A Challenging and Enlightening New Moon

A Challenging and Enlightening New Moon

The Virgo New Moon, taking place early on Monday morning, is a powerful one, bringing an essentially spiritual quest into up close and personal connection with our more ordinary material pursuits, and providing moments of startling clarity. This is because, as the energy peaks in the first few degrees of this mutable Earth sign, implying new beginnings of a...

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A Slow and Lingering Last Quarter Moon

A Slow and Lingering Last Quarter Moon

Sunday's Last Quarter Moon brings Mars and Saturn together, an aspect that grows stronger over the week that follows and that signals forward momentum, as symbolized by Mars, coming to crashing halt against the brick wall represented by the limitations and restrictions of Saturn. This phase in any case expresses a time of stopping still in our tracks in order to...

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A Thoughtful, Inspiring and Frustrating Full Moon

A Thoughtful, Inspiring and Frustrating Full Moon

Sunday's Full Moon in Aquarius brings greater consciousness to the fore, stressing individual versus group participation, plus again emphasizing the Saturn-Uranus inconjunct aspect that has been so prominent in these summer skies. With the Moon reaching its culmination we are witnessing the full flowering of the impulse from the recent Leo New Moon of two weeks...

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The Lessons of the First Quarter Moon

The Lessons of the First Quarter Moon

Sunday afternoon's First Quarter Moon, for August 3rd, makes for a very interesting first week of August, in part because the Sun and Moon at that time are in exact aspect to the transformational energies of Pluto, still hanging out in the 12th degree of Capricorn. The quarter moon takes place in the 12th degree, for the Sun and the Moon, of Leo and Scorpio. Then...

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A Positive, Demanding and Confusing New Moon

A Positive, Demanding and Confusing New Moon

The New Moon of Saturday, July 26th, takes us on a very special ride. The Sun and Moon are conjunct positive and optimistic Jupiter, and yet also inconjunct nebulous Neptune, indicating that in spite of an unbridled sense of optimism that can move mountains, things might not be entirely what they appear. With a prominent Saturn-Uranus aspect also triggered by the...

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