The Imminent Breakthrough of the First Quarter Moon

The Imminent Breakthrough of the First Quarter Moon

Friday's First Quarter Moon is an interesting one in that, as the moment comes of greatest tension in their square aspect, the Sun and Moon occupy the very last degree of their respective signs, for the Sun, Capricorn, and for the Moon, Aries. The Sun is thus about to break into the next Zodiacal sign of Aquarius - as in the age of; namely what we are all living...

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The Shaky Courage of the Capricorn New Moon

The Shaky Courage of the Capricorn New Moon

The New Moon that comes along mid-day on Friday provides a generous helping of get-up-and-go for forging ahead with our lives at this turning point of the new year, and also brings up both past and future considerations. The Roman God Janus - for which the present month is named - presided over transitions and openings, and had two faces, one looking forward with...

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A Poignant and Transformative Full Moon

A Poignant and Transformative Full Moon

With Friday's Full Moon we reach an important stage in this pivotal end-of-year period. This is an especially significant moment in time, one week after the 2012 Day and just a few days before the New Year, Monday the 31st at midnight, and featuring the perfection of the Saturn-Pluto sextile that has come along in this Winter 2012 time frame to add its weight to...

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The Storied Winter Solstice of 2012

The Storied Winter Solstice of 2012

We have all of us in one form or another been awaiting this 2012 Day, December 21st, 2012 – the day foretold in the ancient Mayan calendar as the end of all cycles – and now it is upon us. But what does it really mean? First of all, cycles end and cycles begin again. That we as a culture are going through a holy time period of massive...

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A First Quarter Moon Time for Change

A First Quarter Moon Time for Change

Wednesday's First Quarter Moon reminds us that while we are here for multiple reasons, not the least of which is to grow in our understanding of ourselves and of each other, there are circumstances that inevitably come up to waylay us in that effort and that seem to present impassable obstacles to our journey forward into wholeness. This current configuration...

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