Scorpio Horoscope for November 2018

Scorpio Horoscope for November 2018

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are very focused this month on inner realities, Scorpio. Although it is the more private side of your development that calls you now, the inner work in which you are engaged will lead you in time to new initiatives in all areas of your life. The Scorpio New Moon of November 7th hits the exact middle degree of your sign – and brings fresh energy to bear for issues of self-concept and for the evolutionary progress that you crave, while Venus retrograding through you sector of unconscious process brings a distinctly spiritual point of view to bear. While you have been delving for many weeks now into home and family concerns, including issues of your family of origin, and as well your dwelling, you are more committed than ever to solving these and seeking in the process to discover what is an essentially spiritual solution. You are also drawn to unexpectedly powerful service goals toward important partners and for your community at large.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins with retrograde Venus, your ruler, now in relationship-oriented Libra, corresponding to your twelfth house of confinement and unconscious process, emphasizing these areas, while the Leo Moon briefly opposes Mars, remaining in Aquarius, corresponding to your fourth house of home and family. After rethinking all last summer the way that you do this important area of life, you are still engaged in seeing through your changes there, putting the cap on your accumulated wisdom in this area.

Then, on November 7th, the Scorpio New Moon falls in your first house. With Venus having also just recently retrograde through your first house, you are in the midst of a personal transition that is tied to your relationships. With the New Moon falling in your first and Venus set to turn direct later this month, you are now ready to make an important transition or to integrate and implement changes that have been bubbling below the surface in your relationships for some time now. You may also be motivated to explore the way that you act upon your deepest values, rather on society’s ideas of your duties.

Meanwhile, for much of the month, Venus will be retrograde in the sign of Libra, in your twelfth house of dissolution and transcendence, opposite Uranus in Aries in the sixth house of work and service. As the retrograde continues, Venus is now emphasizing much deeper and more introspective themes in your relationships from the twelfth house: grief, loss, patterns of self-destructiveness, loneliness or isolation, as well as the need to surrender and allow for difficult transitions to be made. At the same time, Venus’ opposition to Uranus suggests that breakthroughs are also possible right now if you allow yourself to receive instructions from your unconscious. Transitions and change are never easy, but Scorpios are naturally good at finding the gold buried in the shadows.

Watch especially for shifts in the cosmic weather when Venus turns direct on November 17th. This is a good time to initiate changes that you’ve been working through since early October when Venus first turned retrograde. Watch also for the relationship themes mentioned above to culminate on November 30th, when Venus will perfect in her opposition to Uranus, creating a powerful moment of breakthrough and transformation, just before re-entering your first house where it will instigate new beginnings (adding to the symbolism of the New Moon in your home sign this month!).

On November 8th, Jupiter enters Sagittarius and moves into your second house of finances, resources, and values, where it will stay for the next year. This is an expansive transit that often brings windfalls or new opportunities for financial or business-related growth over a longer period. However, you should be cautious because while Jupiter may indicate big gains or big savings it can also indicate big expenses or excessive spending.

On November 15th Mars, the warrior, will change signs and move into Pisces in your fifth house of creativity and joy after spending most of its time in Aquarius since May. Mars will then square Jupiter in Sagittarius in your second house of finances and resources on November 19th. It’s a wonderful time to invest in your creative interests or endeavors, as you will likely feel energized to express or assert yourself more creatively right now, while Jupiter may be providing you with the financial support to make it happen or the inspiration to turn your talent into a profit somehow. On the other hand, once again you should be careful of the temptation to overdo things or to overindulge. Something meant to be fun and light-hearted could easily turn into a regrettable purchase or a drain on your time or energy.

November 17th Mercury turns retrograde in Sagittarius in your second house of finances and resources in a square to Neptune in the fifth house of creativity and joy. This Mercury Retrograde period in your second house, along with the recent entrance of Jupiter suggests that you are reconsidering, revising, or reorganizing something related to your finances, your time, or perhaps your lifestyle in general. It may be a good time to hire a professional organizer or accountant, or to simply cut back on unnecessary spending. With the square to Neptune toning this retrograde period, you should also be careful that you are thinking carefully and using the utmost discernment with the choices you make right now, as you may not be thinking clearly or may be easily misled. It’s also a great time to find creative inspiration from an unusual source, or to invest in a creative form of communication or technology that may be useful, or even profitable, moving forward.

Finally, November 22nd into the 23rd, the Full Moon in Gemini in your eighth house of death and rebirth opposes the Sun and Jupiter in Sagittarius in your second house of money and resources, while also creating a t-square with Mars in Pisces in your fifth house of creativity and joy. The Full Moon in your eighth house suggests a critical moment of transformation is at work to close the month. With Venus also opposing Uranus in the final days of November, you are looking at the potential for a dramatic breakthrough in relationships while things related to money or resources are also being highlighted. With your ruling planet in the fifth house, you may be looking for ways to free up more of your time and resources so that you can invest in those things you are most passionate about or those activities that bring you the most happiness.

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