Cancer Horoscope for December 2020

Cancer Horoscope for December 2020

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another interesting and somewhat difficult month for you, Cancer, less so, perhaps, when you consider that conflict builds character, and that everything happens for a reason. You are being tested, especially in terms of relationship, to enable that you emerge as the very best and most authentic version of yourself. As the poet says, “Why? That my chaff might fly; my grain lie sheer and clear.” There has been a period of mulling over your career choices, and now a movement forward into novel realms that more closely reflect your deepest values. The Winter Solstice, on December 21st, represents a degree of closure, and is an extremely powerful juncture, one peak of the December month. Also notable is the solar eclipse of the 14th, emphasizing service to the surrounding collective, and the blossoming of the ordinary. It is in the realm of partnership that the greatest transformation has taken place and will continue to, over time, a slow-moving earthquake that will rearrange all aspects of your life heading into the new year of 2021.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The Lunar Eclipse in Gemini that took place on November 30th may still bring flashes of insights as you enter December. You’ve been in an ongoing process of decoding your unconscious, and a lot of clarity is emerging that might even feel surprising to you. The ways in which you’ve always processed things are changing, and this could be due to your willingness to attend to your programming. The Lunar Eclipse in Gemini may carry a powerful reset in the following weeks allowing you to rewire some of your more deeply ingrained habits, thought patterns and beliefs.

Mercury enters Sagittarius on December 1st bringing an awareness surrounding your health and habits. With the Sun already in Sagittarius, you may be feeling the need to prioritize your well-being, integrate healthier patterns, and perhaps this also involves unplugging from the constant stream of information and technology that permeates our lives. On the 5th and 6th, Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces emphasizing pleasure, children, romantic longings and creative expression. This area of your life may have gotten regenerated following the New Moon in Scorpio in mid-November. There could be good news surrounding your children or it may be that a project that is close to your heart is starting to bear fruits. Something important is taking shape that relates to your powers of creation, and your ability to constantly renew yourself in the waters of your imagination which is the source of all your manifesting powers. 

During the second week of December on the 9th, the Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces and trines Mars in Aries on the 11th. You could be fantasizing about a trip or an educational journey while not being sure how it could be logistically possible. New horizons are opening up. You may be gaining ground in terms of what’s possible career-wise, and start to see the shape of things to come. Whereas the details may still be eluding you, if you can sit with what is emerging, and have faith in your process, things will soon start to gain better definition. For now, it is the big picture idea that is fuelling a dream, a vision, or a new direction.

On December 14th, a total Solar Eclipse occurs in the sign of Sagittarius. Your need for spontaneity and adventure in your everyday life has been missing dramatically this year due to social restrictions. However, the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius may open up new channels in the following months that allows you to reintegrate a sense of wonder into your life. You’ve been aiming your bow in all directions without being able to find the proper targets but this may be about to change. Transforming your attitude and thoughts surrounding a recurring problem instead of trying to focus on the problem might be the key that unlocks new potential. Venus enters Sagittarius on the 15th and could add even more exciting new things to your schedule. It might be fun to go on a hike, or try a new recipe while Venus transits here. Anything that adds a dose of excitement to your everyday life should feel extra rejuvenating this month.

On December 16th, Saturn re-enters Aquarius where it will transit until March 2023. It initially entered Aquarius on March 21st, but only stayed there until the beginning of July. Themes which may have first surfaced around the Spring Equinox may appear again with Saturn’s official entry into Aquarius. The good news about Saturn in Aquarius is that it won’t be opposing your sign anymore. Saturn in Capricorn for the last two and a half years may have brought difficult lessons in terms of partnerships as you’ve learned to define better boundaries for yourself. On the 19th, Jupiter follows suit and enters Aquarius until the end of 2021. You can see Saturn and Jupiter along with the Moon as they apply to a conjunction with each other. For you Cancer, the entry of these two gas giants in Aquarius will bring attention to the part of your chart that relates to your business or intimate partnerships and what you own in tandem with others.

Mercury enters the heart of the Sun on the night of the 19th which could bring clarity or an important message.

On December 21st, the Sun enters Capricorn signaling the first day of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Your partnerships are highlighted during Capricorn season and it’s a good time to reach out to your loved ones, touch base, and connect. The First Quarter Moon in Aries on the same day may find you trying to divide your time between your career goals, and your relationships. There is momentum building in the last week of the year which culminates with a Full Moon in Cancer on the 29th. Your emotional needs, your body, and your overall requirements to feel nourished are highlighted. You could be more emotional than usual, and feel like curling up at home with a loved one, and a good movie. The holidays may bring up memories of family gatherings, and of the good old days. You may feel like cooking and sharing meals or revive a family tradition to mark this important transitional time into 2021.

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