Leo Horoscope for May 2020

Leo Horoscope for May 2020

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is more than a little wild for you, Leo, with emphasis on your work in the world, as well as partnerships, and concepts of service to humanity at large. Issues of intimacy could come up for you, especially over the first three weeks of the month, when there is also a spiritual glow attached to the highlighted vision of important partners in your life. Your learning curve is huge. The beginning of the month finds you casting about in all directions for new ideas to drive your outer world presence, seeking greater alignment with your authentic beliefs. Mid-month is an intense time of potential reversals regarding all that you know and plan. All through the month, you are being called to a sense of life mission, what seminal 20th century astrologer Dane Rudhyar called the discipleship to your higher Self. In this you are enjoined to follow the deepest values of your innermost heart, as well as concepts of natural law that you might be able to come to by a process of profound intuition.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The First Quarter Moon in Leo opens the month of May, taking place just the day before. This brings to your emotional awareness any tension you might be feeling right now between your career aspirations and your immediate reality. This very beginning of the month could also symbolize the way that this lockdown has likely forced you to find creative ways to manage your career along with the many roadblocks you are facing. Uranus, currently transiting along with Mercury in Taurus in your career sector means you have to contend with some unpredictability in that part of your life. You could literally be shooting off in all directions. However, Mercury conjunct Uranus could also bring in loads of fresh ideas to help you move ahead. The trick with Uranus is to think outside of the box, and to be willing to break your own rules! This is obviously easier said than done, but the exercise is worth attempting. There is therefore a lot of momentum available to you the first week of the month, especially if you are looking to put yourself out there and try something new.

The Full Moon of May 7th takes place in the sign of Scorpio, illuminating your roots and your home base. This could represent a period of intensity as the Moon in Scorpio highlights built-up tension either at home or within a partnership. You could be feeling edgy, or not in the mood to compromise. Nevertheless, this lunation could also represent an excellent opportunity to have painful albeit healing conversations about recent hurts. Mars transiting in Aquarius the first half of May brings up an uncompromising attitude within your partnerships, which could create friction. This Full Moon is a great time to be honest with yourself and with others about the more painful aspects of any particular situation.

The Sun in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces on May 9th-10th, highlighting the ways in which others support you and what you do. Mid-month is a good time to count your blessings whether those take the form of emotional support or financial backing. Saturn stations retrograde in Aquarius late evening of May 10th, which might signal shifts in partnership activity, or perhaps relieve some of the pressure you have recently felt in your relationships, allowing greater introspection on your part.

On May 11th, Mercury enters Gemini signaling the beginning of a busy time for Leos. You could find yourself exchanging loads of ideas or working on projects in a group setting. Collaborations could come up as you find yourself fuelled by your connections. If not, this could also represent a time when reaching out to others or creating community becomes more important.

The Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius on May 14th is a rather intense timing for you, bringing to the forefront any compromise that might be needed within your relationships. With Venus in Gemini and Jupiter in Capricorn having just stationed to retrograde motion by the 14th, this mid-month timing is an important turning point. There is a give and take necessary for partnerships to run smoothly, and this could be a good time to assess whether all parties are getting their needs met. Venus moving retrograde through Gemini, until late June, represents a time when you might be called to reassess your alliances. You cannot extricate yourself from the whole, and you might realize how much the support you get from others, and from your group affiliations, contributes to your success and your general well being.

The Sun enters Gemini on May 20th, increasing all communications in your social sphere. You could feel ready to go out and dance the night away. It might be time to find creative ways to fulfill your need for socializing. Conversations with others will be stimulating, and it's a good time to reach out and network.

The New Moon in Gemini on May 22nd is your cue to start planting what you want to see grow over the next six months in connection with your community. Mercury in Gemini and Venus currently retrograde are in an exact square with Neptune in Pisces at the time of the New Moon. This could indicate a time when you want to express your affection more openly. You could feel creative and playful, which attracts new opportunities and friendships into your life. Ideas that seemed far-fetched just a few months ago could now be a lot more enticing. Considering the recent lockdown, new opportunities might emerge as others close. With so many planets currently transiting in Gemini, ideas will be flying around, so that the real question becomes which ones are worth pursuing. It is also important to note that Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus being retrograde at the moment could call for a reassessment of priorities.


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