Scorpio Horoscope for May 2018

Scorpio Horoscope for May 2018

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You have an intense month of changes, and changing realizations, ahead of you, Scorpio. The important thing to remember is that you are not alone in steering your ship, but rather the Universe has also its benevolent hand on the wheel. You can at times simply become a witness to the flow. This is especially so during the first half of this month. A traditional explanation reads “surprises in the work place (and how!)” and we can also amend this from a higher perspective to invoke the sense of spiritual mission that you bring. This has indeed been a moving target of late, regarding, in the way of service to the collective, what you most deeply value and therefore feel that you must accomplish in this lifetime. After May 15th, partnership in your life becomes inspirational, and can prove to be of great help in sorting out what you find that you must, at any cost, attempt to achieve.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

It’s arguably the biggest month of the year for you, and for everyone else around you, thanks to the movement of the planet Uranus into the sign of Taurus on May 15th, and there are no two signs more impacted by this transit than Taurus and Scorpio. Let’s look at this transit in depth.

Let’s start with Uranus moving into your seventh house on May 15th. This is an incredibly powerful transit because whenever a slow-moving outer planet changes signs and houses and enters one of the four “cardinal” or “angular” houses, it becomes both prominent and dominant. When a planet becomes prominent it means that it stands out and its symbolism becomes vivid in your life. When a planet becomes dominant it means that the power of the planet’s influence in your life becomes very strong, and sometimes even overwhelming. The seventh house is the house of marriage and relationships; most students of astrology know this. But not many people know that for ancient astrologers the seventh house was also about completion, consummation, and finality or death. The reason for this is that the seventh place is the place of the setting Sun. In fact, all the planets and stars along the zodiac set in the west each day as the earth rotates on its axis over and over again. So, after traveling through the sky from rising to culminating, planets complete their hard work in the western sky and then disappear below the horizon. Ancient astrologers also associated the seventh house with the place where a planet merges with forces other than itself or beyond itself, and for this reason the seventh house was also traditionally associated with the consummation of weddings, worship of the Gods, festivals and ceremonies held in the evening hours, etc.

Uranus, on the other hand, is the planet of disruptions, awakening, liberation, discovery, and rebellion. When Uranus enters your seventh house you can expect that your relationships are going to shift and change, suddenly and perhaps radically. This can manifest in a variety of ways. If you’re single, then you might meet someone in an unexpected manner, or you might meet someone who somehow breaks the mold. If you’re in a relationship, then your partner may be experiencing significant changes in his or her life, perhaps changing their attitude or outlook dramatically. On the other hand, Uranus entering the seventh house can indicate that a relationship is ending or that you or your partner are desiring more freedom or independence, or that the relationship itself is about to undergo a major revolution. Relational and sexual experimentation are not unusual during this transit but be careful because as a Scorpio you are prone to jealousy and usually require deeper and exclusive commitment. Overall, this transit will demand that you find the balance between freedom and bonding in all your relationships, and while this can be rewarding it can also be very challenging.

In addition to these themes, Uranus entering the seventh can also signal a period where you are completing something, or where an important period of karmic resolution is taking place in your life, overall. For example, sometimes relationships end or become formalized, people graduate from school or leave a job, grandparents pass away, and a variety of old patterns are gradually released. Uranus in the seventh house may indicate that we are growing up and letting go, so to speak, and it’s also a house where we gain important perspective by understanding things that are either bigger than us or “other” than us (this may include religious or spiritual experiences as well!). As a Scorpio, you are naturally a creature of emotional fusion, but as Uranus enters your seventh house you will be learning how to create a balance between togetherness and independence.

Uranus transits generally last seven to eight years, so this transit will develop and intensify as the months and years go by. However, when a planet first enters a new house and sign, generally we start to sense and feel signs of major changes right away. Of all the signs of the zodiac, you have arguably the best radar for sensing or feeling major changes before they happen, so listen to your intuition right now because it will probably tell you exactly where changes are coming and exactly how you can surrender to, rather than obsess over, the process.

Finally, the same day that Uranus is moving into Taurus, May 15th, there will also be a New Moon in Taurus in your seventh house, and the planet Mars will simultaneously enter Aquarius, squaring Uranus into the 21st of the month. The New Moon adds to the brand-new energy of Uranus moving into your relationship house. Meanwhile, Mars entering your fourth house of home, family, and property emphasizes a dynamic moment of change, hard work, or challenge related to your living situation, your family or relatives, or your property. These fourth house changes will be directly correlated to and amplifying the transformative power of Uranus as it enters your seventh house. It’s therefore truly a dynamic month for Scorpios, with the middle of the month highlighted as a particularly powerful time.

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