Libra Horoscope for November 2018

Libra Horoscope for November 2018

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an interesting and somewhat intense month for you, Libra, what with your ruler, Venus, stationing in highlighted fashion in the later degrees of your sign while Mercury simultaneously begins its retrograde in your communications sector. You are experiencing a call to the basic divinity of everyday life. The action takes place within the scope of your own internal, private spaces with eventual implications for the way that you present yourself to the world. You are digging into self-concept in a major way over the first half of November, and discovering novel intuitional resources to help guide you on your developmental pathway forward, possibly with the direct aid of helpful partners, inciting you to new adventures. As an active part of working out where it is that life is taking you right now, you might seek to communicate with important others regarding the healing of ancient wounding that has been in some ways holding you back from exploring your most authentic being.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins with retrograde Venus entering into your sign of Libra, or your house of identity, indicating that you may well be reflecting on what this area of life truly means for you, and who, at base, you really are. At the same time the Leo Moon briefly opposes Mars, still in Aquarius, corresponding to your fifth house of creativity. After rethinking all last summer the way that you do your thing, you are still engaged in seeing through your changes there, and trying to better understand them.

Then, on November 7th, the Scorpio New Moon falls in your second house of money, resources, and values. With Venus, your ruler, having also recently retrograded through your second house in Scorpio, you have been focused on the topics of money, values, and resources in the last month, and with the New Moon falling in your second house and Venus soon turning direct, you are now ready to implement a new plan of action or to actualize the lessons you’ve been learning. You may also be motivated by important partners to act upon your deepest values, rather on society’s ideas of what you need to do.

Meanwhile, all month long, your ruling planet, Venus, will be retrograde in the sign of Libra, in your first house, opposite Uranus in Aries in the seventh house of relationships. As the retrograde continues, in addition to changes or challenges around finances, you are still more generally looking for the right balance in your relationships. Though you are naturally good at harmonizing with others, the need to break free, experiment, or defy the norms in your relationships is strongly emphasized right now.

Watch especially what happens in your life when Venus turns direct on November 17th. This is a good time to initiate changes in both relationships and finances. Watch also for financial and relational themes to culminate on November 30th, when Venus will perfect in her opposition to Uranus, creating a powerful moment of breakthrough and transformation, just before re-entering your financial house and moving into the sign of Scorpio again.

On November 8th, Jupiter enters Sagittarius and moves into your third house of communication and the mind, where it will stay for the next year. This is a dynamic transit, signaling the beginning of a period of expanded learning, teaching, and intellectual growth. It may also signal the need to communicate with more confidence or enthusiasm, or to become a messenger on behalf of something that you believe in very deeply. It’s also a great time to explore new avenues of technology or to find inspiring new teachers or mentors.

On November 15th Mars, the warrior, will change signs and move into Pisces in your sixth house of work and service after spending most of its time in Aquarius since May. Mars will then square Jupiter in Sagittarius in your third house of the mind and learning on November 19th. With Mars coming into the picture, you are being asked to put whatever you are learning into practical service in the world, and to work hard and labor for what you believe. Mars in the sixth may also indicate a period of testing or arduous work ahead. However, it’s likely that whatever challenges you are facing right now will only galvanize you because Jupiter’s presence in the third house suggests an aura of mental excitement.

November 17th Mercury turns retrograde in Sagittarius in your third house in a square to Neptune in the sixth house. This transit points to a process of mental, intellectual, or communicative healing, transformation, or clarification. However, with Neptune strongly toning Mercury’s retrograde period, you may be dealing with some level of confusion or fogginess right now so be sure to keep good boundAries and be as discerning as possible, especially in your communication dynamics around beliefs or ideals.

Finally, November 22nd into the 23rd, the Full Moon in Gemini in your ninth house opposes the Sun and Jupiter in Sagittarius in your third house, while also creating a t-square with Mars in Pisces in your sixth house of work and service. This month is all about a change of mind that is leading to a much larger philosophical or even spiritual transformation to come. You are ready to open your mind to a broader perspective, but it will require that you find practical ways of integrating new ideas into everyday work and service.

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