Sagittarius Horoscope for February 2022

Sagittarius Horoscope for February 2022

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another rather intense month for you, Sagittarius, as you arise like the phoenix from the ashes of previous weeks and months to shine in a new way in all your endeavors. You have lately been in an entirely introspective mode, delving into your own psychological depths and considering issues of life and love from an interior perspective. This could have been something of a trial, it being perhaps not all that much fun down there, but there are rich rewards to be had as can take advantage of the new perspectives gained. Your home and family concerns have been bubbling below the surface and issues too of learning and communications have been simmering. Most importantly, your values are transforming with the seismic shifts within you that have been taking place. You are getting ready to emerge more whole with greater peace of mind, enhanced future plans, and your sense of life purpose. With the potent Leo Full Moon of February 16th you might be able to see yourself through to new dimensions of your lived experience that takes integration almost automatically into the picture.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Aquarius at the very beginning of February ushers you into a new cycle related to your thought process and how you communicate with your entourage. This New Moon is conjunct limiting Saturn, and square to trickster Uranus, bringing surprises. Being a Sagittarius, you have a lot to say and yet this past year it might have felt harder to say what you think – and mean what you say – thanks to Saturn putting a lid on your usual candid nature. Now, in February, deepening your understanding of what you are up to will allow you to express yourself better. You could find yourself reading, writing and researching more in order to sort out your thoughts and refine your outlook on a particular topic. The New Moon conjunct Saturn could mean that you will be able to concentrate more fully on whatever subject you chose and be more deliberate with your speech. There may be more weight to your words and ideas at this time. The New Moon being square to Uranus brings an innovative edge to this month and you may have to integrate new elements into your routine. You may also have to contend with unforeseen factors or adapt to unforeseen circumstances.

Mercury stations direct in Capricorn on February 3rd and this could slowly begin to bring forward motion to financial matters. In the following weeks you may have a better idea as to where things are heading and what you have to work with. Mars in Capricorn sextile Jupiter in Pisces from the 3rd to the 5th could also bring the propensity to spend on things related to your home and yet it might be a good time to strategize, invest or delay gratification – which is what Mars in Capricorn is really good at.

On the 8th, the First Quarter Moon in Taurus takes place just as Mars in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus from the 7th to the 9th. You might have to deal with difficulties or contend with logistical upsets that, if you approach them strategically, can end up working to your advantage.

Mercury conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn on the 11th, and then and trines the North Node in Taurus on the 14th, emphasizing your resources and the logistics required for something to run smoothly. You may have to change your schedule or re-assess the way you do things in order for something to work out.

Mercury also enters Aquarius on the 14th which can also help you streamline things in the following weeks although you’ll have to move some pieces around.

The Full Moon in late Leo takes place the 16th, which may help you to put things into perspective, taking stock of a much bigger picture. If you’ve been feeling uncertain as to where things are heading, this Full Moon in Leo could shine a light on how best to align yourself philosophically so that you can navigate this time with success. This might succeed by adopting a different framework that allows you to better conceptualize the path ahead. Keeping an open mind about what’s possible is a definite help at this time; spurring you to increased confidence in order that you keep aiming for the highest that you have within you.

Venus and Mars came together in the sign of Capricorn on the 14th, and are prominent in this Full Moon, their close conjunction lasting clear through to beyond the end of February, which could bring up preoccupations around your material resources. This mid-month time might be a good opportunity to adjust your attitude to the material, or perhaps to put a strategy in place that can help you manage your assets and give you greater peace of mind. There may be some excitement in the air as well because your ruling planet Jupiter sextiles Uranus in Taurus. Unexpected events could catalyze sudden novel realizations and synchronicities abound. You may want to ground any excess energy by working on your home, or better organizing your space, in this fundamentally which may also help you sort out your preoccupations.

The Sun enters the Water sign of Pisces on the 18th which brings even greater attention to home and family, and also signals the last thirty days of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun in Pisces gradually emphasizes your domestic life over the following thirty days and your focus could turn to your private life and your family. This is a dynamic period when your actions are directed towards making the very basis of your life more sustainable and you will be less interested in superficialities such as climbing the social ladder.

During the last full week of February, Mars and Venus together in Capricorn, still closely conjunct, come into a sextile with Neptune in Pisces, giving a dreamy and soul-driven quality to what you value, and perhaps linking your wallet in some way to your current projects. There may be a propensity to spend more on renovations. With Neptune there is the possibility of illusion, so make sure that what you envision is possible before jumping blindly ahead. Or you might find yourself trying to fill a void with material things so that it becomes important to think things through. It may be best to use your zeal for things that can add tangible support to your life and try to direct your inspiration into the most creative outlets.

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