Gemini Horoscope for November 2019

Gemini Horoscope for November 2019

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is yet another transformationally oriented and potentially surprising month for you, Gemini, when you are being invited to explore your own inner world by intuitional means. This differs markedly from normative pure logic, where you excel. Partners might also be vital at this time in enabling you to take on new perspectives. This inverted way of sensing unconscious process makes a good deal of twisted sense for you right now, because your ruler, Mercury, is also moving backward for most of the current month. As Mercury is retrograding through your sixth solar sector, you will likely be re-thinking and refining issues such as your sense of life mission, workplace concerns, and daily health regimens. The usual symptoms of mechanical breakdown and communication mishaps will apply, especially since there is also a strong dose of Saturn in this picture. You might find that you are more committed and determined than ever, while more fully embracing your core, bottom-line values even as you attempt to better understand them.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School in his final month with us. Adam has decided that other obligations of his must take precedence. We are grateful for his steady support of our astrological content for the past two years!

The month of November follows closely after a New Moon in Scorpio (from October 27th) in your sixth house of work, sickness, and service, opposite Uranus in Taurus in your twelfth house of self-undoing and dissolution. As the month unfolds, you will continue to explore the need to work and free yourself from something that has been weighing you down, or you might be rebelling or resisting some level of revolution or change that has been cropping up recently. It’s important that you commit to the process of your own inner work, without seeking a quick fix or an unhealthy escape, otherwise you won’t find the freedom and release that you’re looking for.

Just before the month began, your ruling planet Mercury turned retrograde in Scorpio in your sixth house, further suggesting that this month will be a time of painstaking revision, labor, or even selfless service that you will be experiencing in the weeks ahead. It’s also a great time to revise your daily work and health regimens.

On November 1st also, Venus moves into Sagittarius in your seventh house, placing an emphasis on relationships, while between November 1st and 6th, Mars in Libra in your fifth house of joy and creativity will also square Pluto in Capricorn in your eighth house of shared resources and debts. This transit suggests that you may be laboring through some kind of creative collaboration right now, struggling to get through of a period of work or strain that is draining you, or working to pay off some kind of debt that has been limiting your resources or ability to have fun. The good news is that this period can also be highly practical and productive.

Between November 6th and 9th, the Sun in Scorpio in your sixth house will make a trine to Neptune in Pisces in your tenth house of career. Watch for a moment of inspiration and greater vision or clarity to present itself to you right now. The daily grind is leading you to a grander and wiser vision, but it may be humbling you along the way.

On November 12th, the Full Moon falls in Taurus in your twelfth house of unconscious process dissolution and self-undoing. Your dreams are powerful for you now, and it is a great time for a quiet, sensual – and artistic – retreat. On the other hand, you should be careful that you aren’t seeking an easy escape from the challenges that have been presenting themselves to you in your sixth house of work this month. Finding meaningful ways of spiritualizing your challenges is good but trying to bypass them won’t work!

Between November 11th and 15th, Venus in Sagittarius in your seventh house of relationships is squaring Neptune in Pisces in your tenth house of career. This is an excellent time for making new creative, romantic, and professional connections. It’s also a great time for meeting new allies. The good news is that this transit, along with Venus’ conjunction to Jupiter between November 22nd and 25th, should help translate some of the hard work you’ve been doing (vis-a-vis all the Scorpio energy in your sixth house of work) into tangible results, positive social or creative collaborations, and possibly even lucrative financial connections.

On November 20th, your ruling planet Mercury will also turn direct in the sixth house of your workplace, just as Venus is conjoining Jupiter in your seventh house, suggesting that the deeper/heavier themes of work and toil toning the month in the early stages is now reaching a time of integration and clearing. You should be feeling a lot lighter going forward, especially in the final weekend of the month.

On November 24th to the 26th, Mars in Scorpio in your sixth house will oppose Uranus in Taurus in your twelfth house, signaling the onset of a tangible breakthrough. Just be careful that you aren’t impulsive or reckless. Things are likely loosening up and changing quite rapidly for you by this point, but it won’t go well if you are trying to force or demand the changes too willfully.

Finally, on November 26th, the New Moon falls in Sagittarius in your seventh house of relationships, pointing to an entire lunation cycle ahead, leading up to the end of December, that will be focused on your important relationships, business partnerships, and so on.

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