Cancer Horoscope for September 2022

Cancer Horoscope for September 2022

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a time of realizations for you, Cancer, and for additional commitment to the issues that connect with you deep down. Mercury retrogrades on the 9th in your root sector, and will represent a significant influence on you, as you reconsider, review, and reevaluate home, family, communication, and unconscious process for the remainder of the month. Career matters might come up for you and the significant thing is that you take seriously the factor of what you hold deep inside yourself, your fundamental moral compass that only you can fully articulate. This month is a time of digging down and recognizing your true principles and how they influence the way that you put yourself out there in a public fashion, either through career or socially. This refers to deep and largely unconscious parts of you that are now coming more greatly to the fore, through a process of intuition and of trust. These deeper and more hidden portions of your psyche do desire to come further into consciousness, and your task over the course of an introspective weeks-long period would seem to be that you more greatly acknowledge this simple and yet profound fact.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The recent Virgo New Moon, from August 27th, set the stage for the thirty-day lunation cycle that takes up most of the current month. This brought a fresh wave of inspiration to your communication sector and as well your sector of career and professional life. You are also keyed to your unconscious desires as this reflects on your public career statement, especially as Mercury stations retrograde the second weekend of the month. September therefore has for you a thoughtful and introspective energy in conversation, writing, and mental exploration. Your intuition, operating below the level of conscious awareness, is also strong. You might be preoccupied with translating what you have been learning into more digestible formats or finding ways to apply broad concepts to your everyday life. You might feel emboldened by a vision of success and be hard at work towards the realization of your dreams. Mars in Gemini receiving a square aspect from the New Moon highlights the pressure you may be putting on yourself underground or unexpected efforts needed to get through an intellectual task. Your home life is conditioned by a combination of limitation and unexpected opportunities.

Venus is in Virgo for the month starting on the 4th means it could start to feel easier to organize your thinking but you may still have to be mindful of being overly critical especially towards yourself. Your desires might be turned towards being useful to the people around you and with Mercury stationing retrograde in Libra on the 9th, your family or your domestic life could also be on your mind.

The Full Moon in Pisces on the 10th culminates in the part of your chart that relates to knowledge, philosophy and more extensively academia. This Full Moon may highlight what you have been learning or concepts you are trying to integrate into digestible formats. Your skills and knowledge could be emphasized at this time especially if you are actively pursuing an educational journey. Otherwise, the Full Moon in Pisces could be an invitation to take stock of philosophies or travels that have helped you gain greater perspective more recently.

On the 15th through the 17th, Venus in Virgo squares Mars in Gemini which may bring hidden tension to the surface especially if you find yourself unable to fully access what you need at this time. You could also be more focused than usual on your goals and a more introspective influence could permeate the middle of September. Mercury Retrograde in Libra opposes Jupiter in Aries on the 17th through the 19th for a second time this month which may have to do with a career or a domestic scenario that requires your attention. Some logistical issues are possible but you should be able to work through them without much difficulties.

The Sun entering Libra on the 22nd is an important pivot that might bring an emphasis on your home life in the weeks ahead. You could find that a situation with a family member is taking up more of your time in the later part of the month. Mercury conjoins the Sun in Libra on the 22nd and 23rd, which could help you understand more clearly what you need at this time to feel secure. However on the 23rd through the 24th, Venus is also opposing Neptune and you could be more readily willing to sacrifice yourself to keep the peace with siblings or family members. This is at the detriment of your own goals, so keep that in mind.

The New Moon in Libra taking place on the 25th signals the beginning of a new cycle for domestic and family matters. The New Moon opposes Jupiter in Aries and this can bring new potentiality for public life and career. You may feel a renewed sense of faith that things are the way they are supposed to be. Your attention is also on personal matters and how to reconcile your private life with your career goals.

As September comes to a close, your bonds and commitments to others may be highlighted in some ways and you could receive support from your close collaborators. Taking the time you need to root down and focus on your needs can ensure that you move through this time with a sense of inner solidity no matter what the external circumstances may be.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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