Cancer Horoscope for April 2018

Cancer Horoscope for April 2018

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a tricky and yet rewarding month for you, Cancer, with many of the goodies coming to you on the inside. You are very other-oriented at this time, which does not however imply that you are here to neglect your own individual evolution, but rather that all forms of relationship with trusted partners will play a vital role in furthering your own self-development as well as partnership activation. Your worldview is mightily shifting. There is also a large dose of professional involvement in the mix for you right now. With Mercury retrograding through your career sector as the month begins, you will be questioning and refining your understanding of what you do in the world, and how that fits in with your ongoing underlying investigation of who you really are. Once you can answer this vital question, you will know what to do about its articulation in the public world of beliefs in action.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

April begins in the wake of the Full Moon in Libra in your fourth house of home, family, and property. This Full Moon has been highlighting the tension between your work or professional life and home and family matters. Now, as a new month gets started, Mars and Saturn are conjoining in your seventh house of love and relationships. Don’t be surprised if your partner or spouse is incredibly busy and productive at this time; Mars and Saturn represent hard work, determination, productivity, and results, but they also sometimes reflect workaholism, which you may not like if it means time away from home, family, or emotional intimacy. At the same time, beware of the desire to control other people right now or the potential to be dominated or controlled by those you are closest with. Working on something cooperatively, on the other hand, is an excellent way to spend your time right now.

Between April 7th and April 11th Venus in Taurus in your eleventh house of friends, groups, and wishes for the future will make trines to Saturn and Mars in Capricorn in your seventh house of partnership and love. It’s a wonderful time to make new social connections or to deepen existing bonds. Sometimes the biggest challenge in relationships boils down to whether we share common dreams or goals, or common social groups or friendships. We don’t have to be the same as one another. This is an important lesson for Cancers because as a child of the Moon you crave family-like intimacy or emotional fusion with your environment. However, having nothing in common doesn’t work either. Right now it’s a great time for creating deeper bonds between yourself and those you love, perhaps by sharing together in events or activities that inspire everyone or foster shared goals and dreams.

Late in the evening of April 10th and into April 11th the Sun in Aries in your tenth house of career and public reputation, will make a square to Pluto in your seventh house. This is a powerful and transformative moment. Things are changing quite significantly in your career right now and they may have a dramatic impact on your personal relationships as well. Next month, the planet Uranus will enter your eleventh house of groups, friends or allies, and dreams for the future, signaling a major shift in your entire social and professional paradigm. Your vision of the future is about to change dramatically, but the question might be, “How will others feel about it?” Or, “How much stock should I put into how other people I’m close with might perceive the changes I’m going through right now?”

April 15th to 18th the Sun in Aries will conjoin with the rebellious and unpredictable Uranus in Aries in your tenth house, exact just days after a New Moon in your tenth house on April 15th. Ever since Uranus entered Aries in May of 2010, your career has gone through a complete revolution. Now, as Uranus is finishing it’s 8-year stay in your career house you are about to undergo another revolution as Uranus enters Taurus and moves into your eleventh house. This new revolution has to do with a new set of long-term dreams or goals, accompanied by an exciting new set of allies, friends, or colleagues. However, as you are preparing for this change, which gets started next Month, you might have to make some dramatic changes in the work place. Just remember, you are emotionally affected by things in ways that most people are not. It’s therefore important that you not move too quickly and that you don’t burn any bridges as you are making big changes. You may not feel it at first, but the emotional effect of being too impulsive right now will likely hurt you later. So be gentle, even as you are inspired to make radical changes.

Between April 16th and 17th, Venus in Taurus in your eleventh house will oppose Jupiter in Scorpio in your fifth house of children, pregnancy, creativity, and joy. If you have children or you are planning to have children you might be reconsidering or revisioning future plans in order to match the needs and desires of your children, or the need for more family fun time. This is also a wonderful transit for meeting or falling in love with someone special, perhaps someone you will meet through a group or creative activity. Be careful of overdoing things right now, as Venus and Jupiter together sometimes reflect overindulgence or extravagance.

Finally, on April 26th, Mars will conjoin with Pluto in Capricorn in your seventh house. Big changes are also brewing within your intimate relationships. Whenever Mars and Pluto conjoin you can expect a tremendous outpouring of energy, work, and productivity. This could mean, as we saw earlier in the month, that your partner is working very hard on something right now or that your partner or relationship is undergoing some massive transformations. Mars and Pluto conjoining can indicate a powerful time of confronting shadows or being forced to address something challenging. If you’re not in a relationship, you could very well meet somebody new under the transit but be careful that whoever you meet is as emotionally available as they are hard working or productive. As a Cancer you will always need your partners to be emotionally invested in you and in the relationship.


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