A Dramatic and Curious Full Moon

A Dramatic and Curious Full Moon

Wednesday evening's Full Moon in feeling-oriented Cancer comes at the halfway point in the lunation cycle that began two weeks ago. As such, it represents a fulfillment of some of the promise of the visionary impulse that was launched at that time. The startlingly potent New Moon that began this month and year on the 1st had a good solid hit of both optimistic...

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An Enlightening First Quarter Moon

An Enlightening First Quarter Moon

Tuesday evening's First Quarter Moon is an interesting one because, just as it indicates the next milestone lunar phase — evolving from the strong initiatory impulse from last week's Capricorn New Moon of the 1st — this configuration also represents a further stage in the retrograde of Venus that began at the time of the December 21st Winter Solstice....

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A Difficult and yet Rewarding Last Quarter Moon

A Difficult and yet Rewarding Last Quarter Moon

Wednesday's Last Quarter Moon comes at a time when families are potentially gathering all across the Western world because it is also Christmas Day, when we celebrate the birth of the divine within us all; a date that is also timed to coincide with the ancient celebration of the return of the solar light. The Solstice itself, having taken place on Saturday,...

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 A Full Moon Time of Unfolding Destiny

A Full Moon Time of Unfolding Destiny

Tuesday's Full Moon in Gemini comes as the culmination of the cycle that began two weeks prior at very nearly the beginning of the month. With the Moon in the sign of curiosity and intellectual potential and with Mercury close to the Sun in the natural ninth sector of higher learning, we have an opportunity to take home with us now a non-material reward from the...

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A First Quarter Moon of Relating and Growing

A First Quarter Moon of Relating and Growing

Monday's First Quarter Moon comes right at the midpoint of the beginning two weeks of this month's powerful lunation cycle, when transformational outer planet energies are once again activated, presaging a further stage of the spiritual evolutionary journey of these intense times as we slide into the end of the year. Now, as well, Mars has entered...

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