A Difficult and Illusory Last Quarter Moon

A Difficult and Illusory Last Quarter Moon

Saturday afternoon's Last Quarter Moon puts us in a reflective mode, in keeping with this final quarterly phase of the lunar cycle, during which we attempt to assess who we are, and where headed, from the standpoint of recent experience. This is also in chime with the Mercury Retrograde period that we have been in since last Monday, another cosmic factor drawing us...

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A Full Moon Eclipse of Illusive Realities

A Full Moon Eclipse of Illusive Realities

Friday's Aries Full Moon is also an eclipse, although we cannot necessarily see it. This means that this Full Moon is a stronger and more intense lunation, so that the symbolism of its planetary configurations will last for the next six months or so into the future. And that very future is also far from certain, given the predominance of the outer planet alignments...

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A Contradictory and Thought-Provoking Quarter Moon

A Contradictory and Thought-Provoking Quarter Moon

This Friday afternoon's First Quarter Moon is interesting in that, just as the possibilities seem darkest for what we are engaged in, the bright light of Jupiter beckons from mid-Cancer to assure us that, somehow, everything will turn out just fine after all. This lunar phase can indeed be trying, carrying the symbolism of what seminal astrologer Dane Rudhyar...

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A Feisty New Moon

A Feisty New Moon

Friday evening's New Moon makes some important waves. Even though taking place in peaceful Libra, this configuration packs a real punch, with nearly all of the outer planets powerfully aspected. Take a look at this star-studded cast of characters: we find the New Moon itself, in the twelfth degree of Libra, almost exactly opposite the trickster energy of Uranus,...

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A Quarter Moon time of Reflection

A Quarter Moon time of Reflection

Thursday's Last Quarter Moon is an unusually strong one, accompanied as it is by connections to all three outer planets as well as Chiron, representing the archetype of the Wounded Healer. This week's lunation also features a close forming square between Venus and Mars, symbolizing creative conflict between female and male, also relationship versus individuality....

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