The Trying Tension of the First Quarter Moon

The Trying Tension of the First Quarter Moon

The First Quarter Moon, taking place early on Thursday morning, traditionally marks a time of increased tension and a phase of difficulty in putting our goal kick across the line. This is a time when, on the highway to the fulfillment of our New Moon desire, the rubber truly meets the road; when we get to see the drawbacks and the limitations to our schemes and...

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The Potential Integration of the Aries New Moon

The Potential Integration of the Aries New Moon

The New Moon in late Aries, taking place early on Wednesday morning, is a special one. It is accompanied by a triple conjunction of Mars, Venus and the new planet, Eris, making a total of six planets in Aries counting Sun and Moon, since Uranus also resides at the 10th degree of Aries in forming square with Pluto. The new dwarf planet, Eris, is a feminine warrior...

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A Time for Reevaluation with the Capricorn Last Quarter Moon

A Time for Reevaluation with the Capricorn Last Quarter Moon

Tuesday evening's Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn represents in many ways a perfect follow-up to the very intense Full Moon from the middle of the last week of March. This particular phase signals that we are trying hard to get the essence of what is really happening to us now; reevaluation is almost certain to be a part of that. The Moon is conjunct Pluto while the...

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A Testing Aries-Libra Full Moon

A Testing Aries-Libra Full Moon

Wednesday's Full Moon is yet another in the series of potent Full Moon configurations that have been happening around the end of every month. They have been taking place in the first ten degrees of their respective signs, bringing those signs into prominence and aspecting also the outer planets at similar degrees of Aries (Uranus); Scorpio (Saturn); Capricorn...

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A Sensitive and Feisty First Quarter Moon

A Sensitive and Feisty First Quarter Moon

Tuesday's First Quarter Moon is that phase in the lunar cycle when the rubber meets the road – the time when our concrete plans from the New Moon one week prior, and our cherished ideals as well, must measure up to the standards of practicality set for us by a world seemingly indifferent to our original level of enthusiasm. These very issues have become much...

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