptune in strong sextile (within 1.6 degrees) with Pluto The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections. This combination gives an individual with a personal involvement in the energies of the collective. This is a generational aspect, which many of your contemporaries will share with you. You have a subtle intuition and unusually clear insight into others. The influence of the unconscious is especially strong in you. You need to connect with your higher self in order to be happy. You function at your best in service to the world, helping to move it closer to a vision of spiritual union between all mankind.
Pluto in strong opposition (within 1.7 degrees) with Chiron The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. With this aspect you are likely to possess a very compulsive nature. You have a tendency to plunge into the depths of despair as well as the heights of manic madness as a form of compensatory reaction to the over-indulgence of wallowing in the depths. An overly active interest in sexuality, the potential for the abuse of power, ultimately powerful healing abilities, all are indicated. There are great depths of passion within you, likely the result of painful experiences from early childhood. As long as these experiences remain unintegrated, they will cause a stir, both for yourself and for anyone you become close to. When you become more conscious of these patterns you have a great capacity to heal yourself and others. You also have a keen intuition and great power to transform yourself and your personal relationships as you evolve. You may be one to harness the energy of the collective, especially with regard to the coming transformation of society.
Mercury in semi-sextile (within 0.6 degrees) with Venus The planetary energies attract each other, require effort, allow entry of new information. This aspect gives a charming manner and an idealistic philosophy. You are friendly and sociable, with a strong leaning toward the artistic and beautiful side of life. You may have marked artistic abilities. You have a youthful attitude, and probably like young people. You like to dress attractively, although not necessarily expensively, and are for the most part cheerful and optimistic. You have a pleasant speaking or singing voice, and express yourself well in speech or writing. You also can be very persuasive in a quiet way.
Mercury in inconjunct (within 3.0 degrees) with Chiron The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed. With this placement you may exhibit difficulties in communication or in how you express your ideas. There may be painful realizations in your background in connection with how you expressed yourself while a youngster. Stuttering is one possible manifestation of this type of influence. You probably experienced a wounding in your earliest exploration with other youngsters, possibly siblings. With this placement you are clever, yet there is blocking and frustration, until you begin to gain more conscious understanding of the ways in which you have been wounded, and also unconsciously wounded others. You also have a sharp and very intuitive mind. When you begin the process of transforming your painful memories into clear pictures with less emotion attached to them, you'll discover healing energy within your own psyche, and for your communication with others as well.
Mercury in trine (within 3.5 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This aspect gives a mentally active personality, who is very involved in mental pursuits. You are a good communicator, and a gifted thinker and organizer, and you can use these abilities in your professional life to great advantage. You also like variety, and may be quite eclectic and changeable in the pursuit of your goals.
Venus in inconjunct (within 0.9 degrees) with Jupiter The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed. This aspect gives a graceful and refined nature. You are naturally attractive, although you should beware of a tendency toward vanity or idleness. You are restless and like an element of change and adventure. You have an appreciation or talent for literature and the arts, and also work well in fields such as the law, or other work with the public. You should beware of being too easily influenced by others.
Venus in trine (within 3.5 degrees) with Chiron The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. This combination gives a personality that experiences difficulties with relationships. You are likely to have had painful experiences surrounding marriage and intimate partnerships, but there are also great rewards to be gained in this area. You are drawn to relationship at the same time that you fear it, so that you may also have a strong focus on forming close emotional attachments. You may have had early childhood experiences that made it hard to accept the love of others in your adult life. With these distractions, you also may strongly desire to help other people, and yet be unable to give them the full benefit of your higher self. It is good to make the effort to connect yourself consciously with any painful events that may be buried in your unconscious, so that these will no longer have so much power over you. Once you have begun to integrate these painful feelings consciously, and shed the baggage of earlier frustrations, you can be a more fully participating partner to others, and be more of help to them as well.
Venus in inconjunct (within 2.9 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed. This aspect gives a caring and aesthetically motivated personality. You are friendly and social, and consistently strive for harmony in your dealings with other people. There is a creative tension in your focus on your work that brings out the artist in you. You also may be well suited for a career in diplomacy, or some other elegant and graceful profession, such as interior decorating. You are likely to do better to establish yourself in a business partnership rather than being employed on your own.
Mars in trine (within 2.8 degrees) with Saturn The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. You tend to be reserved and to desire to better yourself. This aspect gives a deepening and concentration in the area of self-confidence and self-expression. The purposeful articulation of your will may be inhibited by subconscious fears, but this can be overcome. You have unusually good reasoning power, and your will is controlled and well organized. Your lesson is in striving to overcome your fears of self-expression, and thus come to a better understanding of yourself and others.
Mars in semi-square (within 1.0 degrees) with Neptune The planetary energies conflict in determined subtle tension; calmness is required. This aspect gives an attractive personality with a psychic sensitivity and an inclination to mysticism and the arts. You possess a good understanding of and balance between the practical and the ideal. You can also be vague regarding motives or discontented with life in the material plane. You could have issues with self-deception, or with deception practiced upon you by other people. You can benefit from clarifying your aims, and learning to focus your power and become a channel for its higher use in your life and that of society around you.
