Taurus Horoscope for October 2018

Taurus Horoscope for October 2018

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of major transformation for you, Taurus, especially in terms of worldview. The way that you see the world around you, and your place within it, will be forever changed. This is accompanied by a distinct shift to the inside; all this summer you have been moved to consider the consequences of taking inner process more seriously as an active component to physically manifest events. As your outer process equally goes through further alteration, this depends in large part upon these inner considerations. You are also in an introspective mood this month, as indicated by the fact that your ruler, Venus, is in retrograde motion right through to November. This takes place mainly through your partnership sector, so that you are in the interesting position of being concerned for the way that significant others interact with you and help to form your own opinions, while simultaneously you are quite sure that your own inner priorities are fundamentally important for charting your pathway forward.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Just as the month gets going, exact on October 2nd, Mercury in Libra in your sixth house of work and service makes a square to Pluto in Capricorn in your ninth house of the higher mind. You may discover yourself studying something very intensely, or find within yourself the desire to get to the bottom of things or to understand the whole truth of the matter. It’s a great time to find practical ways of enacting your higher beliefs or spiritual values, or to put your ideas to practical service in the world. With Uranus having recently entered your home sign in May of this year, you are moving into a long season of personal rebirth, so that questions about where to put your time and energy become important and are even more philosophical in scope.

October 5th, Venus in Scorpio will turn retrograde in your seventh house of relationships. Over the course of the next forty days, you will be reevaluating many important aspects of your relationships, or perhaps your social life in general. Because Venus is your ruling planet, this is going to be a particularly personal time of growth and change. For as much as you are both a lover and creator of harmony, Venus’ retrograde in the Mars-ruled sign of Scorpio could challenge you to confront different kinds of shadows in your relationships. People or patterns from your past may resurface, or you might be more emotionally vulnerable than you are typically comfortable with. If you are already in a relationship, don’t be surprised if things are changing rather dramatically for your partner, as well. If you are single, then don’t be shocked if you find yourself attracted to someone embodying complex, deep, and shadowy Venusian themes.

On October 8th, the New Moon falls in Libra in your sixth house of work and service, toning the entire thirty-day lunar cycle that follows. You are going to be working hard in the month ahead, and likely in relation to the topic of shared duties or responsibilities at the work place or within your relationships. There is nothing that makes you happier than a combination of productivity or stability and beauty, but given the retrograde of Venus you might be struggling to find the balance between work and play, or you could be looking at the way in which your deeper values conflict within yourself, or within your relationships, affecting your day-to-day life.

On October 10th, Venus retrograde in Scorpio in your seventh house of relationships will square Mars in Aquarius in your tenth house of career, just as Mercury enters Scorpio and is opposing rebellious Uranus in your home sign. Whew! Things will be coming to a head regarding your work life and your relationships, with an emphasis on philosophical or spiritual levels of questioning or debate. Even though you are usually a peacekeeper, be sure to allow yourself room to question, room to challenge and to be challenged. Even if you are not the intense, intellectual type, there is a rewarding level of change and growth available to you right now if you open yourself to emotionally honest questions and thought provoking or spiritually transformative dialogue.

On October 11th, the Sun in Libra your sixth house of work and service is squaring Pluto in the ninth house of higher mind, once again suggesting a very deep philosophical, spiritual, or educational transformation that is at work in your life right now. Whatever this transformation is about, it may very well drag things up from your unconscious, or it may involve a level of questioning or even challenging teachers, mentors, or authority figures.

Similarly, October 19th, Mercury in Scorpio in your seventh house of relationships will square Mars in Scorpio in your tenth house of career. Watch for themes of incisive thinking and speaking, debate and dialogue, analysis and study. You may also find that you are attracting the interest of people in power, or that you are capable of handling difficult topics with greater precision and skill.

Lastly, the Full Moon of October 24th will conjoin Uranus in Taurus and oppose Venus in Scorpio in your seventh house of relationships. As your sense of identity and life direction is changing, so are your relationships and so is the social image you project. Similarly, as partners themselves are changing, so too are you questioning your own values and priorities. With Venus retrograde also set to oppose Uranus in Taurus in your first house, exact by October 30th, the end of the month features a chain reaction of events largely focused, once again, on your relationships and changes happening therein. Your ruler, Venus, is also changing signs, to Libra, so that you are perhaps by next month becoming less centered on partnership activities. It’s truly a dynamic moment for those born under the sign of the Bull. Remember, that most of the time you will enjoy your greatest happiness when you find the most “natural,” simple, and beautiful way of living your life. When you prioritize soul-level needs, your relationships will change as you do, because you cannot help but create harmony wherever you go.

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