Libra Horoscope for May 2018

Libra Horoscope for May 2018

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a pivotal month for you, Libra, when many factors are in play. While you are in a fortunate place with finances, material needs or in better defining your own values, creative concerns are up for you with the key partnerships in your life, as has somewhat been the case all year. This was emphasized in the final two weeks of April following the Aries New Moon, with all its associated astrological activity in your relationship sector. Core issues of who you are, deep down, form a major part of this equation, as well as issues of home and family. It might be that important partners in your life are significant in handling the changes you feel to be in process with family members, or with what is going on at depth within your psyche. You have a brilliant opportunity in front of you to make needed changes and to better understand yourself in the deeper places within you.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

It’s a big month for you, and for every single sign in the zodiac, and that is due to the entrance of Uranus into Taurus on May 15th, as well as the recent entrance of Chiron into Aries (last month, April 17th). For Librans this transitional period couldn’t be more important, as the angular, seventh house of relationships (a natural domain of interest for Librans) is being strongly activated, and because when Uranus exits the seventh house of relationships and enters the eighth house, that will be a place that also commonly features a variety of issues related to close interpersonal connection. Let’s look at each of these major transits, in depth.

Since May of 2010 the planet Uranus has been transiting through the sign of Aries and your seventh house. As a child of Venus, you are naturally a peace-maker, you have a natural eye for beauty and harmony, symmetry, justice, truth and fairness, and yet the planet of rebellion, sudden disruptions, and awakenings has been journeying through your relationship house in the sign of Aries, whose ruler is Mars, the god of War! It’s therefore been almost eight years of foundation-shaking experiences in relationships. Your partners may have gone through difficult or transformative experiences, your relationships have been challenged by disruptions, awakenings, innovation and boundary-shattering events, and overall you have been encountering enough Mars (confrontation, courage, challenge, aggression, etc.) to last you for a while! This isn’t a bad thing. As a child of Venus, your natural shadow is the opposite planet of Mars. It’s not as easy for you to be assertive, confrontational, direct, aggressive, and autonomous. This transit has been providing you with opportunities to learn and grow in the direction of these qualities, and that’s a good thing. However, as the planet Chiron enters your seventh house and Uranus leaves, there is an altogether different kind of energy entering the sphere of your relationships.

Chiron is considered by astrologers to be associated with both wounds and the wisdom surrounding these dark places within you. As this energy enters your seventh house, the wild rebel represented by Uranus is leaving, and the sage, healer, and student is entering. Chiron expresses itself in a fundamentally more grounded way, compared to Uranus. Over the months and years to come you will therefore notice a change in your love life that reflects the quieter presence of Chiron. Chiron will bring an opportunity to heal some of your deepest wounds and traumas surrounding love, marriage, sexuality, and relationships in general. Chiron may bring significant teachers into your life who challenge you or help you to confront those areas that are most painful or those memories or past traumas that are still troubling you. Chiron in the seventh house may also reflect an almost meditative sense of growing wisdom and maturity that you are beginning to embody regarding your relationships, and yourself. You might be called to act as a mentor, counselor, or teacher to others who are struggling with any of these issues. The only thing to be careful of with this transit is the temptation to be the healer for others, or to seek healing from others, at the cost of maintaining healthy boundAries. Once the scales start tipping back and forth, as a Libra it’s sometimes hard for you to get back to a balanced and healthy place. You should therefore use this transit as an opportunity to discover a new kind of balance in relationships, one that can exist in and through life’s natural ups and downs, or one that avoids the kinds of extremes that have perhaps thrown you off in the past.

Meanwhile, the planet Uranus is entering your eighth house on May 15th. Planets in the eighth house are traditionally associated with the fear or anxiety of death, or of the future. The eighth house was therefore called “the Gate of Hades,” and it was also associated with penalties or loss (imagine that planets in this area of the sky are moving toward the underworld and will lose light and life). In addition to these topics, the eighth house is also associated with insurance or protection against loss, our spouse or partner’s income or assets, and passive income in general. Uranus entering the eighth house is introducing into your life a karmic period that will naturally awaken and liberate you from some of your most basic anxieties, fears, or basic worries, but as it does so it will also challenge you to explore new ideas about what constitutes real security for you, especially emotionally.

Uranus in the eighth house also brings shakeups to our finances, sometimes in the form of new avenues of passive income, inheritance, or significant changes to a spouse or partner’s income. The general blessing of every Uranus transit is that Uranus brings unpredictable changes into our lives that promote awakening and freedom (if we can keep and open mind and avoid the trap of anxiety and fear that the eighth house often tempts us with). Over the next eight years, Uranus will also continually point you to those areas of life and those patterns of behavior that most need to change for you to avoid worst-case scenarios. The important thing to remember is that the wisdom Uranus brings isn’t always patient and may not wait for you for as long as you prefer to deliberate about things. Life in the material world isn’t always balanced, it’s not always pretty, and the choices and circumstances we face do not always present us with a clear way of avoiding difficulties. The sooner we accept this, the sooner we begin to see an invisible, but much deeper, level of beauty, truth, and harmony flowing through everything. This transit brings the kind of realizations you were born to have!

Finally, the same day that Uranus is moving into Taurus, May 15th, there is also a New Moon in Taurus in your eighth house, and the planet Mars will simultaneously enter Aquarius that evening, squaring Uranus into the 21st of the month. The New Moon adds to the brand-new energy of Uranus moving into your eighth house, emphasizing the powerful themes mentioned above. Meanwhile, Mars entering your fifth house of self-expression, pregnancy, children, pleasure, and creativity points to a dynamic moment of creative change or transformation related to how you seek pleasure or express yourself in the world. You may also see reactivity around the theme of your children or challenges with your children become more pronounced at this time. These changes will be directly correlated to and amplifying the transformative power of Uranus as it enters your eighth house. It’s therefore truly a dynamic month for Librans, with the middle of the month highlighted as a particularly powerful time.

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