Saturn in sextile (within 3.6 degrees) with Midheaven The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections. This aspect gives an ambitious and clear-minded individual, with a strong sense of responsibility. You are persistent and thorough, and may be careful or calculating in your dealings with others. You have a deep urge for mastery and achievement, and are likely to find a position of authority and responsibility in your professional life. You are likely to succeed in the affairs of the world through your determination and your drive to achieve.
Neptune in trine (within 3.3 degrees) with Chiron The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. With this combination of planetary energies in your chart, you may have gone to the depths and back again in your life. You have a particularly strong access to the world of dreams and inner fantasy, which may serve as an escape valve for you. You may also be extremely sensitive to the psyches of others, may vicariously experience their pain. Something keeps you out of touch with consensus reality, but you also are not comfortable with this role. It is as if you stand on the other side of a glass door from the rest of society, through which you alternately gaze longingly and then lose interest and wander away into your own fantasy. You are capable of tremendous spiritual powers once you have begun to work through these difficulties and establish a better sense of where you stand vis a vis the remainder of society. You may exhibit great poetic or musical talent or the empathy of a born healer. Having come through a painful examination of your own psyche you are able to see more clearly and compassionately into the minds of others also.
Sun in weak conjunction (within 10.2 degrees) with Mercury The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets. This conjunction gives a person who values mental pursuits highly. Your logical and communicative abilities are excellent. You are quick-witted and glib, and can also be nervous and high-strung, or perhaps stubborn and difficult to shake from your opinions. You are an independent thinker with your own way of looking at things, and may be inspired and even visionary in your outlook. Although you value your mind, when the Sun and Mercury are quite close to each other, within a degree or so, you may be more inclined to take a broad view of life's activities and not consider things from a strictly mental orientation.
Sun in weak opposition (within 11.7 degrees) with Jupiter The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This aspect gives an optimistic and high spirited individual. You are likely to be fortunate in your material surroundings. You are convivial and lively, and generous with your money and your affections. There may be a tendency to overdo things, or to expand the waistline. You are attracted to higher learning, and the fine arts, and are courageous and loyal, but you can be extravagant and suffer from errors in judgment. You should also beware of too much egotism.
Moon in weak trine (within 8.0 degrees) with Saturn The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial. There is likely to be caution and reserve in your make-up, along with a good sense of the practicalities of life. This aspect gives a deepening and concentrating in the expression of your feelings. You may be extremely sensitive. You may have had a strict upbringing. The parental figures, in your life, especially your mother, may have been experienced as rejecting or uncaring. You may experience some difficulties in your relationship to the feminine. You may also benefit from relationships with powerful feminine figures, symbolic of the powerful feelings that need fuller expression in your own nature. The lesson for you here is to understand and value the true roots of your being more fully and deeply, leading to a better sense of security and greater self-acceptance.
Moon in weak square (within 8.1 degrees) with Uranus The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time. This aspect gives eccentric personality with volatile emotions, and a strong sense of intuition. You are likely to have changeable emotions, and may appear unpredictable at times to others around you. Novelty excites you; you may change your residence frequently, or be tempted into starting a new career. You also may feel insecure at times, possibly stemming from a disrupted home life in your early years, or from parents who were quite busy with their own affairs. Your early home life may also have been very stimulating and challenging. You are likely to go through fundamental transformations of identity in your life, and you are stifled if these impulses are not allowed expression. You are so individualistic you may have difficulties in settling down with a steady partner. You can benefit from learning to balance your needs for security with your urge for freedom and experimentation.
Mercury in weak opposition (within 7.0 degrees) with Saturn The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge. This aspect gives a profound mentality, deepening and concentrating your mind and your powers of speech and communication. You are shrewd in business, and are adaptable to a variety of professions. Long hours of concentration could produce in you a brilliant scholar, or a star of the legal profession. You may seem to suffer from a variety of nervous disorders, but these could actually be the result of subconscious fears of inadequacy in mental pursuits. You may on the other hand over-compensate for this by making extraordinary efforts. You may also feel a sense of isolation and loneliness in your life. Your lesson is to learn faith and to cultivate a positive attitude toward your mental process, restructuring that process along more personal and less rigid lines.
Jupiter in weak conjunction (within 5.5 degrees) with Saturn The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets. This conjunction gives a serious and conscientious personality. You are strong morally, and likely to be socially active. You are quietly ambitious, with a good sense about you that impresses other people. You make an excellent manager, and have a strong drive to achieve success, with a talent for working with the public. You also tend to be extremely careful with money. You may have difficulties with the material side of life, but you have the capacity for hard work that will help you to overcome such difficulties. You desire to be a force for good in society. If you live up to this ideal, you will be a natural leader, being optimistic, yet practical, and possessing excellent judgment. For the early part of your life you may tend to hide your light under a basket; your powers are likely to grow as you mature. |