A Scorpio Full Moon of Evolutionary Turnings

A Scorpio Full Moon of Evolutionary Turnings

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The upcoming Full Moon arrives in its exact position on April 23rd at 4:49 pm PT, and takes place in the enigmatic depths of Scorpio. This is the first Full Moon after the recent Eclipse Season and represents the culminating point of the cycle that began with the extremely potent New Moon Solar Eclipse from April 8th. Perched at 4º18’ Scorpio, opposite the Taurus Sun, this Full Moon also makes an important T-square to Pluto, indicating dynamic tensions that yield burgeoning growth and new awareness. This Full Moon also transpires just two days after the exact conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, still rippling its revelatory and expansive vibes into material realms, bringing along all manner of unexpected twists and turnings of wild awakenings. Additionally, Mercury is still in retrograde motion in active Aries, slowing to its direct station on April 25th, and prompting us to introspect, revisit, and re-evaluate. This is therefore a time for reflection on where life is currently taking us.

Taking a closer look, this Full Moon in the fixed water sign of Scorpio signals an illumination of shadowed awareness, and emergent discoveries of hidden mystery realms. This energy of our intangible depths is being paired and bridged with the more physical and embodied realms of Taurus, where we find the Sun in opposition. The luminaries occupying the Scorpio-Taurus axis tend to bring our awareness to how we interface with the ongoing process of change and growth in our lives, and where we are able to embrace our evolution, as well as where we tend to get stuck on resistance to change. With the Sun and Moon making a very close T-square to Pluto at 2º of innovative Aquarius, this particular Full Moon has a massive emphasis on the ongoing cycles of birth, death, and regeneration, looking like a mighty wind of transformation blowing. This is especially so for the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. This signature suggests tension and breakdown that, with willingness and open presence, can blossom into brilliant breakthroughs that offer a greater sense of freedom.

In another dimension of current breakthrough, this fixed sign situation is further complexified by the presence of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. You may have heard much already of this storied conjunction – which only happens once every 14 years or so, bringing wildly revelatory and awakening energies along with it. Jupiter’s magnifying effect with Uranus’ deliverance of liberation spells big opportunities for quantum leaps and brilliant ideas, yet is not entirely without its pitfalls. You might potentially find yourself feeling like the rug has been ripped out from beneath you, or at the mercy of a shocking event that disrupts the status quo, shaking you away from a “business as usual” mentality. Ultimately, this energy has the potential to create new pathways for your brilliance to be embodied and expressed, which can best be aided by your awareness and willingness to grow. When we can take responsibility for where we fumble, endeavoring to be radically kind to ourselves and others as we share in this profound and simultaneously messy human experience, we win out in the end.

All through this month, as well, messenger Mercury continues its retrograde journey through Aries, reweaving and re-imagining the stories we hold around selfhood, vitality, and choice. Mercury’s station later this week, on the 25th, prompting us to slow down, is followed by its retrograde shadow period lasting to the middle of next month. Retrograde Mercury is conjunct the North Node in this Full Moon configuration, asking that we keenly examine our beliefs about our own identities. We might need to concurrently endeavor to extricate false notions and harmful cultural conditioning from that which is actually true for us, in alignment with our unique essential nature, in that way allowing a more radiant, alive, and true version of ourselves to emerge. This is an invitation to choose your thoughts and interior landscapes with great care, as an act of power and authorship of your own life story and experience of reality.

This Full Moon constitutes a wild mix of energies, riding in on the coattails of a whopper of an Eclipse Season, and spells out continued themes of growth and evolutionary energies in both personal and collective spheres. May we all receive the benefits and nourishment that are suddenly available, and weave a shared reality of radical kindness and fierce benevolence as we further emerge into authenticity amidst the ever-unfolding territory of our rapidly evolving world.

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