Capricorn Horoscope for April 2019

Capricorn Horoscope for April 2019

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Your identity is shifting, Capricorn, as you are becoming more fully yourself. Your self-expression is blossoming; surprises abound in this area, along with novel treatments that you may be startled to see coming out of you – old wine from new bottles. In the timing of the April 5th Aries New Moon you are making a fresh start with who you think you really are, a thorough-going metamorphosis down to the very core of your being. Family relationships reflect this enlarged interior understanding, which might call upon you to review issues stemming from your family of origin, or your current living arrangements, including your dwelling space itself. All this internal pressure may well have the salutary effect of putting you in closer touch with what you most sincerely espouse, and are therefore willing to act on, as you move forward into the remainder of a climactic year. When you can succeed in putting all your energy behind deep convictions that are uniquely your own, you will not go wrong.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

April features a series of planetary configurations between the sign of Pisces in your third house of the mind and communication and Sagittarius in your twelfth house of dissolution and self-undoing. The sequence begins when Mercury in Pisces conjoins Neptune in your third house on April 2nd, and then makes a square to Jupiter in Sagittarius by April 12th. Then, Venus will conjoin with Neptune in Pisces on April 10th and make a square to Jupiter in Sagittarius by April 15th. This entire sequence points to the need for a healthy mental and emotional outlet or escape this month, perhaps including the need for deeper romantic or creative connections. You may also need more time to yourself, time to reflect or deepen into a spiritual or creative practice, or you may find that you are looking for new ways to make your daily routines and obligations more emotionally fulfilling. Just remember that with such romantic and grandiose planets like Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune in the spotlight, it can be easy for rational Mercury to get flooded by emotional and charismatic energies, making it harder to be discerning and rational.

On April 5th, the New Moon will land in Aries in your fourth house of home, family, and foundations, and then the Sun will perfect squares to your ruling planet Saturn, as well as Pluto, in your home sign of Capricorn between April 10th and 13th. The Moon cycle ahead will thus initiate changes in the area of home and family matters, while also bringing these topics into direct tension with you, your health and energy, or your general sense of life direction. The desire to initiate changes in your life right now, based on your core principles, or based on the need to focus or hone your gifts and abilities, will be very strong. However, the counter-balancing affect of the Full Moon in Libra in your tenth house, taking place on the 19th, will also require you to find a harmonious, fair, and diplomatic way of bringing these changes out into the world.

Between April 19th and the 23rd, the Full Moon lands in the sign opposite the previous New Moon that started the cycle, as described above, while both Mercury and Venus will conjoin Chiron in Aries in your fourth house, pointing to the need for deeper healing, honesty, learning, and growth relative to your home life and your intimate relationships. Don’t be afraid to speak the truth and to hear the truth from others right now, even if it’s somewhat challenging. There is a lot to learn right now, and much that can be healed if you are willing to explore some of your most deeply rooted psychological patterns with others.

On April 20th, the Sun will also enter Taurus in your fifth house of good fortune and creativity, conjoining Uranus there until the 23rd. While this transit may bring some unexpected jolts or disruptions (as Uranus is prone to do), it may also bring creative breakthroughs, unexpected liberations from constraints or limitations, and a general sense of being plugged into a higher source of power and insight.

Finally, between April 25th and 27th, Mars in Gemini in your sixth house of work, sickness, strife, and service, will square Neptune in Pisces in your third house. While Mars in the sixth house is traditionally said to “rejoice,” the sixth house rarely brings anything that we don’t have to work for or work through, hence, like Mars, it was traditionally called the house of hard work, sickness, and strife. With a square from Mars to Neptune in your third house of the mind and immediate environment, this transit may also indicate that you are getting involved in an act of selfless service, or that you are finding a transcendental or higher purpose within whatever work you are doing. However, you should careful of losing yourself in a pointless battle right now. While Mars/Neptune is a classic “Joan of Arc” signature, it is also related to the less healthy “martyr complex.”

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