Exciting and Challenging First Quarter Moon

Exciting and Challenging First Quarter Moon

Wednesday morning's First Quarter Moon brings several interesting factors to the cosmic table, as we continue our process that began with the dynamic New Moon of a week earlier. Traditionally this phase represents that moment of time when what suddenly becomes apparent are the snags and the practical considerations that make the working out of our initial impulse...

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A Difficult and Hopeful New Moon

A Difficult and Hopeful New Moon

Tuesday's Leo New Moon is quite a potent lunation, another in the recent series. This occasion in mid-Leo is strong in part because of the aspects made to the outer planets from the Sun and Moon, and from Jupiter in Cancer. Jupiter is exactly opposite to Pluto at the time of the late afternoon New Moon, while the Sun and Moon trine Uranus, and the Moon is in...

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Star of David Quarter Moon

Star of David Quarter Moon

Monday's Last Quarter Moon is of great interest, in that it summarizes a powerful lunation cycle that has had an important Mercury Retrograde as well as many outer planet connections; it is also fascinating in that the Moon trines Venus to complete a grand sextile with Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter and Pluto. This inscribed six-pointed star within the circle of the...

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A Full Moon Moment of Contemplation

A Full Moon Moment of Contemplation

Monday's Full Moon in the very first degree of Aquarius, with the Sun in the first degree of fiery Leo, brings new factors to this month's challenging and beautifully deep astrology, namely the Air and Fire elements. Relationship, consciousness and growth are therefore more greatly emphasized. The Sun, now in Fire as he changes signs, represents for each one of us...

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An Emotional Quarter Moon

An Emotional Quarter Moon

Monday evening's First Quarter Moon, taking place in the last decant of Libra, is traditionally a time when the tension of the initiating lunar cycle peaks, so that we encounter a "crisis in action" as we attempt to move some factor in our lives further forward. In this case, with the Cancer emphasis, and under the reflectively inward orientation of the Cancer...

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